Workplace Harassment Legal Guidance


Workplace harassment in Wisconsin is illegal, including discrimination due to injury and invasion of privacy. Frequent location changes and differential treatment post-injury could be considered harassment. Contact an employment law attorney for personalized advice. Use the Wisconsin State Bar Associations Lawyer Referral and Information Service to find a suitable attorney.

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Hello Brendan, nice to meet you. How may I assist you with your legal needs today?
I think I’m being harassed at work
I'm sorry to hear that, Brendan. Could you please provide more details about the harassment? Also, could you let us know your location as workplace harassment laws can vary depending on the country or region?
I’m in Wisconsin and what happened was since I’ve started I’ve been moved around to different plants * times in a month. Then I got injured at work and everyone treats me differently now. And then I have someone in the office talking to people about me outside of work who have then messaged me
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Brendan. In Wisconsin:
- Harassment at work is illegal
- Discrimination due to a workplace injury is also illegal
- Revealing personal information without consent can be considered an invasion of privacy
You may wish to file a complaint with your HR department or the Wisconsin Equal Rights Division.
Would you consider that harassment?
Based on the details provided:
- Frequent location changes could be seen as disruptive.
- Differential treatment post-injury could suggest discrimination.
- Discussing your personal matters outside work, especially if it led to unwanted contact, could be deemed as harassment.
However, a legal expert should evaluate your specific circumstances.
What legal expert should I contact
You should contact an employment law attorney. They specialize in workplace issues such as harassment and discrimination. Be sure to choose one who is licensed in Wisconsin as state laws can vary.
Can you recommend one
I'm sorry, but as a free legal information provider, I'm unable to recommend specific attorneys. However, you can use the Wisconsin State Bar Association's Lawyer Referral and Information Service to find a suitable attorney.
Thank you
You're welcome, Brendan. Remember, it's important to take action in such situations. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need more legal information.