Changing Names After Marriage


Combining adoption and name change requests in Minnesota can streamline the process by handling both matters in one court hearing, reducing paperwork, and potentially lowering legal fees. Visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch website for necessary forms.

Full Conversation

I would prefer we change our name together, but would that be a more complicated process?
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Changing your names together is a streamlined process in Minnesota:
- **Joint Name Change after Marriage**: Petition the court together. It's a unified process, typically no more complicated than individual changes.

Would you like more details on the joint petition process?
We are also changing the last names of his children who I am adopting: he has full custody, I want to get full custody. Should we change our names and the children's names before or after the adoption?
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and adoption plans! Here are some considerations:
- **Adoption First**: Finalize the adoption first. This will streamline the name change for the children as part of the adoption decree.
- **Name Change After Adoption**: After the adoption, you can petition for a name change for everyone together.
Would you like more details on the adoption process?
Which process would be easier: me and my husband change our last names, then start the adoption process and change the kids' names. Or start the adoption process, then change everyones names at the same time?
Thank you for providing such detailed information! Here are some points to help you decide:
- **Adoption First, Then Name Change**: This is often simpler as the child's name can be changed in the adoption decree, and you can change your names together afterward.
- **Name Change First, Then Adoption**: This involves separate legal processes, potentially more paperwork.
Would you like details on the steps for either option?
More details on name change first, then adoption
Certainly! Here's more detailed information on the process of changing your names first, then proceeding with the adoption:
Name Change Process in Minnesota:
*. **File a Petition**: Both you and your husband can file a joint petition for a name change at your county's district court.
*. **Publication**: Notice of the name change must be published in a legal newspaper for two consecutive weeks unless waived by the court.
*. **Hearing**: Attend a court hearing where the judge will review your petition and may ask questions.
*. **Court Order**: If approved, the judge will issue a court order granting the name change.
Adoption Process:
*. **File Adoption Petition**: Begin the adoption process by filing a petition for adoption with the court.
*. **Home Study**: Complete a home study conducted by a licensed agency.
*. **Court Hearing**: Attend a court hearing where the judge will finalize the adoption.
*. **Name Change for Children**: Request the name change for the children during the adoption process so it can be included in the adoption decree.
- **Separate Processes**: Changing your names first means you will handle two separate legal processes, which might involve more paperwork and court visits.
- **
more details on adoption first, then name change
Certainly! Here are detailed steps for finalizing the adoption first, then proceeding with the name change:
Adoption Process in Minnesota:
*. **File Adoption Petition**: File a petition for adoption with your county's district court.
*. **Home Study**: Complete a home study by a licensed agency.
*. **Court Hearing**: Attend a court hearing where the judge will review and finalize the adoption.
*. **Name Change for Children**: Request the name change for the children during the adoption process to include it in the adoption decree.
Name Change Process After Adoption:
*. **File a Joint Petition**: Both you and your husband can file a joint petition for a name change at your county's district court.
*. **Publication**: Notice of the name change must be published in a legal newspaper for two consecutive weeks unless waived by the court.
*. **Hearing**: Attend a court hearing where the judge will review your petition.
*. **Court Order**: If approved, the judge will issue a court order granting the name change.
- **Streamlined Process**: Adoption first allows for a streamlined name change for the children as part of the adoption decree.
- **Unified Name Change**: After adoption,
I live in MN: I am adopting my husband's children who he already has full custody. The bio mom is completely out of the picture. In MN, how do we begin the adoption process for me and how long does it take? What costs will be included?
To begin the stepparent adoption process in Minnesota, follow these steps:
*. **File Adoption Petition**: File a petition at your county's district court.
*. **Home Study**: Complete a home study by a licensed agency, though it may be waived in some cases.
*. **Court Hearing**: Attend a hearing for the judge to review and finalize the adoption.
**Timeline**: Typically, it can take several months to a year.
**Costs**: Include court filing fees, home study fees, and legal fees, usually ranging from $*,* to $*,*.
Would you like more details on any specific step?
Is a home study necessary in a stepparent adoption?
In Minnesota, a home study for stepparent adoption is generally required but may be waived depending on the circumstances:
- **Home Study Requirement**: Typically, a home study conducted by a licensed agency is required.
- **Waiver**: The court may waive the home study if it determines it is unnecessary, given the existing relationship.
