Texas Child Support Guidelines


Child support in Texas is calculated based on the non-custodial parents net income. For two children, its generally 25%. Child support is calculated after taxes. The IRS does not allow child support payments to be deducted from income for tax purposes. Consult a local attorney or tax professional for personalized advice.

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I'm from Texas
Hi ****, that's great you're from Texas, but could you please provide some information about the legal issue you need guidance with?
Hour much is child support
Hi ****, child support in Texas is generally calculated based on the non-custodial parent's income. Here are some guidelines:
- *% for one child
- *% for two children
- *% for three children
Could you please clarify how many children the support is for?
Hi ****, based on the Texas Family Code, generally, you're expected to pay *% of your net resources for two children. This is just an estimate. For a more accurate figure, consider consulting with a local attorney or child support office.
Is it pre tax or after
Hello ****, the child support is typically calculated after taxes, meaning it's based on your net income, not your gross income. It includes all wages, salary, tips, and other compensation. This is according to the Texas Family Code.
Can you get tax break
Hi ****, the IRS generally does not allow child support payments to be deducted from income for tax purposes. However, specific circumstances may vary and tax laws can change, so it's always a good idea to consult with a tax professional.