Cps Case Legal Guidance


CPS cases in North Carolina involve initial assessments, family assessments, and potential court actions. If a caseworker lies or threatens you, you can file a complaint and seek legal representation. To regain custody of your children, comply with the CPS case plan, attend court hearings, complete ordered services, maintain positive contact with your children, and secure stable housing and income. Consult a lawyer for personalized advice.

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I have a case with cps
Hello Amanda, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me what state you are in, as CPS laws vary from state to state?
Hello Amanda. In North Carolina, CPS cases are complex and involve several steps:
- The initial assessment or investigation
- Family assessments
- Court actions if child safety is a concern
It's important to cooperate fully with all processes and seek legal counsel.
What if the caseworker lied and then threatened me to sign the TPS
Hello Amanda, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In North Carolina:
- It's important to have a lawyer represent you.
- If a caseworker is found guilty of lying in a case, disciplinary actions could be taken.
- If you feel threatened, you could file a complaint against the caseworker.
Please consult with a lawyer for advice tailored to your situation.
How cAn I get my kids back
In North Carolina:
- Comply with the case plan provided by CPS.
- Attend all court hearings.
- Complete ordered services, like parenting classes or drug treatment.
- Maintain regular, positive contact with your children.
- Secure stable housing and income.
Please consult a lawyer for more specific advice.