Filing Pfa In Maine


To file a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order in Maine, obtain and complete the forms at the District Court. A court hearing will be scheduled, and the judge may order the abuser to leave the household or undergo alcohol treatment. Temporary PFAs last up to 21 days, while final orders can last up to two years. Hiring a lawyer is optional but beneficial. Providing evidence can strengthen your case, but approval depends on the judges discretion. For filing in Mechanic Falls, contact Androscoggin County Superior Court at (207) 783-5450, located at 2 Turner St, Auburn, ME 04210.

Full Conversation

I’m going to be filing a pfa against my moms boyfriend
Hello Olivia, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please let me know your location so I can provide you with the relevant information on how to file a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order?
Hello, Olivia. Here are the steps to file a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order in Maine:
*. Obtain the PFA forms at the District Court.
*. Complete the forms and file them at the court.
*. A court hearing will be scheduled.
Please consult a legal professional for guidance.
I’m just wondering if he lives in the same house will he have to move
In Maine, if a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order is granted, it can order the abuser to leave the household. However, it depends on the judge's decision during the court hearing.
He’s an alcoholic so would he have to go to rehab
If the court finds it necessary for the protection and safety of the victim, they might order the abuser to undergo alcohol treatment. However, this depends on the court's discretion.
How long does a pfa last
In Maine, a temporary Protection from Abuse (PFA) order typically lasts up to 21 days. If a final PFA order is issued by the court after a hearing, it usually lasts up to two years. The duration can vary depending on the court's decision.
Will I have to get a lawyer
While it's not mandatory to hire a lawyer to file a PFA in Maine, having one can be beneficial as they understand the law and can guide you through the process. However, it's your decision whether to hire one or not.
If I have evidence will they approve the pfa
Providing evidence can strengthen your PFA application. Courts use evidence to assess the severity of abuse and threat. However, approval depends on multiple factors, and the judge's discretion based on the specifics of the case.
Where do I go to file a pfa
In Maine, you can file a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order at your local District Court. They will provide you with the necessary forms to fill out and submit. If you need a specific court's contact details, please let me know.
I need the contact information to one in mechanic falls

Androscoggin County Superior Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Turner St, Auburn, ME *