Registering Out Of State Custody


To enforce an Ohio custody order in North Carolina, obtain a certified copy of the order, file it in your NC county, and follow state procedures. For emergency custody, fill out necessary forms, file them, and attend the court hearing. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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My Ohio custody order is not registered in my residing state of NC.
Hello ****,
In order to enforce an Ohio custody order in North Carolina, you need to register the order in NC. Here's how:
*. Obtain a certified copy of the custody order from Ohio.
*. File the order in the NC county where you reside.
*. Follow specific state procedures for serving the other parent.
*. Attend any required court hearings.
Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
I have an emergency situation where I need to ask for emergency custody
Hello ****,
In North Carolina, you may file for emergency custody if the child is exposed to substantial risk of bodily injury or sexual abuse. Here's a step-by-step guide:
*. Fill out the necessary forms.
*. File them at the Clerk of Court’s office.
*. Attend the court hearing.
*. Follow court's decision.
Please consult with a local attorney immediately.
Can I do this if the original order is out of state?
Yes, ****, you can request emergency custody in North Carolina even if the original order is from Ohio. You should:
- Register your Ohio order in NC.
- File for emergency custody.
- Attend the court hearing.
Always consult with a local attorney for specific guidance.
Thank you!!!
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask. Remember, it's always beneficial to consult with a local attorney for your specific situation. Best of luck!