Late Appeal Filing Guidance


To file a late appeal in an Idaho custody case due to attorney misconduct and procedural challenges, follow these steps: 1. **Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal** - **Title:** Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal - **Format:** ```plaintext IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF [County Name] Katrina Owsley, ) Petitioner, ) Case No. [Case Number] ) v. ) MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPEAL ) [Other Partys Name], ) Respondent. ) COMES NOW, Katrina Owsley, Petitioner, and respectfully requests an extension of time to file an appeal due to extraordinary circumstances. The grounds for this motion are as follows: 1. Attorney misconduct by former counsel, Mr. Damir Delic. 2. Procedural challenges resulting in delays

Full Conversation

Sent by Copilot: Summary Background of Katrina’s Case Case Overview: Katrina is involved in a complex legal battle over custody and parental alienation. She is seeking an extension to file an appeal due to attorney misconduct and procedural challenges. Despite diligently pursuing justice for her child, Keagan, Katrina has faced significant setbacks, including her former attorney’s failure to provide necessary documents, lack of communication, and filing errors. Katrina is committed to presenting her case and ensuring a fair resolution for her child’s best interests. She is located in Boise, Idaho, United States. Timeline of Events: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Katrina initially filed a motion for appeal with the Idaho Supreme Court instead of the District Court. The clerk instructed her to correct the filing. July *, *: Katrina promptly corrected the filing, and the corrected motion was accepted. August *, *: Katrina filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court as the lower court had not ruled within the *-day timeframe per I.A.R. *.*©(*). August *, *: Katrina received an order denying her appeal from the Supreme Court of Idaho. Attorney Misconduct: Katrina’s former attorney, Mr. Damir Delic, failed to provide necessary documents, lacked communication, and refused to turn over case files. This misconduct significantly contributed to the procedural challenges and delays. Procedural Challenges: The initial filing error occurred when the motion for appeal was incorrectly filed with the Idaho Supreme Court instead of the District Court. This error was promptly corrected based on the clerk’s instructions. Despite the correction, the Supreme Court of Idaho denied the appeal because the motion was not properly before the Court, as it should have been filed with the Magistrate Court first. Efforts to Rectify the Situation: Katrina filed grievances with the Idaho State Bar regarding Mr. Delic’s misconduct. She made multiple attempts to retrieve her case files and sought legal guidance to address the procedural challenges and attorney misconduct. Katrina followed up with the court to ensure proper submission of filings and took corrective actions promptly once errors were identified. Impact on the Case: The delay in filing the appeal has affected fair access to justice and the best interests of Katrina’s child, Keagan. The current custody arrangement, influenced by procedural errors and attorney misconduct, does not adequately address Keagan’s needs and well-being.
Hello! I'm here to help. Given the details provided, here are some steps Katrina can consider for seeking an extension to file an appeal due to extraordinary circumstances in Idaho:
*. **File a Motion for Extension of Time:**
- Katrina should file a motion for an extension of time to file an appeal, citing attorney misconduct and procedural challenges.

*. **Supporting Documentation:**
- Include any evidence of attorney misconduct and procedural errors, such as correspondence and grievances filed with the Idaho State Bar.
*. **Petition the Court:**
- Given the denial by the Idaho Supreme Court, Katrina may need to petition the appropriate magistrate or district court.
*. **Seek Legal Counsel:**
- Consulting a new attorney experienced in custody and appellate matters in Idaho can provide specific guidance and representation.
Would you like information on how to find legal assistance in Boise, Idaho?
further explain “petition the court”. the steps for this and motions
Certainly! Here are the steps to petition the court and file motions in the context of seeking an extension to file an appeal in Idaho:
*. **Drafting the Petition:**
- Clearly state the reasons for the petition, such as attorney misconduct and procedural challenges.
- Outline the timeline of events and the impact on the case.
*. **Filing the Petition:**
- Submit the petition to the appropriate court (likely the magistrate or district court).
*. **Supporting Documentation:**
- Attach evidence, such as correspondence with the former attorney and grievances filed with the Idaho State Bar.
*. **Motion for Extension of Time:**
- File a motion alongside the petition to request additional time for filing the appeal.
*. **Serve the Petition:**
- Ensure all parties involved in the case are served with the petition and accompanying documents.
