Legal Discovery Request Examples


In Texas, for Requests for Admissions, ask straightforward questions about case facts. For Requests for Production, request specific, relevant documents. For Interrogatories, ask open-ended questions about case facts. Consult a legal professional for tailored advice.

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I need to brainstorm some requests for admission requests for production and Interrogatory requests im chase harding
I'm sorry for your distressing situation. It seems you're in need of help with drafting Requests for Admissions, Requests for Production, and Interrogatories. Could you please tell me the state you are in, as the rules can vary?
Texas Dallas
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Texas, here are some general guidelines for drafting discovery requests:
For Requests for Admissions:
- Ask straightforward questions about facts related to the case.
- Avoid asking for opinions or legal conclusions.
For Requests for Production:
- Ask for documents that are directly relevant to the dispute.
- Be specific about what you're asking for.
For Interrogatories:
- Ask open-ended questions about the facts of the case.
- Avoid asking for privileged or irrelevant information.
Remember, this is general advice. It's always best to consult with a legal professional in complex situations like yours.
Give me some examples please
Sure, here are some example questions you could consider:
**Requests for Admissions:**
- Admit that you failed to make payments on the home equity loan.
- Admit that you have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.
**Requests for Production:**
- Any documents proving your income for the last two years.
- Any medical records pertaining to your mental health diagnosis.
- Describe in detail the events leading up to your arrest for domestic violence.
- Explain why you did not fulfill your obligations regarding the home equity loan.
Please consult a legal professional to properly tailor these to your case.