False Allegations Legal Consequences


Filing false allegations is illegal and can have severe consequences. The other parent can present evidence of false claims to the judge, potentially impacting your child support case. They can file motions like Motion to Disclose Misconduct or Motion for Judicial Notice of Fraudulent Activity to bring this to the courts attention. Misconduct includes wrongful or unlawful conduct that can affect legal proceedings. Even if the false order was obtained in a different county, it can still be considered in your case. Always be truthful in legal matters to avoid serious repercussions.

Full Conversation

I have some questions for example I am involved in an ongoing child support case for child support and full coverage of educational expenses and Chicago Illinois cook county but I intentionally obtain a emergency order of protection against the other parents out of Kane county Illinois with whatever I can make up false allegations so I was able to obtain a short term emergency order of protection after the other parent was served and if they wanna tell on me and give that evidence to the child support judge in Cook County how would they be able to do that or they cannot show it or they cannot file anything and they file something to show that what I did
Hello Alisa, it seems like you're asking about the legal implications of filing false allegations. Please remember:
- Filing false allegations is against the law.
- The other parent can present evidence of false allegations to a judge.
- This could affect your child support case.
Always speak truthfully in legal matters to avoid severe consequences.
I want to know if the other parent is able to provide evidence of my short term emergency order of protection against them with false allegations to the child support judge and how can they tell on me to make the child support judge aware of my actions
Hello Alisa,
The other parent can:
- Share the evidence of the emergency order of protection in your child support case.
- They can do this either by themselves or through an attorney.
- This could impact your child support case negatively.
Always be truthful in legal matters. False allegations can lead to serious consequences.
How can they share the evidence
The other parent can share the evidence in the following ways:
- Presenting it in court during a hearing.
- Submitting it to the court clerk's office.
- Providing it to their attorney, who will then share it with the court.
Remember, honesty is essential in legal proceedings.
And how can they submitted to the court to make the judge aware
The other parent can submit the evidence to the court by:
- Filing it as part of their court documents.
- Presenting it during a court hearing.
- Providing it to their lawyer to submit to the court.
Remember, honesty is crucial in all legal proceedings.
So say I just want to know how the other parents would be able to provide that evidence to the child support judge by themselves by filing can they file a motion what can they file to provide and make the judge aware of my actions
The other parent can provide evidence to the judge by:
- Filing a motion or other legal document with the evidence attached.
- Presenting it during a court hearing.
- Submitting it to the court clerk's office.
Remember, honesty is paramount in legal proceedings.
What type of motion can they file or legal document with the attached eminence
The other parent can file:
- A "Motion to Introduce Evidence" or similar document.
- An "Affidavit" detailing the false allegations and attaching evidence.
- A "Motion to Modify Child Support" if they believe the false allegations influenced the initial decision.
Remember, honesty is key in all legal matters.
But that’s not new evidence I just want to know how the other parent would be able to make the child Support a judge aware of my intentional actions and false allegations in the emergency order of protection she doesn’t file a motion and you don’t know what is supposed to be called how would she be able to do that she can do nothing and I will be able to get away with it
The other parent may inform the judge by:
- Writing a letter to the judge, detailing the situation and attaching evidence.
- Bringing it up during a court hearing.
- Filing a 'Motion to Consider Evidence'.
Remember, dishonesty can lead to severe legal repercussions.
The transfer judge will not even pay attention to any of that
It's the judge's duty to review all evidence presented in court. However, it's ultimately their discretion how they consider this information in their ruling. Being truthful in legal matters is always the best approach.
Well I intentionally stated in my emergency order of protection against other parent that our court was done and resolved in * and there’s no upcoming court hearing dates and that they’re harassing me just so I won’t have to submit an application to the parent plus loan or pay for the children’s college fees so this way I was able to evade it and she can’t do nothing because she doesn’t know what kind of motion to file to the court to tell the judge what I did so I basically got away with it she can contact me or anything
While it may seem that you've evaded responsibility now, remember:
- Dishonesty in legal matters can lead to serious consequences.
- If the other parent discovers the truth, they can alert the court.
- This can negatively affect your case and potentially lead to penalties.
OK tell me exactly if you were in the other parents position right now and I did all of this to you tell me exactly what type of motion with you file what would you title it
If I were in the other parent's position, I might file a "Motion to Reconsider Child Support Order" or "Motion to Present New Evidence" and attach relevant documents proving the false allegations and misuse of the protection order. Always consult a legal professional first.
It has nothing to do with child support reconsideration how would you make the judge aware of my actions if you were wanting to make the judge aware of my actions if you were the other parent of what I did
If I were the other parent, I might file a "Motion to Consider Evidence of Misconduct" or a "Motion to Disclose Fraudulent Activity." I would attach the evidence of false allegations and misuse of the protection order. Always consult with a lawyer for legal advice.
How is that fraudulent
Filing false allegations and misusing protection orders could be considered fraudulent because you're intentionally deceiving the court to gain an advantage. This can lead to legal penalties. Always consult with a lawyer for legal advice.
