Co-estate trustees in Ontario can communicate directly with each others lawyers, but having legal representation is advised. Trustees must act in the estates best interest and disclose relevant information. If a trustee disclaims inheritance, they still have duties. Courts may encourage mediation or alternative dispute resolution. Seek legal counsel for guidance.Full Conversation
The other co-estate trustee is not co-operative with this co-estate trustee and the lawyer has difficulties being in the middle of the communication
In Ontario, the co-estate trustee can communicate directly with the other trustee's lawyer. However, it's recommended to always have legal representation during such communications. If the current lawyer is having difficulties mediating, it might be beneficial to seek a different legal counsel.
Only one lawyer involved and that lawyer is representing the unco-operative co-estate trustee
In Ontario,
- The co-estate trustee can communicate directly with the uncooperative co-estate trustee's lawyer.
- It's advised to have your own legal representation to ensure your interests are protected.
- If communication issues persist, consider seeking alternative legal counsel.
This other co-estate trustee disclaimed his inheritance and is refusing to disclose it to me as co=-estate trustee
In Ontario, all estate trustees are obligated to:
- Act in the best interest of the estate.
- Disclose all relevant information to co-estate trustees.
- If a trustee disclaims their inheritance, they must still fulfill their duties as a trustee.
If they refuse to disclose information, legal action may be required.
The court at this point would like this issue settleed outside
In Ontario, if a court encourages settlement outside, consider:
- Mediation or alternative dispute resolution.
- Hiring a lawyer to represent your interests.
- The court can enforce disclosure of relevant information if it's not being provided.
Please consult legal counsel for action.