Inheritance Rights For Adopted Children


In Oklahoma, if a person dies without a will, the estate is inherited by the closest living relatives. As an adopted child, you have the same rights as a biological child. Your status as a biological child gives you priority in inheriting your mothers estate, even if you were adopted by your aunt. Adoption does not negate your rights to your biological mothers estate.

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my mother died and my aunt which had put her into a mental institution and then adopted me is trying to take possession of her estate as next of kin
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Oklahoma:
- If your mother didn't leave a will, the estate goes to the closest living relatives.
- As an adopted child, you have the same rights as a biological child.
Did your mother leave a will?
no she was my biological
I understand your situation better now. In Oklahoma, if there's no will:
- The deceased's children are first in line to inherit.
- Other relatives, like siblings, may inherit if there are no children.
Your status as a biological child gives you priority.
even if my aunt adopted me
Yes, even if your aunt adopted you, your status as a biological child remains. Adoption doesn't negate your rights as a biological child to your mother's estate in Oklahoma, especially when there's no will.