Cps Investigation Parental Rights


In Iowa, parents have specific rights during a CPS investigation, including consulting a lawyer, denying entry without a court order, and refusing to answer questions without legal representation. Document all interactions and seek legal counsel. For lawyer referrals, contact the Iowa State Bar Association.

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My son was taken by CPS after being admitted to the hospital with breathing problems and a fever. Found out on my own he's lactose intolerant and they're were force feeding him milk through a tube in his nose making him have an extremely bad rash. Also the CPS investigator started the assessment on the 10th of October my son wasn't born yet. Among quite a few other things
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Michelle. Can you please tell me in which state this is happening? Each state has different laws regarding CPS investigations.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Michelle. In Iowa, parents have rights during a CPS investigation:
- You can consult a lawyer at any point.
- You can deny entry to your home unless they have a court order.
- You can refuse to answer questions without a lawyer present.
Always document interactions. Consider seeking legal counsel for this matter.
Who would you recommend, Im having trouble finding legal counsel
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I can't recommend specific lawyers. However, you can contact the Iowa State Bar Association for lawyer referrals. They can provide you with a list of attorneys experienced in CPS cases.