Disability Benefits Underpayment Claim


If your disability benefits were underpaid, you may have a claim for breach of contract and could seek damages including back pay, interest, and emotional distress. Consult a local attorney for a thorough evaluation of your case.

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I was on disability through a private provider through my employer. They under calculated my monthly benefit amount by *$, I was supposed to get *$ a month but they under calculated and ended up paying me only *$ a month. I brought this to the attention of the insurance provider and they told me that it was my employer's fault for under calculating and my employer said it was the insurance providers fault for under calculating and then they both flip-flopped and told me that the calculation was correct because I didn't work long enough to get paid anymore than that but the policy specifically said what my monthly amount would be so for two years I was paid only $* a month I lost everything I owned and ended up living in my truck I stopped filing for the disability because they made it so difficult after one year I decided to look at My account dashboard on the insurance provider website to look at my old information and they forgot to block my access and I was able to look at the financial documents and they were reporting to the IRS that they were paying me $*,* a month when they were only paying the $* a month I copied all of that information and sent it all to my employer and notified the insurance carrier company ethics division and my employer's ethics hotline they then decided to recalculate and they realized I was correct and that they owed me $*,* in back pay so they cut me a check for $*,* but they kept $*,* for taxes I asked them what about the interest for those two years where I lost everything I owned and lived in my truck they said they're not liable for any of that
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Could you please tell me where you are located? The laws related to disability benefits and interest on incorrect payments can vary by location.
Salt lake city Utah
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, ****. In Utah:
- You might have a claim for breach of contract if the benefits were not paid as per the policy.
- You could possibly claim damages, including interest, but it depends on various factors.
You should consult with a local attorney for a thorough evaluation of your case.
What are the damages I could claim?
In Utah, possible damages you might claim could include:
- Back pay and interest
- Emotional distress damages
- Potential punitive damages
- Cost of living adjustment (COLA)
- Attorney's fees
Please note that outcomes depend on specific case details.