Would you like more details on how to request a waiver?
more info on how to request a waiver
Certainly! To request a waiver for the home study in a stepparent adoption in Minnesota, follow these steps:
*. **Prepare a Motion**: Draft a motion requesting the waiver of the home study requirement.
*. **File the Motion**: File the motion with your county's district court.
*. **Provide Justification**: Include reasons why the home study should be waived (e.g., existing relationship with the children, full custody by the biological parent).
*. **Court Hearing**: Attend a court hearing where the judge will review and decide on your motion.
Would you like more details on drafting the motion?
Certainly! Here are the steps to draft a motion to request a waiver for the home study requirement:
*. **Title and Caption**: Title the document as "Motion to Waive Home Study Requirement" and include the case caption (names, case number, court).
*. **Introduction**: Briefly state who you are and your relationship to the case.
*. **Request**: Clearly state that you are requesting the court to waive the home study requirement for your stepparent adoption.
*. **Justification**:
- Explain the existing relationship with the children.
- Mention that the biological parent has full custody.
- Highlight any other relevant factors (e.g., child's best interest).
*. **Affidavit**: Attach an affidavit supporting your motion with facts and evidence.
*. **Conclusion**: Summarize your request and respectfully ask the court to grant the waiver.
*. **Signature**: Sign and date the motion.
*. **File and Serve**: File the motion with your county's district court and serve it to any required parties.
Would you like a sample template for the motion?
Certainly! Here is a sample template for a Motion to Waive Home Study Requirement in a stepparent adoption case in Minnesota:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, Zip Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Email Address]**
**[Court Name]**
**[Court Address]**
**[City, State, Zip Code]**
**[Case Caption]**
**[Case Number]**
**Motion to Waive Home Study Requirement**
I, [Your Full Name], am the petitioner in this case, seeking to adopt my stepchildren, [Child's Full Name(s)]. I am married to [Spouse's Full Name], who has full custody of the children.
I respectfully request that the court waive the requirement for a home study in this stepparent adoption proceeding.
- **Existing Relationship:** I have an established and loving relationship with the children. We have been living together as a family for [duration].
- **Full Custody:** The biological mother is not involved in the children's lives, and my spouse, [Spouse's Full Name], has
Thank you! Which would be easier: If my hsband and the two kids change their name prior to marriage, then take his last name? Or we all change our names after the marriage
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Here are some considerations for your situation in Minnesota:
- **Changing Names Before Marriage**:
- Your husband and children can change their names through a court petition.
- Separate processes might involve more paperwork and court visits.
- **Changing Names After Marriage**:
- You can file a joint petition for all name changes together.
- This can be a unified, streamlined process.
Would you prefer more detailed steps for either option?
more details on changing names after marriage
Certainly! Here are the detailed steps for changing names after marriage in Minnesota:
Steps for Changing Names After Marriage in Minnesota:
*. **Joint Petition**:
- Both you and your husband file a joint name change petition at your county’s district court.
*. **Publication**:
- Notice of the name change must be published in a legal newspaper for two consecutive weeks, unless waived by the court.
*. **Court Hearing**:
- Attend a court hearing where the judge will review your petition and may ask questions.
*. **Court Order**:
- If the judge approves your petition, they will issue a court order granting the name change.
*. **Update Records**:
- Use the court order to update your names on legal documents (e.g., Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, passports).
Would you like more details on any specific step?
How to publicize your name change
In Minnesota, publicizing your name change involves the following steps:
*. **Select a Legal Newspaper**: Choose a legal newspaper in your county to publish the notice.
*. **File the Notice**: Submit the notice of name change to the chosen newspaper.
*. **Publication**: The notice must be published for two consecutive weeks.
*. **Proof of Publication**: Obtain an affidavit of publication from the newspaper, which you'll submit to the court.
Would you like more details on how to select a legal newspaper or file the notice?
How do I begin the adoption process of my step children?
To begin the stepparent adoption process in Minnesota, follow these steps:
*. **File Adoption Petition**:
- File a petition for adoption at your county's district court.

*. **Home Study**:
- Complete a home study by a licensed agency, though it may be waived in some cases.

*. **Court Hearing**:
- Attend a hearing for the judge to review and finalize the adoption.
Would you like more details on any specific step?
more details on File Adoption Petition
Certainly! Here are more details on filing an adoption petition in Minnesota:
*. **File Adoption Petition**:
- **Documents**: Prepare the adoption petition, including necessary legal forms and supporting documents.
- **Court Submission**: Submit the petition to the district court in your county.
