Emailing Court About Petition


When emailing the court about a petition, start with an introduction, clearly describe the issue, highlight your evidence, and request a fair hearing. Keep the email concise, respectful, and fact-based. Consult a local attorney for personalized legal advice.

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If I were wanting to email the court with my petition for the respondent to show rule of cause For intentionally and knowingly providing his ex employer’s information for wages to be withheld knowing there will be no money coming for the children what would I stayed to her in the email trying to explain as I’m being shut down by the opposing parties attorney with baseless motions and the judge keeps rolling in their favor without looking at my evidence or hearing me
Hello Lula, it sounds like a complex situation. It's important to succinctly state your points in the email.
- Start by explaining your situation.
- Detail the respondent's actions and how they have impacted you.
- Highlight your evidence and how it supports your claims.
- Request for a fair hearing.
Remember, this is legal information not advice. If you need legal advice, consult a local attorney.
So if I want to send a court meaning the judge an email how exactly what I phrase my explanation to her that the respondent Naser Beganovic through his attorney Intentionally annoyingly provided his ex employers information for wages to be withheld knowing there will be no money coming for the children and he is not planning on sending it and his attorney Ms. Abellar is aware of the situation as she was provided with documented evidence but continues lying to the court and trying to steal the documented evidence for this purpose and this has caused even further Extreme financial and emotional harm to my three children
Hello Lula, it seems like you're dealing with a challenging situation. Here's a suggested structure for your email:
*. Introduction: Briefly explain who you are and the purpose of your email.
*. Issue: Clearly describe the respondent's actions and their impact.
*. Evidence: Highlight the evidence you have and its relevance.
*. Request: Ask for a fair hearing, emphasizing the importance of your children's well-being.
Remember to keep it concise, respectful, and fact-based. This is legal information, not advice.
Can you draft a statement how exactly I would’ve phrase all of that
Subject: Urgent Matter Regarding Child Support Payments
Dear [Judge's Name],
I'm Lula, involved in a case with respondent Naser Beganovic. I'm writing to express concern about Mr. Beganovic knowingly providing outdated employer information, resulting in no child support payment.
Documented evidence was provided to his attorney, Ms. Abellar, who continues to misrepresent the situation, causing further financial and emotional harm to my children.
I kindly request a fair hearing to present my evidence. Thank you for your consideration.