Filing Discrimination Harassment Lawsuit


If the EEOC does not pursue your age discrimination charge, you can file a lawsuit within 90 days of receiving a Notice of Right to Sue. Even in a right to work state like Arkansas, you can pursue claims for age discrimination, harassment, and defamation. File the lawsuit in the county where the incident occurred, such as Pulaski County Circuit Court. Document all instances of harassment and any evidence of age discrimination. Contact the Arkansas Bar Association or local legal aid organizations for legal assistance.

Full Conversation

I filed an aged based discrimination charge with eeoc against Family dollar.
Hi ****! Thanks for sharing your situation. To provide you with the most relevant information, could you let me know the current status of your charge with the EEOC? For instance, has the EEOC made a determination or have they issued a "Right to Sue" letter?
I am wN
It seems like there was a typo in your last message. Could you please clarify the current status of your charge with the EEOC? For example, have you received a right-to-sue letter, or is the investigation still ongoing?
I am wantingto know if
Hi ****! Are you looking for information on the next steps after filing an age-based discrimination charge with the EEOC, or do you need details on what to expect during the EEOC process?
I want to know of the eeoc doent want to persue a
Understood, ****. If the EEOC decides not to pursue your age discrimination charge, you will receive a "Notice of Right to Sue." This allows you to file a lawsuit in federal or state court within 90 days.
Do you need information on how to proceed with filing a lawsuit in Colorado?
No ifeeoc doent persue legally do i have any ramifications to file a suite againstthe c0mpany. I worked for family dollar in Arkansas.
Hi ****! If the EEOC does not pursue your charge, you have the right to file a lawsuit against Family Dollar. Here are the steps:
- You will receive a "Notice of Right to Sue."
- File the lawsuit in either federal or state court within 90 days of receiving the notice.
Do you need information on finding legal assistance or understanding the lawsuit process in Arkansas?
Yes. If they decide i cqn not provide enough evidence that the di
It seems like your message got cut off. If the EEOC decides there's not enough evidence to pursue your charge, you still have the right to file a lawsuit against Family Dollar.
Would you like information on finding legal assistance in Arkansas or understanding the lawsuit process there?
Harrasment and hostile work environment was age discrimination, but definately harrassment that led to me being unjustly let go. Do i have any ground to stand on for a suite. Arkansas is right to wor,
Hi ****! Even in a "right to work" state like Arkansas, you might have grounds to file a lawsuit if you believe you were discriminated against based on age and harassed, leading to an unjust termination. Here are some key points:
- You have the right to file a lawsuit within 90 days of receiving a "Notice of Right to Sue" from the EEOC.
- You can pursue claims for age discrimination and harassment.
- Document all instances of harassment and any evidence of age discrimination.
Would you like information on finding legal assistance in Arkansas?
It seems like your message was cut off. If you need information about finding legal assistance in Arkansas, here are some steps you can take:
- Contact the Arkansas Bar Association for lawyer referrals.
- Look for local legal aid organizations that offer free or low-cost services.
Do you need specific contact information for these resources?
Right to work and so is Family Dollar
Hi ****! It sounds like you have concerns related to your rights and the concept of "right to work" in Arkansas. Here are some points:
- "Right to work" laws primarily deal with union membership and not termination reasons.
- You still have the right to pursue claims for age discrimination and harassment.
Would you like specific contact information for legal assistance resources in Arkansas?
I would like to know where I file a discrimination and harrassment suite with the stateof Arkansas
Hi ****! To file a discrimination and harassment lawsuit in Arkansas, you can follow these steps:
~Arkansas Circuit Court
- File in the county where the discrimination occurred or where the employer is located.
- Example: Pulaski County Circuit Court
- Phone: (*) *-*
- Address: * W Markham St, Little Rock, AR *
- Website:

Would you like more information on the lawsuit process or need help finding legal assistance?
I worked for Family Dollar in Delight Arkansas. I was unjustly tergeted and fired. And after i was let go the manager told the other employees and even so e customers that i was fired for stealing. Which is a lie. I was ket go because I
Hi ****! Sorry to hear about your situation. Given the issues you mentioned, you may have grounds for a defamation claim in addition to discrimination and harassment. Here’s what you can do:
- File a discrimination and harassment lawsuit in the county where the incident occurred.
- Consider a defamation claim for false statements affecting your reputation.
Would you like specific contact information for legal assistance in Arkansas?