Employment Dispute Settlement Proposal


Sara, an on-site property manager in Oregon, faced numerous employment issues, including wage theft, retaliation, and a hostile work environment. She reported multiple violations and was subsequently harassed and sabotaged by her manager. Despite her efforts to address these issues, she was placed on administrative leave and forced to resign, leading to unemployment and homelessness. Sara is seeking advice on creating a settlement proposal to request fair compensation for her rights being violated. She is owed overtime wages and has suffered emotional distress and loss of income. Consulting an employment lawyer and documenting all incidents are recommended steps.

Full Conversation

I have a employment issue
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your employment issue. Could you please provide more details about your situation? Also, could you tell me which country or state you're located in? This will help me provide more accurate information.
I am in the USA in the State of Oregon
Hello ****, thank you for providing your location. Could you please elaborate on your employment issue? Is it related to wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or something else?
I was hired by a property management company October *, for a On-Site property manager position located in Lebanon , Oregon. The complex was a * unit complex and was LIHTC/HUD property. Upon my arrival I quickly found many violations. The “Roving manager” who had been assigned to the property prior to my hiring, had done absolutely nothing in the year prior to my arrival. * out of * units ( * units vacant) had terminated Certifications and or were about to be terminated. In addition none of the units vacant had been property turned nor were they in rent ready condition. The tenants never were notified of the certification renewal dates, nor the fact that their certifications had been terminated. Nor were they notified that the management company had raised their rent to full rent value after terminated certifications. There was no maintenance personnel assigned to the property and tenants units were in bad shape. All attempts by tenants to receive maintenance or attempts to contact the property management company was impossible. I reported these issues to other local managers who were employed by the same company. In addition to all that a rehabilitation project started soon after I was hired, however I was not provided and information on what was taking place as far as what was all going to be done during the project. I was informed that tenants would have to relocate during the time their unit was under construction. However I was not provided with a plan or budget. I was told that tenants would receive $* a day no matter house hold size per day. If they choose to stay with friends and family. If not their option was hotel for 30 days or they could stay in one of the vacant , tenants would recieve boxes and packing materials and moving assistance. But that’s it. No funds . All other project prior to the property I was at, the tenants all received their relocation funds (friends or family) on the day they walked out the door for 30 days. However the manager and the company refused to pay the tenants upon move out. Tenants were relocated up to *+ days with no funds. I repeatedly objected and made many emails and reports on what I believed was to be violations. Through out my employment. As a result I was non stop retaliated against. By my manager. I was sabatoged and harassed and dealt with adverse actions taken against me through out my entire employment. I was not provided the tools, training, or opportunity that all other managers receive, I was constantly working in a hostile work environment, as well as isolated. The manager refused to provide me the required training gas for my position, failed to provide me the sign in information needed to access programs and systems needed to perform my duties. Did not respond to my attempts to communicate, when I did communicate with her , it was on her terms and she was the only one allowed to speak. If I attempted to ask question she would say “she had no more time, that I needed to circle back to the foving manager, or she would literally count backwards then disconnect the video call. She with held hours from my time card purposely, accessing my file on her day off work and submitting my time card missing * hours of regular wages and * hrs of overtime. Her actions then caused my pay to only be partial pay via direct deposit, I then had to play her go around in circles game, in order to get her to fix my hours and the company to issue me a check and then send it via mail. She then contacted my other manager the following day and forced my other manager to cancel a training I was already scheduled to take, and is a requirement for LIHTC/HUD for onsite managers prior to performing any certifications and or lease up activities. Its a 3 day course, I was contacted and told that she had canceled my training g the day before I was to attend. Yet blaming me for the * terminated certifications and canceling the trainings I needed to be able to even do them. She also would not let me be cleared to return to work, refused to speak about work. Told me I was in violation . And then had my relocation fund that were approved and issued to me stole and with held it for 15 days despite my continued demand for it . Then voided it in the system stating in the notes that “ no longer a employee, not needed”. When I was a employee on the day it was issued, I was a employee on the day it was to be delivered to my property, but was stolen, I was a employee the day they voided it in the system and my last day was the same weekend I had already been notified that I was going to be temporary relocated, however I had been super stressed out and completely defeated by these non stop adverse actions and felt I had no option but to resign. HR department retaliated against me as well and placed me on paid administrative leave. And told me I could not return to my duties as manager. And that upon my final day. April *, * I would have * hours to permanently vacate, temporary relocation move out day was April *-*, * I now had to permanently vacate the same weekend. And they provided me zero assistance. This I believe made me a displaced person. I filed a Boli complaint however they did not contact me until November *, * in which my claim was then made official, however it didn’t get assigned to a investigator until February *, and then sat in a wait list until July of * in which I am told is now being investigated. I do not have a attorney, I have been unemployed and homeless since all of this. And I need advice on how to go about requesting a fair but complete compensation for my rights being violated
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Here are a few steps you could consider:
*. Document all incidents, emails, and communications related to your claims.
*. Consult with an employment lawyer. Some offer free initial consultations.
*. Consider contacting Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industries again for an update on your case.
*. You may also want to contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding the LIHTC/HUD issues.
Please remember this is general advice and it's recommended to consult with a legal professional.
Done all that. Could you provide me a detailed example of how I would create a settlement proposal in this case
Creating a settlement proposal involves several steps:
*. **Identify the Parties**: Clearly state your name and the name of your employer.
*. **Outline the Dispute**: Briefly summarize your employment issue, providing key facts and dates.
*. **State Your Claims**: List the violations, retaliation, and harassment you experienced.
*. **Propose Settlement Amount**: Based on your losses (wages, emotional distress, legal fees), suggest a fair compensation.
*. **Include a Deadline**: Specify a reasonable time for them to respond.
*. **Disclaimer**: Mention that the proposal is a negotiation, not an admission of guilt.
This is a general guide. Please consult a legal professional for detailed assistance.
Using the information I have provided you and your knowledge of law, could you create a detailed example using the standard format, and include the amounts allowed under Oregon law. I made *.* a hr. * hrs a week. And they still owe me * over time hours and due to me having to resign I let out on an additional * hrs of over time. Could you please create a detailed example using all the information you can and create a settlement proposal. Cascade management Inc located in Portland Oregon is the company . **** Reeff is my full name. The manager who retaliated against me was Sonia Romero.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Based on the details you've given, here's a simple example of a settlement proposal:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
**** Reeff
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Today's Date]
Re: Employment Dispute and Settlement Proposal
Dear Ms. Romero,
I write to you regarding my employment at Cascade Management Inc. between [start date] and [end date]. I believe that during my employment, there were multiple infractions including wage theft, retaliation, and hostile work environment.
The specific claims I am raising are as follows:
*. Owed Wages: I am owed * hours of overtime at a rate of *.* times my regular pay ($*.*) for a total of $*,*.*. In addition, I missed out on * hours of overtime due to my forced resignation, amounting to $*,*.
*. Retaliation and Hostile Work Environment: I experienced retaliation and a hostile work environment that led to emotional distress, loss of income, and career opportunities.
I propose a settlement amount of $XX,XXX to cover the above claims, plus