*. **Content of Petition**:
- **Petitioner's Information**: Include your name, address, relationship to the child, and marital status.
- **Child's Information**: Child's name, date of birth, and current living situation.
- **Consent**: Attach consent forms from the biological parent (if applicable).
*. **Home Study**:
- **Agency**: Contact a licensed adoption agency to schedule the home study.
- **Waiver**: Request a waiver if the court deems it unnecessary.
*. **Court Hearing**:
- **Scheduling**: The court will set a date for the adoption hearing.
- **Attendance**: Attend the hearing with your spouse and children.
- **Judge's Review**: The judge will review your petition, ask questions, and, if satisfied, issue an adoption decree.
Would you like more details on any specific document or step?
Can we simultaneously have an adoption court hearing and name change court hearing?
In Minnesota, it is possible to have both an adoption court hearing and a name change court hearing simultaneously. Here are the steps:
- **Adoption Petition**: File a petition for adoption at your county's district court.
- **Name Change Request**: Include the name change request for the children in the adoption petition.
- **Court Hearing**: Attend a combined court hearing where the judge reviews both the adoption and name change requests.
Would you like more details on filing the combined petition?
Certainly! Here are the detailed steps for filing a combined petition for adoption and name change in Minnesota:
*. **Prepare the Petition**:
- **Adoption Petition**: Include details about the adoption, such as your relationship to the children, the children’s current names, and your desired new names.
- **Name Change Request**: Clearly state the request to change the children's last names as part of the adoption process.
*. **Gather Supporting Documents**:
- **Consent Forms**: Obtain and attach consent forms from the biological parent, if applicable.
- **Affidavit**: Prepare an affidavit explaining the reason for the name change and the adoption.
*. **File the Petition**:
- **Court Submission**: Submit the combined petition to the district court in your county.
- **Filing Fees**: Pay the required filing fees for both the adoption and name change.
*. **Publication**:
- **Waiver Request**: Request the court waive the publication requirement, given the simultaneous nature of the proceedings.
*. **Home Study**:
- **Schedule**: Contact a licensed adoption agency to conduct a home study, if required.
- **Waiver**: Request a waiver of the home study
more info continued please
Certainly! Here's the continuation of the detailed steps for filing a combined petition for adoption and name change:
*. **Home Study** (continued):
- **Waiver**: Request a waiver of the home study if the court deems it unnecessary, given the existing relationship with the children.
*. **Court Hearing**:
- **Scheduling**: The court will schedule a date for the combined adoption and name change hearing.
- **Attendance**: Attend the hearing with your spouse and the children. Ensure you bring all necessary documents, including the affidavit of publication if required.
- **Judge's Review**: The judge will review both the adoption petition and the name change request. They may ask questions to better understand your relationship with the children and the reasons for the name change.
- **Court Order**: If the judge approves both petitions, they will issue a court order finalizing the adoption and granting the name change.
Would you like more details on any specific document or step?
Would it be a more streamlined process if we did a combined request for adoption and name change?
Yes, combining the adoption and name change requests can streamline the process in Minnesota. Here's why:
- **Unified Process**: Both matters are handled in one court hearing.
- **Less Paperwork**: Fewer documents and filings are needed.
- **Cost Efficiency**: Potentially lower overall legal fees.
Would you like more details on any specific step?
Would it be a more streamlined process if we did a combined request court hearing for me to adopt my stepchildren, and for us all to change our names at the same time
Yes, combining the adoption and name change requests can streamline the process in Minnesota. Here's why:
- **Unified Process**: Both matters are handled in one court hearing.
- **Less Paperwork**: Fewer documents and filings are needed.
- **Cost Efficiency**: Potentially lower overall legal fees.
Would you like more details on any specific step?
More info on less paperwork
Combining requests for adoption and name change can reduce paperwork in Minnesota. Here's how:
- **Unified Petition**: File one petition covering both adoption and name change.
- **Single Court Hearing**: Attend one hearing for both matters.
- **Streamlined Documentation**: Prepare and submit fewer documents.
- **Combined Filing Fees**: Pay one set of filing fees.
Would you like more details on preparing the unified petition?
Where do I find a unified petition?
In Minnesota, you can find the necessary forms for a unified petition for adoption and name change on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website. Here are the steps to access these forms:
*. **Visit the Website**: Go to the Minnesota Judicial Branch website at [](
*. **Forms & Documents**: Navigate to the "Forms" section.
*. **Adoption Forms**: Look for the "Adoption" category and select the appropriate forms.