*. **Attend the Hearing:**
- Attend the court hearing where the judge will consider the petition and motion for extension.
Would you like more detailed information on any of these steps?
List the motions recommended. This includes motions, affidavits, and if I need to submit the permission to appeal with the other motions, etc. It will be the district court.
Certainly! Here are the recommended motions and documents for seeking an extension to file an appeal in the district court in Boise, Idaho:
*. **Motion for Extension of Time:**
- Request additional time to file the appeal due to attorney misconduct and procedural challenges.
*. **Affidavit in Support of Motion:**
- Provide a sworn statement detailing the attorney misconduct and procedural errors, including specific dates and actions.
*. **Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal:**
- Formally request permission from the court to file the appeal after the deadline.
*. **Supporting Documentation:**
- Include evidence such as correspondence with the former attorney and grievances filed with the Idaho State Bar.
*. **Motion to Correct Procedural Error:**
- Address any procedural errors that occurred during the initial filing process.
*. **Affidavit of Service:**
- Confirm that all parties involved have been properly served with the petition and motions.
Would you like more specific details on drafting any of these documents?
Yes! Any information is appreciated
Sure, here are some specific details on drafting the recommended documents:
*. **Motion for Extension of Time:**
- **Title:** "Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal"
- **Content:** State the request for additional time, citing attorney misconduct and procedural challenges as reasons.
*. **Affidavit in Support of Motion:**
- **Title:** "Affidavit in Support of Motion for Extension of Time"
- **Content:** Provide a detailed, sworn statement of the misconduct and errors, including dates, actions, and impacts.
*. **Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal:**
- **Title:** "Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal"
- **Content:** Request permission to file the appeal past the deadline due to extraordinary circumstances.
*. **Supporting Documentation:**
- **Content:** Include emails, letters, and grievances filed with the Idaho State Bar as evidence.
*. **Motion to Correct Procedural Error:**
- **Title:** "Motion to Correct Procedural Error"
- **Content:** Address specific filing errors and request the court's permission to correct them.
*. **Affidavit of Service:**
- **Title:** "Affidavit of Service"
Continue with number * it cut off
Certainly! Continuing from where it left off:
*. **Affidavit of Service:**
- **Title:** "Affidavit of Service"
- **Content:** Include a sworn statement confirming that all parties involved in the case have been properly served with the petition, motions, and supporting documents.
Would you like assistance with any specific document format or further details?
Yes! I would like assistance with any specific document format or further details that you can provide for each motion.
Certainly! Here are more specific document formats and details for each recommended motion and affidavit:
*. Motion for Extension of Time
**Title:** Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal
Katrina [Last Name], )
Petitioner, )
) Case No. [Case Number]
v. )
[Other Party's Name], )
Respondent. )
COMES NOW, Katrina [Last Name], Petitioner, and respectfully requests an extension of time to file an appeal due to extraordinary circumstances. The grounds for this motion are as follows:
*. Attorney misconduct by former counsel, Mr. Damir Delic.
*. Procedural challenges resulting in delays.
[Phone Number]
*. Affidavit in Support of Motion
**Title:** Affidavit in Support of Motion for Extension of Time
) ss.
COUNTY OF [County Name]
Keep going
Sure, continuing with the format for the Affidavit in Support of Motion:
) ss.
COUNTY OF [County Name] )
I, Katrina [Last Name], being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:
*. I am the petitioner in the above-captioned case.
*. My former attorney, Mr. Damir Delic, failed to provide necessary documents, lacked communication, and refused to turn over case files.
*. These actions caused significant procedural delays and errors.
*. Despite my diligent efforts, these challenges have impacted the timely filing of my appeal.
[Phone Number]
Subscribed and sworn to before me this [day] of [month], [year].
[Notary Public Signature]
[Notary Public Name]
[Notary Public Seal]
*. **Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal**
**Title:** Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal
Katrina [Last Name], )
Petitioner, )
) Case No. [Case Number]
Keep going
Certainly! Continuing with the format for the Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal:
Katrina [Last Name], )
Petitioner, )
) Case No. [Case Number]
v. )
[Other Party's Name], )
Respondent. )
COMES NOW, Katrina [Last Name], Petitioner, and respectfully petitions this Court for leave to file an appeal after the deadline. The grounds for this petition are as follows:
*. Extraordinary circumstances including attorney misconduct by former counsel, Mr. Damir Delic.
