Court Appointed Lawyer Process


Courts in Charleston, West Virginia, may appoint a lawyer for child support contempt cases if youre facing jail time. This ensures fair proceedings, regardless of your financial situation. Contact Kanawha County Family Court at (304) 558-0497 for more information.

Full Conversation

I have a hearing tomorrow, but a lawyer called me today talking about my case. I never filed the paperwork for a lawyer. So how did he get appointed to my case?
In many jurisdictions, a lawyer can be appointed by the court if it's determined that you cannot afford one, or if the case requires legal representation for fair proceedings. This is more common in criminal cases. Can you provide your location for more specific information?
How did they determine I needed a lawyer without the proper paperwork?
Courts can appoint attorneys based on a few factors:
- If you're charged with a crime that could lead to jail time.
- If you're unable to afford a lawyer.
- If the judge deems it necessary for fair proceedings.
Can you confirm if your case is criminal and your location?
Contempt for child support
In child support cases, a lawyer can also be appointed if:
- The case is complex
- There's a large amount of money involved
- The other party has legal representation.
Could you confirm your location for more specific information?
Charleston West Virginia
In Charleston, West Virginia:
- The court may appoint a lawyer if you're facing jail time due to contempt for non-payment of child support.
- This is done to ensure fair proceedings, regardless of your financial situation.
- If you have more questions, contact Kanawha County Family Court at (*) *-*.