Cps Interview Process Explained


CPS interviews are essential for assessing child safety. They may ask about your home environment, relationships, and any incidents of abuse or neglect. If you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to request a supportive adult to be present. CPS must have consent or a court order to enter your home unless theres immediate danger. They usually reach out within 10 days of a report, but timelines can vary. If emotional abuse impacts your mental health significantly, CPS may intervene. They prefer placing children with relatives if removal is necessary. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.

Full Conversation

Visalia california* sorry merced was my old town where my grandma lives
Hi, it's nice to meet you. Could you please explain the legal issue or question you're seeking help with?
Anyways me and my dad went to cps because a report was made and i was talking to the social worker and he said that everything sounded concerning and he would like to talk to us again
I understand your situation. In California, CPS interviews are crucial. If possible, have a legal representative during interviews for protection. Remember, CPS must have consent or a court order to enter your home unless in immediate danger. It's okay to ask questions about the process.
Yeah i told the social worker everything i was the one that made the report
Thank you for sharing this. You've done well to report your concerns. In California, CPS has 10 days to complete an investigation unless it's deemed serious, then it's * hours. If you're uncomfortable at any point, you have the right to request a supportive adult to be present.
I'm trying to leave this household so is it a good thing that they want to talk again?
Yes, it can be a good sign. Additional talks indicate CPS is taking your report seriously. They might gather more information to assess your situation accurately. Always remember, your safety is a priority.
How long until they will reach out again? Like next week? Because they said they want to talk again
In California, CPS usually reaches out within 10 days of a report. However, the timeline may vary based on case severity and workload. You can contact them for a specific timeframe. Remember, you can have a supportive adult with you during discussions.
Thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further information, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, your safety is the most important.
Fo you know what kind of questions they will ask in the next interview?
The specific questions CPS may ask can vary, but they generally aim to assess safety and well-being. They might ask about:
- Your home environment
- Relationships with family members
- Any incidents of abuse or neglect
- Your feelings towards your current situation
Remember, you can have a supportive adult present during the interview.
Oh ok thank you
You're welcome! If you need more information or have other questions in the future, feel free to reach out. Stay safe and remember, it's okay to ask for help.
When the social worker was interviewing me he was writing down notes what was he writing down?
The social worker was likely documenting details of your conversation for their report. This could include:
- Your responses to their questions
- Their observations about your demeanor
- Any relevant information about your situation
- Next steps or plans for the case
This information helps them make decisions about your situation.
What are usually their next steps or plans for the case?
The next steps or plans for a CPS case in California generally involve:
- In-depth assessment of the information gathered.
- Possible home visits or interactions with family members.
- Decision on whether or not to open a case.
- If a case is opened, a plan for ensuring your safety and well-being is developed.
- Continued monitoring and reassessment of the situation.
What is a case exactly like what kind of case?
In the context of Child Protective Services (CPS), opening a case means they've found enough evidence to suspect child abuse or neglect. They will then:
- Develop a safety plan
- Possibly place the child in foster care
- Offer family services
- Monitor the situation closely
- Possibly take legal action if necessary.
Do they have to put me in foster care because in the report it shows that i would rather stay with my grandma
In California, CPS prefers to place children with relatives if removal from the home is necessary. It's known as "kinship care". If you expressed a preference for your grandmother, they will consider it. Factors include:
- Her willingness and ability to care for you
- The home's safety
- Her relationship with you
Oh ok thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need additional information, feel free to ask. Don't forget, your safety and well-being are paramount.
My dad doesn't know i made the report he thinks my counselor made it and I've been going along with that is that wrong?
In California, CPS reports are confidential. You're not obligated to tell anyone you made the report. If you feel safer with your father assuming it was your counselor, this isn't considered wrong. Always prioritize your safety.
Should i tell the social worker that o did it but i feel safer having my dad think its the counselor?
You can inform the social worker about your concerns for safety. They are bound by confidentiality not to disclose who made the report. They can help navigate the situation ensuring your safety is prioritized.
The only thing is verbal abuse thats the only abuse so far i think the take verbal abuse seriously i don't think they'll remove me from this household just for verbal abuse
