Dropping Protection Order Guide


Disregarding an active order of protection can lead to serious legal consequences. The order remains in effect until officially withdrawn or modified by a court. Violating the order can result in arrest, even if the violation is not reported by the protected party. There is no legal way to bypass an active order of protection. Always consult with a local attorney for personalized advice and to understand the proper legal steps to take.

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I have a full stay away order of protection that I want dropped for me and my daughter, is it okay if I go around them until it is withdrawn
Hello ****, it's essential to understand that disregarding an active order of protection can lead to serious legal consequences. Until the order is officially withdrawn or modified by a court, it remains in effect. It would be best to consult with a local attorney for further advice.
Can he get arrested for violating the order even if I don’t report it
Yes, the person can still be arrested for violating the order if the violation is discovered by law enforcement, even if you don't report it.
Is there anyway around it
No, there's no legal way to bypass an active order of protection. It must be officially withdrawn or modified by a court. Violating it can lead to arrest, even if unreported. Always consult with a local attorney for guidance.