Guardianship Modification In Florida


In Florida, you can file a petition to modify visitation rules and guardianship. Collect evidence of your parents behavior and consult a lawyer to discuss your case in detail. The courts primary concern is the childs best interest. If you believe your parents misused your stimulus check, you can report it and seek legal advice. You can also request text message records from your phone company if theres a legal necessity.

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I need help getting in right direction
Hello ****, I'd be glad to help you. Could you please specify your legal issue more clearly? Also, could you let me know which country or state you're in as laws can vary by location.
It's guardianship with my parents
Hello ****, I understand you're seeking help with guardianship issues concerning your parents. Could you please tell me which state you're in, as laws vary by location?
Hello ****, in Florida, for you to be appointed as a guardian:
*. You need to be a resident of Florida.
*. You must be at least 18 years old.
*. You must not have been convicted of a felony.
*. You must be physically and mentally capable of performing the duties.
Would you like more details?
My parents have guardianship of my kids and how they are treating everything is not very fair
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Florida:
*. You can file a petition to terminate or modify the guardianship.
*. The court will consider if it's in the best interest of the children.
*. You may need to prove your parents are unfit or circumstances have changed.
Do you need help finding a lawyer?
Are there any places that can help me get a place so I can get my kids back
Yes, there are organizations in Florida that can help with housing and legal advice. Two examples are Florida's Hardest Hit Fund and Legal Services of North Florida. Would you like their contact details?
Are there any place in plant City Florida
There are resources in Plant City, Florida that could assist you. United Food Bank and Services of Plant City might be able to help with housing needs. For legal assistance, Bay Area Legal Services provides aid to low-income individuals. Would you like their contact details?
Can I tell you what has/happening to me and you tell me what I need to do?
Of course, ****. Please feel free to share more details about your situation. I'll do my best to provide general legal information that might be helpful for you.
About 5 years ago we lost our house and we moved in with my husband's dad he started to not be such a good person and I asked my parents to take my kids until I got my stuff situated in the house so fast forward My parents asked if they could have temporary custody and I kept saying no but I fell for my dad's lies or whatever and I let them have temporary custody ever since that day my dad has been on a power trip and in the court papers it says that my visitations have to be supervised which is not okay cuz I don't know why they have to be supervised and it never says an exact day of when it should be supervised and just a supervised and I can only see my kids one day a week for * hours and like my dad will sit there and talk crap about me to my kids saying that I'm not a mom to them that I'm more of their friend and every single time that I ask my dad if I can walk them to school or do anything like that with them he tells me no and they'll let my son stay the night with anyone that he wants to but he's not allowed to do that with me and they're just on a really bad power trip they won't let me be a mom and I think that's super unfair
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Florida:
*. You can file a petition to modify visitation rules.
*. Collect evidence of your parents' behavior.
*. Consult a lawyer to discuss your case in detail.
Remember, the court's primary concern is the child's best interest.
Also when ever we got the stimulus check My parents was supposed to give me half of it legally but I did not know that at the time and when I gave them their portion of the stimulus check like whatever amscot took out to cash that check I had to pay for my check at the time my dad knew that I was homeless and I do not have a car but he did not give me anything instead he bought himself a new house
I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties, ****. In Florida:
*. Stimulus check division can be a complex issue.
*. If you believe your parents misused your stimulus check, you can report it.
*. Consult a lawyer about this matter to understand your legal options better.
Is there any way that I can get all my text messages from my dad from my phone company
Yes, ****. In Florida, you can typically:
*. Request your phone company for records.
*. They may provide it if there's a legal necessity.
*. Consult a lawyer to guide you on how to proceed with this.
Remember, the process can vary depending on your service provider.