*. **Name Change Forms**: Look for the "Name Change" category and select the appropriate forms.
*. **Combined Petition**: You may need to combine information from both sets of forms to create your unified petition.
Would you like more detailed guidance on filling out these forms?
In the state of MN, how long before marriage can I get a marriage license?
In Minnesota, you can apply for a marriage license up to six months before your wedding date. The license is valid immediately upon issuance and up to six months.
Would you like more details on the application process?
Certainly! Here are the detailed steps for applying for a marriage license in Minnesota:
*. **Application**:
- **County Clerk's Office**: Visit your county's vital records office or the county clerk's office.
- **Online Option**: Some counties allow you to start the application process online.
*. **Documents Required**:
- **Identification**: Bring valid identification (e.g., driver's license, passport).
- **Previous Marriage Info**: If previously married, provide the date of divorce or spouse's death.
*. **Fees**:
- **Cost**: Typically ranges from $* to $*, depending on the county.
- **Discount**: Some counties offer a discount for completing premarital education.
*. **Waiting Period**:
- **No Waiting Period**: The license is valid immediately upon issuance.
*. **Validity**:
- **Six Months**: The marriage license is valid for six months from the date of issuance.
Would you like more details on any specific step?
more info on Discount
Certainly! In Minnesota, you can receive a discount on the marriage license fee by completing premarital education. Here are the details:
- **Program Requirements**: Complete at least * hours of premarital education.
- **Verification**: Obtain a signed and dated statement from the educator, including their credentials.
- **Discount Amount**: The fee can be reduced significantly, varying by county.
Would you like more details on finding a premarital education program?
What is the price for a marriage license in Hennepin County MN
In Hennepin County, MN, the price for a marriage license is as follows:
- **Standard Fee**: $*
- **Discounted Fee**: $* (with completion of * hours of premarital education)
Would you like more details on the application process or premarital education requirements?
What online sites for premarital education are approved for the discount in Hennepin County?
In Hennepin County, MN, there aren't specific "approved" online sites for premarital education, but the program must meet the following criteria:
- **Qualified Educator**: The educator must be a licensed or ordained minister, or a person authorized by a religious institution.
- *** Hours of Education**: The program must include a minimum of * hours of premarital education.
- **Verification**: A signed and dated statement from the educator, including their credentials, must be submitted.
Would you like more details on how to verify if an online program meets these criteria?
Does premarital counseling with a pastor qualify?
Yes, premarital counseling with a pastor can qualify for the marriage license discount in Hennepin County, MN, as long as the following criteria are met:
- **Qualified Educator**: The pastor must be a licensed or ordained minister.
- *** Hours of Education**: The counseling must include at least * hours of premarital education.
- **Verification**: Obtain a signed and dated statement from the pastor, including their credentials.
Would you like more details on how to obtain and submit the verification statement?
What does the qualified educator need to sign?
In Hennepin County, MN, the qualified educator must sign a verification statement for the premarital education discount. Here's what it should include:
- **Statement**: Verification of completion of at least * hours of premarital education.
- **Date**: The dates when the education was provided.
- **Educator's Credentials**: The educator's name, title, and qualifications (licensed or ordained minister, etc.).
- **Signature**: The educator's signature and date.
Would you like a sample template for the verification statement?
Certainly! Here is a sample template for the verification statement for premarital education:
**[Educator's Name]**
**[City, State, Zip Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Email Address]**
**To Whom It May Concern:**
I, [Educator's Name], hereby verify that [Your Full Name] and [Your Spouse's Full Name] have completed a total of at least * hours of premarital education as required by the state of Minnesota for a marriage license fee discount.
**Dates of Premarital Education:**
- From: [Start Date]
- To: [End Date]
**Topics Covered:**
- [Brief list of topics covered, if applicable]
**Educator's Credentials:**
- [Educator's Name]
- [Title/Position]
- [Institution/Organization]
- Licensed/Ordained Minister (or other relevant credentials)
[Educator's Signature]
Would you like any additional information?
Where can I get the MN forms for adoption requests and name change?
In Minnesota, you can find the necessary forms for adoption requests and name changes on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website. Here's how:
*. **Visit the Website**: Go to the [Minnesota Judicial Branch website](
*. **Forms & Documents**:
- For **Adoption Forms**, navigate to the "Forms" section and select the "Adoption" category.
- For **Name Change Forms**, navigate to the "Forms" section and select the "Name Change" category.
Would you like more detailed guidance on filling out these forms?