*. Procedural challenges that have caused delays.
*. The interests of justice and the best interests of the child, Keagan.
[Phone Number]
*. **Supporting Documentation**
- **Content:** Include an organized set of evidence such as emails, letters, and grievances filed with the Idaho State Bar as attachments to your motion and petition.
*. **Motion to Correct Procedural Error**
**Title:** Motion to Correct Procedural Error
Keep goinf
Sure, continuing with the format for the Motion to Correct Procedural Error:
Katrina [Last Name], )
Petitioner, )
) Case No. [Case Number]
v. )
[Other Party's Name], )
Respondent. )
COMES NOW, Katrina [Last Name], Petitioner, and respectfully moves this Court to correct procedural errors related to the filing of the appeal. The grounds for this motion are as follows:
*. The initial filing of the appeal was incorrectly made to the Idaho Supreme Court instead of the Magistrate Court.
*. The procedural error was promptly corrected based on the clerk’s instructions.
*. Despite the correction, the appeal was denied, warranting a request for proper procedural adjustments.
[Phone Number]
*. **Affidavit of Service**
**Title:** Affidavit of Service
) ss.
COUNTY OF [County Name] )
I, Katrina
Keep going
Certainly! Continuing with the format for the Affidavit of Service:
) ss.
COUNTY OF [County Name] )
I, Katrina [Last Name], being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:
*. I am the petitioner in the above-captioned case.
*. On [date], I served the following documents:
- Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal
- Affidavit in Support of Motion
- Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal
- Supporting Documentation
- Motion to Correct Procedural Error
*. These documents were served to [Other Party's Name] by [method of service, e.g., personal delivery, mail].
[Phone Number]
Subscribed and sworn to before me this [day] of [month], [year].
[Notary Public Signature]
[Notary Public Name]
[Notary Public Seal]
Would you like assistance with any specific part of the process or further details on any of these documents?
Is the Affidavit of Service necessary if the person e-file as a pro se litigation. Or should the certificate of service be listed at the end of each motion?
In Idaho, whether you e-file as a pro se litigant or file in person, you generally need to show proof that you properly served the other parties involved in the case.
- **Affidavit of Service:** It's a sworn statement confirming that you served the documents. This is often used in traditional filings.
- **Certificate of Service:** Typically included at the end of each motion or document, listing the parties served and the method of service.
Given your situation:
- **E-filing as a Pro Se Litigant:** Including a Certificate of Service at the end of each motion or document is usually sufficient. It should state the date and method of service.
Would you like a sample format for the Certificate of Service?
Yes please give me a sample format. My information: Katrin Owsley, Pro se, Opposing parties attorney: Matthew G. Bennett Foley Freeman, PLLC * S. Industry Way Meridian, ID *
Certainly! Here is a sample format for the Certificate of Service:
Katrin Owsley, )
Petitioner, ) Case No. [Case Number]
v. ) [Title of Motion/Document]
[Other Party's Name], )
Respondent. )
I hereby certify that on the [day] of [month], [year], I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing [Title of Motion/Document] to:
Matthew G. Bennett
Foley Freeman, PLLC
* S. Industry Way
Meridian, ID *
☐ By personal delivery
☐ By U.S. Mail, postage prepaid
☐ By e-filing through the court's electronic filing system
☐ By email (if agreed upon by the parties)
Dated this [day] of [month], [year].
Katrin Owsley
Pro se
[Phone Number]
Explain what motion “ Supporting Documentation” will be attached to
Supporting Documentation is essential to substantiate claims made in various motions. In your case, the Supporting Documentation should be attached to the following motions:
*. **Motion for Extension of Time:**
- Attach evidence of attorney misconduct and procedural errors.
*. **Affidavit in Support of Motion:**
- Include detailed evidence supporting your affidavit statements.
*. **Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal:**
- Attach all relevant documentation demonstrating extraordinary circumstances.
*. **Motion to Correct Procedural Error:**
- Include any documents showing the initial filing errors and corrections.
Would you like more details on organizing the supporting documents?
