Uncontested Divorce Document Requirements


In an uncontested divorce in Texas, the court requires documents such as a Petition for Divorce, waiver of service, and an inventory of community property and debts. Financial documents are generally an overview rather than line itemized. Courts typically dont check social media unless there are specific concerns like hidden assets or child custody issues. Child custody issues involve disputes about legal and physical care, visitation rights, decision-making, and child support. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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Hello Tim, it's nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I'm from Texas, Harris County
Hello Tim, it's nice to meet you too. Could you please provide more details about the legal issue you're facing in Harris County, Texas?
I'm wondering if my spouse asks for a divorce and we do an uncontested, what documents will the court need to review? Will it be overview of financials or line itemized? Will they want to check anything else?
In an uncontested divorce in Texas, the court may need:
- Petition for Divorce
- A waiver of service or proof of service
- A divorce decree
- An inventory and appraisement of all your community property and debts
- If applicable, child support orders and a parenting plan.
Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
So they won't request financial documents if uncontested?
In an uncontested divorce in Texas, the court may still require an inventory and appraisement of all your community property and debts. It's not necessarily line itemized, but a general overview. Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
Thanks. In an uncontested divorce, is anything else checked like social media? Someone mentioned they might
In Texas, courts typically don't check social media in uncontested divorces unless there's a specific reason, like suspected hidden assets or issues related to child custody. But it's best to consult with a local attorney for your specific case.
I don't understand what issues related to child custody means
"Issues related to child custody" refers to disputes or concerns about who will have legal and physical care of a child after a divorce. This can include disputes about visitation rights, decision-making rights, and child support. It's always best to consult a local attorney for specifics.