Judge Approval For Dvro


Judges in California generally need more than just allegations to grant a DVRO, requiring evidence like text messages or witness testimonies. Self-representation does not usually affect the decision. Fee waivers for accessing court records online are available for those who qualify by filling out a FW-001 form. Each case is unique and decided on its individual merits.

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In California:
- Judges typically need more than just allegations for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO).
- They require evidence such as text messages, emails, or witness testimonies.
- Self-representation isn't usually a factor in a judge's decision.
- If you're self-representing, consider consulting a legal aid organization for guidance.
Can a judge approve it even if there is no evidence other than allegations
In California, while it's possible for a judge to grant a DVRO based on allegations alone, it's not common. Judges usually require some form of supporting evidence. Each case is unique and decided on its individual merits.
Can I get court records online with a fee waiver
In California:
- You can request court records online.
- Fee waivers are available for those who qualify based on income.
- To apply, you need to fill out a FW-* form.
- If approved, you can access court records for free.
Remember, each case is different and rules can vary by county.