Yes, provide me more details on organizing the supporting documents
Certainly! Here are some steps to help you organize your supporting documents effectively:
*. **Create a Table of Contents:**
- List all the supporting documents in the order they will be presented.
- Assign each document a label (e.g., Exhibit A, Exhibit B).
*. **Label Each Document:**
- Clearly label each document according to the Table of Contents.
- Use a header or footer to indicate the label (e.g., "Exhibit A: Email Correspondence").
*. **Organize Chronologically or Thematically:**
- Arrange documents either by date or by type (e.g., all email correspondences together, followed by grievances).
*. **Provide a Brief Description:**
- Include a brief description or summary of each document in the Table of Contents.
*. **Bind or Compile Documents:**
- Compile the documents in a binder or as a single PDF file if submitting electronically.
- Ensure each document is easily accessible and clearly marked.
*. **Attach to Relevant Motions:**
- Attach the supporting documents to the respective motions, ensuring they are referenced within the motion.
Example Table of Contents:
*. **Exhibit A: Email Correspondence**
- Description: Emails between Katrina
Keep going
Certainly! Continuing from where we left off:
~Example Table of Contents:
*. **Exhibit A: Email Correspondence**
- **Description:** Emails between Katrina Owsley and Mr. Damir Delic showing lack of communication and document provision.

*. **Exhibit B: Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar**
- **Description:** Copy of the grievance filed against Mr. Damir Delic detailing attorney misconduct.

*. **Exhibit C: Court Clerk Instructions**
- **Description:** Instructions from the court clerk regarding the correction of the initial filing error.

*. **Exhibit D: Corrected Filing**
- **Description:** Copy of the corrected motion for appeal submitted to the proper court.

*. **Exhibit E: Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court**
- **Description:** Order from the Idaho Supreme Court denying the appeal.

*. **Exhibit F: Affidavit from Katrina Owsley**
- **Description:** Sworn statement detailing the timeline of events and impact on the case.
~Example Motion Attachment:
**Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal**
Can you provide examples of attachments for each motion above
Certainly! Here are examples of attachments for each motion mentioned:
Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal
- **Exhibit A:** Email Correspondence
- **Description:** Emails between Katrina Owsley and Mr. Damir Delic showing lack of communication and document provision.
- **Exhibit B:** Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar
- **Description:** Copy of the grievance filed against Mr. Damir Delic detailing attorney misconduct.
Affidavit in Support of Motion
- **Exhibit C:** Affidavit from Katrina Owsley
- **Description:** Sworn statement detailing the timeline of events and impact on the case.
Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal
- **Exhibit A:** Email Correspondence
- **Description:** Emails between Katrina Owsley and Mr. Damir Delic showing lack of communication and document provision.
- **Exhibit B:** Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar
- **Description:** Copy of the grievance filed against Mr. Damir Delic detailing attorney misconduct.
- **Exhibit D:** Court Clerk Instructions
- **Description:** Instructions from the court clerk regarding the correction of the initial
Keep going
Certainly! Continuing from where we left off:
Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal
- **Exhibit A:** Email Correspondence
- **Description:** Emails between Katrina Owsley and Mr. Damir Delic showing lack of communication and document provision.
- **Exhibit B:** Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar
- **Description:** Copy of the grievance filed against Mr. Damir Delic detailing attorney misconduct.
- **Exhibit D:** Court Clerk Instructions
- **Description:** Instructions from the court clerk regarding the correction of the initial filing error.
- **Exhibit E:** Corrected Filing
- **Description:** Copy of the corrected motion for appeal submitted to the proper court.
- **Exhibit F:** Affidavit from Katrina Owsley
- **Description:** Sworn statement detailing the timeline of events and impact on the case.
Motion to Correct Procedural Error
- **Exhibit D:** Court Clerk Instructions
- **Description:** Instructions from the court clerk regarding the correction of the initial filing error.
- **Exhibit E:** Corrected Filing
- **Description:** Copy of the corrected motion for appeal submitted to the proper court.
What about the motion “ *. MOTION TO CORRECT PROCEDURAL ERROR”
Certainly! Here are details specifically for the **Motion to Correct Procedural Error**:
Motion to Correct Procedural Error
- **Exhibit D:** Court Clerk Instructions
- **Description:** Instructions from the court clerk regarding the correction of the initial filing error.