In California, verbal abuse is taken seriously. If it's severe and persistently causing emotional harm, CPS may intervene. However, they will also consider:
- The frequency and severity of the abuse
- The impact on your mental health
- Supportive measures available to you
Your safety and well-being are always the priority.
What if the emotional abuse impacts my mental health a lot
In California, if the emotional abuse is significantly impacting your mental health, it's a serious concern. CPS may take steps such as:
- Intervention and counseling services
- Possibly removing you from the abusive environment
- Placing you in a safer environment, like with a relative
Always prioritize your well-being and safety.
How long will they keep doing a follow-up for?
In California, CPS typically continues follow-ups until they're confident of your safety. This could range from a few months to a year or more, depending on the case. They'll monitor changes and reassess the situation regularly. Stay strong and prioritize your well-being.
Ok thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further information, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, your safety is the most important.
I remember earlier i was showing them pictures of the house and they were writing down notes after i wonder if they were documenting it
Yes, it's likely that the social worker was documenting details about your living conditions based on the pictures. This information helps them in assessing your situation. Anything else you want to ask?
Yes so there is a few things i forgot to mention because we were in a rush like that i cant shower everyday here
It's important to share all relevant information for your case. Are there any reasons you're unable to shower daily at your current residence? This could be a potential hygiene concern that CPS may need to address.
Because we have a well and we need to save water but my aunt and my dad shower everyday my dad say that i don't need to shower everyday because i don't do anything
I understand. This could be seen as unfair treatment. You may want to bring this to the attention of the social worker during your next conversation. Remember, your well-being and basic needs are important.
Yeah i will my dad said that they told him that he doesn't buy me hygiene products but I'm so scared to ask him for some
It's important to have access to hygiene products for your well-being. Can you share these details with the social worker? They may be able to offer advice or direct resources.
Yeah I'll tell them that i get embarrassed
That's a good step. The social worker is there to ensure your well-being. They can provide guidance and resources. Remember, your comfort and safety are key.
Another thing is they asked me if my dad beats the dogs i told them that he only hits them to discipline them but he hits them in the face and they are scared to have people go near thier face now
Animal cruelty is also taken seriously. Can you provide more details about this situation to the social worker? They might be able to help or refer it to the appropriate authorities. Your safety, and that of others, including pets, is important.
Yeah i will tell them
That's very brave of you. It's important to share all details for the welfare of everyone involved, including pets. Remember, your safety and well-being are paramount.
Yeah i even told my dad in the car because they asked him to and i told him that i say youbonly hit them to discipline them because I'm not going to lie and say you dont hit them at all and he stayed silent
That must have been a difficult conversation. It's good that you're being honest about the situation. Are there any other areas of concern you'd like to discuss or questions you have about the process?
Yeah he told me that the guy said that he calls me fat and says stuff about my weight and my dad said i call you chunky there is a difference and i said no there isn't and they are both equally hurtful
I understand that the name-calling is hurtful. It's important to highlight this to the social worker as it contributes to emotional abuse. Remember, your feelings and experiences are valid. Are there other instances of verbal abuse you'd like to share?
Yeah he said that they told him he calls me retarded and he said i don't call you retarded i ask you are you a retarded and i said it's still hurtful that you ask
I'm sorry to hear that. Such comments can be emotionally abusive and hurtful. It's important to share these instances of verbal abuse with the social worker. Do you feel comfortable doing so?
Yeah i even showed him a text i saved of what my dad told me
That's very courageous of you. Do you want to share the content of the text or would you prefer to discuss it directly with the social worker? Remember, your safety and well-being are crucial.
Should i mention to the social worker that my hair sheds a lot when i stress and my hair has gotten thinner and my eye twitches from stress
Yes, it's important to share all the effects of stress you're experiencing. These physical signs of stress can help the social worker understand the severity of your situation. Do you have any other symptoms or concerns you'd like to discuss?
I talked to him about self harm i think that's mostly why he wants to talk to me again
If you're experiencing thoughts of self-harm, it's crucial to reach out to a mental health professional immediately. It's good that you're sharing these feelings with the social worker. They can provide resources to help you. Stay strong, your well-being is paramount.
Thank you so much
You're welcome! Remember, you're not alone in this. Reach out to trusted adults or professionals anytime you need help or support. Your well-being is the most important thing. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.