California P Ebt Card Usage


The California P-EBT program provides food benefits for eligible children. Parents can use the card for family groceries, but its meant for the childs needs. Minors property rights are generally controlled by parents, but actions should be in the childs best interest. If you face issues, seek help from a trusted adult or local legal aid.

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What are sunbucks?
Sunbucks isn't a recognized legal term. It might be a business name or trade term. Could you please provide more context or specify the area this term is related to?
Sorry i askes my family members they said it was food stamps for kids during the summer it's $* on there
It appears there might be some confusion. In California, there's a program called "Pandemic EBT" or P-EBT which provides families with food benefits during certain times. It may be what your family refers to as "sunbucks". Is this the program you're referring to?
It said that on the card it's basically food stamps for kids in their name alll the kids are getting one
It sounds like you're referring to the P-EBT program. In California, this program provides food benefits to eligible children:
- Who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
- Whose schools are closed due to COVID-*.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask.
Ok thank you can my dad use those for himself?
The P-EBT program is specifically for the children it was issued to. However, parents can use the card to purchase food for the family. It's not intended for personal use by adults outside of feeding the eligible child.
Yeah he'll probably take it and use it to buy groceries for me and him or the house
That sounds acceptable. The P-EBT benefits are meant to assist in providing meals for eligible children. If your father uses it to buy groceries for the family, including you, it's within the program's intent.
Oh ok i just hid it because i am going to use it for when i go to my grandma's next week
That's a good plan, using the P-EBT card for your needs is the intent of the program. Just ensure that the purchases remain food-related. Feel free to ask if you have more questions.
Thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, the P-EBT program is there to help support you and your family with food needs. Have a great day!
Can he still use it even if i don't give him permission?
The P-EBT card is issued for the benefit of the child, but parents or guardians can manage it. If you're uncomfortable with your father using it without your permission, it's best to discuss this with him. If issues persist, consider reaching out to a trusted adult or local legal aid.
I just put it under my mattress for now his mom will probably mention to him that kids are getting food stamps and he'll look into it they will probably just use it to buy groceries for the house
It seems like you're concerned about the use of your P-EBT card. It's vital to have open communication with your family about this. If you feel the benefits are not being used for your needs, consider seeking help from a trusted adult or local legal aid.
So if i bought something for myself with birthday money i got from my family can my dad take it away from me because I'm a minor or no because it is mine and i bought it with my money
In California, parents have legal control over their minor children's property. However, this doesn't mean they can confiscate personal belongings arbitrarily. Ideally, it's for protection or in the child's best interest. If you feel your rights are violated, contact a local legal aid.
Oh ok because i bought myself a brand new pair of nike shoes with my birthday money and he'll probably take them away from me if he is mad at me
It's unfortunate to hear about your situation. If your father attempts to take away your personal items, it's important to have a calm discussion about it. If it becomes a serious issue, consider seeking help from a trusted adult or local legal aid.
Yes because he always pulls that everything is mine until you are *
I understand your concerns. In California, while parents do have legal control over their minor children's property, they should act in the child's best interest. If you're facing issues, consider discussing with a trusted adult or contacting a local legal aid organization.
Yeah he does it to be controlling he's threatened to take away my dr martin shoes and all my band t shirts because he doesn't like them and i do
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In California, while parents have some control over a minor's property, it should be in the child's best interest. If you feel your rights are being violated, consider contacting a local legal aid organization.