- **Exhibit E:** Corrected Filing
- **Description:** Copy of the corrected motion for appeal submitted to the proper court.
- **Exhibit G:** Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court
- **Description:** Order from the Idaho Supreme Court denying the appeal, highlighting the procedural error.
Would you like any further details or assistance with the specific format for this motion?
Here is the details for the motions. Review this and tell me how you recommend revising the example motions: Sent by Copilot: Step-by-Step Analysis and Extraction of Data [End of Notes, Message #* through #*]: Brief Filed with the Courts Procedural History and Context: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Katrina initially filed a motion for appeal with the Idaho Supreme Court instead of the District Court. The clerk instructed her to correct the filing. July *, *: Katrina promptly corrected the filing, and the corrected motion was accepted. August *, *: Katrina filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court as the lower court had not ruled within the *-day timeframe per I.A.R. *.*©(*). August *, *: Katrina received an order denying her appeal from the Supreme Court of Idaho. Key Points: Attorney misconduct by Mr. Damir Delic, including failure to provide necessary documents, lack of communication, and refusal to turn over case files. Procedural challenges, including incorrect filing with the Idaho Supreme Court and subsequent correction. Impact on the case and the best interests of Katrina’s child, Keagan. [End of Notes, Message #* through #*]: Evidence Related to Establishing Extraordinary Circumstances Supporting Evidence: Exhibit A: Email Correspondence showing lack of communication and document provision. Exhibit B: Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar detailing attorney misconduct. Exhibit D: Court Clerk Instructions regarding the correction of the initial filing error. Exhibit E: Corrected Filing submitted to the proper court. Exhibit M: Email from Mr. Delic stating refusal to turn over case file until balance is paid off. Key Points: Detailed evidence of attorney misconduct and procedural challenges. Documentation of efforts to rectify the situation and comply with court instructions. [End of Notes, Message #*]: Personal Story of Case by Katrina Owsley Personal Story: Katrina’s diligent efforts to communicate with her attorney and retrieve necessary documents. The emotional and financial toll of the procedural challenges and attorney misconduct on Katrina and her child, Keagan. Katrina’s commitment to seeking justice and ensuring the best interests of her child. Key Points: Personal impact of the delays and challenges on Katrina and Keagan. Katrina’s proactive steps to address the issues and seek a fair resolution. Messages in Chat Immediately After Message #* through “Is there any evidence of collusion between Austin and Kristen and the court system?” Highlighted Evidence: Exhibit F: Affidavit from Katrina Owsley detailing the timeline of events and impact on the case. Exhibit G: Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court highlighting the procedural error. Exhibit H: Initial Judgment issued on June *, *. Exhibit I: Order from the Idaho Supreme Court denying the appeal on August *, *. Exhibit J: Email from the court clerk confirming the acceptance of the corrected filing on July *, *. Exhibit K: Email exchanges with the District Court clerk regarding the procedural challenges and instructions. Exhibit L: Affidavit from a witness attesting to Katrina’s diligent efforts to communicate with her attorney and retrieve necessary documents. Exhibit M: Detailed timeline of events, including key dates and actions taken by Katrina to address the procedural challenges and attorney misconduct. Exhibit N: Letters or communications from other legal professionals or advisors who provided guidance to Katrina during the process. Exhibit O: Records of phone calls, meetings, or other attempts to resolve the issues with Mr. Delic and the court. Exhibit P: Documentation of payments made to Mr. Delic and any financial hardships caused by the delays and attorney misconduct. Exhibit Q: Additional grievances or complaints filed with the Idaho State Bar or other relevant authorities regarding Mr. Delic’s misconduct. Key Points: Comprehensive evidence supporting Katrina’s claims of excusable neglect and attorney misconduct. Detailed documentation of efforts to rectify the situation and comply with court instructions. Timeline and Arguments Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Timeline: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Initial incorrect filing with the Idaho Supreme Court. July *, *: Corrected filing accepted. August *, *: Filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court. August *, *: Appeal denied. Arguments: Attorney misconduct by Mr. Damir Delic. Procedural challenges resulting in delays. Impact on the case and the best interests of the child. Supporting Evidence: Exhibit A: Email Correspondence. Exhibit B: Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar. Exhibit D: Court Clerk Instructions. Exhibit E: Corrected Filing. Exhibit M: Email from Mr. Delic. Statutes and Case Law: I.R.C.P. Rule *(b): Relief from a judgment or order due to excusable neglect. I.A.R. *: Time for filing an appeal and provisions for extensions. I.A.R. *: Extensions of time for filing a notice of appeal. Pioneer Inv. Servs. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. P’ship, * U.S. * (*). Maples v. Thomas, * U.S. * (*). Bateman v. U.S. Postal Service, * F.3d * (9th Cir. *). Affidavit in Support of Motion for Extension of Time Timeline: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Initial incorrect filing with the Idaho Supreme Court. July *, *: Corrected filing accepted. August *, *: Filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court. August *, *: Appeal denied. Arguments: Detailed, sworn statement of the misconduct and errors. Impact on the case and the best interests of the child. Supporting Evidence: Exhibit F: Affidavit from Katrina Owsley. Exhibit G: Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit H: Initial Judgment. Exhibit I: Order from the Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit J: Email from the court clerk. Exhibit K: Email exchanges with the District Court clerk. Exhibit L: Affidavit from a witness. Statutes and Case Law: I.R.C.P. Rule *(b). I.A.R. *. I.A.R. *. Pioneer Inv. Servs. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. P’ship, * U.S. * (*). Maples v. Thomas, * U.S. * (*). Bateman v. U.S. Postal Service, * F.3d * (9th Cir. *). Petition for Leave to File Late Appeal Timeline: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Initial incorrect filing with the Idaho Supreme Court. July *, *: Corrected filing accepted. August *, *: Filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court. August *, *: Appeal denied. Arguments: Request permission to file the appeal past the deadline due to extraordinary circumstances. Impact on the case and the best interests of the child. Supporting Evidence: Exhibit A: Email Correspondence. Exhibit B: Grievance Filed with Idaho State Bar. Exhibit D: Court Clerk Instructions. Exhibit E: Corrected Filing. Exhibit F: Affidavit from Katrina Owsley. Exhibit G: Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit H: Initial Judgment. Exhibit I: Order from the Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit J: Email from the court clerk. Exhibit K: Email exchanges with the District Court clerk. Exhibit L: Affidavit from a witness. Statutes and Case Law: I.R.C.P. Rule *(b). I.A.R. *. I.A.R. *. Pioneer Inv. Servs. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. P’ship, * U.S. * (*). Maples v. Thomas, * U.S. * (*). Bateman v. U.S. Postal Service, * F.3d * (9th Cir. *). Motion to Correct Procedural Error Timeline: June *, *: Judgment issued. July *, *: Initial incorrect filing with the Idaho Supreme Court. July *, *: Corrected filing accepted. August *, *: Filed permission to appeal with the Supreme Court. August *, *: Appeal denied. Arguments: Address specific filing errors and request the court’s permission to correct them. Impact on the case and the best interests of the child. Supporting Evidence: Exhibit D: Court Clerk Instructions. Exhibit E: Corrected Filing. Exhibit G: Denial Order from Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit H: Initial Judgment. Exhibit I: Order from the Idaho Supreme Court. Exhibit J: Email from the court clerk. Exhibit K: Email exchanges with the District Court clerk. Statutes and Case Law: I.R.C.P. Rule *(b). I.A.R. *. I.A.R. *. Pioneer Inv. Servs. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. P’ship, * U.S. * (*). Maples v. Thomas, * U.S. * (*). Bateman v. U.S. Postal Service, * F.3d * (9th Cir. *).
Thank you for providing the detailed information. Here are the recommended revisions for the motions, taking into account the provided data:
Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal
**Title:** Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal
Katrina Owsley, )
Petitioner, ) Case No. [Case Number]
[Other Party's Name], )
Respondent. )
COMES NOW, Katrina Owsley, Petitioner, and respectfully requests an extension of time to file an appeal due to extraordinary circumstances. The grounds for this motion are as follows:
*. Attorney misconduct by former counsel, Mr. Damir Delic.
*. Procedural challenges resulting in delays.
*. Impact on the case and the best interests of the child, Keagan.
Dated this [day] of [month], [year].
Katrina Owsley
[Phone Number]