Property Rights In Delaware


In Delaware, personal belongings are legally yours, and taking them without permission can be considered theft. You can file individual reports with proof of purchase. To gain custody of your daughters siblings, file a petition for guardianship in Family Court, showing the parents are unfit or the children are neglected. Termination of parental rights is a separate process. The father has a legal obligation to support his child financially, even if you separate. Consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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I live with my daughters father and his family (mom,dad,brother and * other kids) in his parents home. They have this theroy in their head that because we live in their home that everything we buy, they have rights too take, use, becasue its THEIR HOUSE they always say. My daughters toys get sold, her clothes, they take everything of ours, how can I stop them
Hello ****. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Delaware, it's essential to know that:
- Personal belongings, including your daughter's items, are legally yours.
- If someone takes your belongings without permission, it can be considered theft.
- You may consider reporting these incidents to the local authorities.
Would you like further information on how to file a report?
So just file each incident individually, I have proof of purchase of most items, I even have photos of them throwing our things in the trash because they feel like they can.
Yes, ****, you can file each incident individually. It's good you have proof of purchases and photos. In Delaware, these will be crucial evidence if you decide to press charges or seek a civil remedy.
ok, one more thing. I am trying to find my escape route to get away from here altogether soon hopefully. but my daughters siblings want too come with me because their family is really a bunch of nasty people. Drug addicts, that steal their stuff, scream and yell all day. How do I get a legal athourity too them ? since I am the mother of their sibling, their mom is not in the picture and has not been for almost 5 years or close too it
In Delaware, to legally gain custody of your daughter's siblings, you need to:
- File a petition for guardianship in Family Court.
- Show the court that the parents are unfit or that the children are neglected or abused.
- Prove that it's in the best interest of the children to live with you.
Remember, you should consult with a legal professional before proceeding.
Okay, I just wasn't sure what the correct thing too look into was. Guardianship or maybe terminating their moms patental rights first via their father and theyn guardianshipp
In Delaware, you could consider the following steps:
- File for guardianship if the father is willing and if it is in the best interest of the children.
- Termination of parental rights is a separate process and is typically pursued if there is evidence of abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
Consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.
Lastly, I am not married too him, but he is my daughter and I only financial support. Because I stay home with her still because she is only *. Is there any oblihation for him too help me financially if we seperate
In Delaware, the father has a legal obligation to provide financial support for his child, even if you separate. This is typically arranged through child support orders. As for your personal financial support, that depends on several factors. Consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.