False Evidence In Custody Case


If false evidence is used in a custody case, you can file complaints against the agency and seek legal action against involved parties. To establish subject matter jurisdiction for a Section 1983 complaint, show deprivation of constitutional rights and that the defendant acted under state authority. Prove violations of the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments by demonstrating unreasonable search or seizure, deprivation of due process, and lack of equal protection. Show the defendant misused state-granted authority. Emergency removal without a valid court order may violate constitutional rights. Prove due process violations by showing lack of notice, unfair hearing, or tribunal bias. In Mississippi, foster and adoptive parents receive payments during child removal and adoption processes.

Full Conversation

My location is Mississippi. During a court proceeding a agency provides fake evidence to gain custody of your children without a valid court order you miss out on 2 years of your kids life and they force custody and force tpr the prosecutor guardian ad litem and child advocate fraudently sign orders who do you hold liable ?
****, based on your situation, you might consider:
- Filing a complaint against the agency for providing false evidence.
- Seeking legal action against the prosecutor, guardian ad litem, and child advocate for fraudulent actions.
- Consulting with a family law attorney for guidance.

Hinds County Circuit Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Have you consulted any attorney about this situation yet?
How to establish subject matter jurisdiction for a * complaint.denying the fourth fifth and fourteenth
To establish subject matter jurisdiction for a Section * complaint, you need to show:
- The plaintiff was deprived of rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
- The defendant acted under color of state law.
~Hinds County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Have you gathered evidence to support your claims?
How to prove the plantiff was denied the right to the fourth fifth and fourteen amendment
To prove that the plaintiff was denied rights under the Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments in a Section * complaint, you need to:
- **Fourth Amendment**: Show evidence of unreasonable search or seizure.
- **Fifth Amendment**: Demonstrate a deprivation of due process or self-incrimination.
- **Fourteenth Amendment**: Prove a violation of equal protection or due process rights.
~Hinds County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Do you have specific incidents or documentation that illustrate these violations?
How to prove the defendant axted under color of law
To prove that the defendant acted under color of law in a Section * complaint, you need to demonstrate that:
- **State Authority**: The defendant was a government official or was acting with authority granted by the state.
- **Misuse of Power**: The defendant misused their power, acting beyond their lawful authority.
~Hinds County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Do you have any documentation or evidence showing the defendant's misuse of state-granted authority?
Is a emergency removal without a valid court order iolation of equal rights
An emergency removal without a valid court order could be a violation of equal rights. Specifically:
- **Fourth Amendment**: Protection against unreasonable seizure.
- **Fourteenth Amendment**: Due process and equal protection rights.
~Hinds County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Do you have any documentation or evidence supporting the claim of an invalid court order?
Is emergency removal without a valid court order a violation of the fourth amendment unreadonable search and seizures
An emergency removal without a valid court order may indeed be a violation of the Fourth Amendment as it protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. Proving this would require demonstrating that the removal was unreasonable and without legal justification.
Do you have any documentation or evidence that the removal was conducted without a valid court order?
Whaf is unreasonable without legal justification
In legal context, "unreasonable without legal justification" typically means actions that lack a lawful or valid reason and are not supported by evidence or authority. Here are a few points:
- **Fourth Amendment**: Unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant or probable cause.
- **Due Process**: Actions taken without fair procedures or legal basis.
- **Equal Protection**: Discriminatory actions without a legitimate state interest.
Do you have any specific instances where these unreasonable actions occurred?
Evidence to show a emergency removal without valid court order is removal without immediate harm parent passed a urine screen and caseworker removed child without signature of judge , who signed off 6 days latet
To demonstrate that an emergency removal without a valid court order was conducted unreasonably and without legal justification, you can focus on the following points:
- **Immediate Harm**: Show there was no immediate harm or danger to the child justifying the removal.
- **Court Order**: Present evidence that the removal occurred without a judge's signature at the time.
- **Due Process**: Highlight that the parent passed the urine screen, indicating compliance and lack of danger.
~Hinds County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Have you gathered all relevant documentation and witness statements to support these points?
How to demonstrate due process violations
To demonstrate due process violations, you need to establish that the legal procedures and protections guaranteed by the Constitution were not followed. Key points to focus on include:
- **Notice**: Show that you were not properly informed of the legal proceedings.
- **Hearing**: Demonstrate that you were not given a fair chance to be heard.
- **Impartial Tribunal**: Prove the tribunal was biased or not impartial.
~Hinds County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: www.co.hinds.ms.us

Do you have any documentation showing a lack of notice or an unfair hearing?
How to prove the tribunal was biased or not impartial
To prove that a tribunal was biased or not impartial, you need to provide evidence showing:
- **Conflict of Interest**: Demonstrate that the judge or tribunal members had a personal interest in the case outcome.
- **Prejudicial Conduct**: Present instances where the judge acted in a prejudicial manner.
- **Patterns of Favoritism**: Show a consistent pattern of rulings or behavior favoring one party.
~Hinds County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: [www.co.hinds.ms.us](http://www.co.hinds.ms.us)
Do you have specific incidents or documentation illustrating these points?
In mississippi when you remove a child and then foster a child and then adopt a child who gets paid and for what during proceedinga
In Mississippi, during the process of removing, fostering, and adopting a child, payments and responsibilities are typically as follows:
- **Foster Parents**: Receive state stipends for the care of the foster child.
- **Adoptive Parents**: May receive adoption assistance payments if the child qualifies for special needs.
- **State Agencies**: Funded to manage the foster care and adoption process.
~Hinds County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS *
Website: [www.co.hinds.ms.us](http://www.co.hinds.ms.us)

Do you have specific questions about any stage in this process?