Yeah but I didn’t obtain the short term emergency order of protection and cook county where the child support judge is I did it out of King County and the other parent was served with it so how would she be able to bring it to the child support attention if it’s confidential
Even if the order was obtained in a different county, the other parent can still:
- Present a copy of the order in the child support case.
- File a "Motion to Introduce Evidence from Another Jurisdiction".
- Consult with a lawyer to guide them.
Intentional deception can have serious legal consequences.
You’re really not understanding me say you are the other parent and I file intentionally file a false short term emergency order of protection against you and I lied that our case was over and resolved in * and I falsely state that you are harassing me and that you are dangerous just so I can evade from submitting an application to the parent plus loan or paying for the college expenses this way the other parent cannot contact me or she will get arrested and the child support a judge has no clue what is happening so if you were in her place today would you file a motion titled motion to bring to the courts attention or what would you do
If I were the other parent, I might file a "Motion for Judicial Notice of Fraudulent Activity" or "Motion to Disclose Misconduct" in the child support case, attaching evidence of the false protective order. Always consult with a legal professional first.
What is that how would you what would your listing at
If I were in the other parent's position, I would:
- File a "Motion for Judicial Notice of Fraudulent Activity" or "Motion to Disclose Misconduct"
- Attach the false protective order as evidence
- Consult with a legal professional for further guidance.
Always remember to be truthful in all legal proceedings.
My attorney in the child support case deliberately misrepresented the judges orders making it seem as only the other parent is supposed to submit a application to the parent plus loan to determine both of our eligibility I then went and obtained a short term emergency order of protection with false allegations against the other parent and if you were the other parent what would you do how would you bring Dad to the child support judges attention
If I were the other parent, I might:
- File a "Motion to Disclose Misrepresentation and Misconduct"
- Attach the misrepresented order and evidence of the false emergency order of protection
- Consult a legal professional for further advice
Remember, honesty is critical in legal matters.
And if she does that and states in there that I also lied about my income because I lied to the judge that my girlfriend is financially helping me when she doesn’t even work she has not worked since * and the judge sees the misrepresentation and the misconduct cause I filed a false restraining order what would happen or they just judge won’t even care because she was attempting to justify my actions to the other parent and I got away with it
If the other parent takes these steps and the judge is made aware of your false claims, there could be serious consequences, including:
- Adjustment of child support payments.
- Legal penalties for perjury.
- Potential criminal charges for filing false reports.
Always consult with a lawyer for legal advice.
But how can the child support judge do any of this if I filed it in obtained it in Kane county
Even if the order was obtained in Kane county, the Cook county child support judge can still consider it. Misconduct presented can affect your case no matter where it occurred. Always consult with a legal professional for advice.
What do you mean by misconduct
Misconduct, in legal terms, generally refers to:
- Wrongful, improper, or unlawful conduct.
- Actions that are in violation of a rule, law, or standard of behavior.
- Behavior that can adversely affect legal proceedings or outcomes.
But how did I do that by making false allegations just to order a short term is the order of protection
By making false allegations to obtain a protection order, you could be seen as committing misconduct. This is because you're providing false information to the court, which is against the law and can impact the outcome of legal proceedings.
I don’t think the child support judge will care that I have obtained it would Fosse allegations against the other parent
While it's ultimately the judge's decision, they are required to consider all relevant evidence. If the other parent presents proof of false allegations, it could impact your case. Remember, honesty is crucial in legal proceedings. Misleading the court can lead to serious legal consequences.
I highly Doubt that as this child support judge has been all making all her ruling that decisions based on my false statements even though the other parent is providing documented evidence
If the judge continues to rule based on false statements, the other parent can:
- Appeal the judge's decisions.
- File a complaint with the judicial review board.
- Seek advice from a legal professional.
Remember, honesty is always the best approach in legal matters. Misleading the court can lead to serious legal penalties.
The other parent provided the judge with overwhelming documented evidence my bank statements clearly showing income cycling diversion and concealment the judge didn’t even pay attention the judge was making excuses for me
Even if it seems that the judge is not considering the evidence, the other parent can:
- Request a review or appeal of the decision.
- File a complaint with the judicial conduct board.
- Consult with a legal professional for further advice.
False statements can lead to serious legal repercussions.
What’s a child support judge in our case is not as the other parent is providing documented evidence and I’m just stating false statements she seems to roll in my favor
If the judge seems to favor you despite false statements:
- The other parent can appeal the decision.
- They may file a complaint with the judicial conduct board.
- They can consult a lawyer for further advice.
Remember, dishonesty in court can lead to serious consequences.
Even if she does nothings going to happen and I’m still going to get away with it
While it may seem like you can avoid consequences now, remember:
- False statements can lead to serious legal repercussions.
- The other parent can still present evidence of misconduct.
- This can negatively affect your case and potentially lead to penalties. Legal honesty is key.