Edd Tax Records Inspection


The California Employment Development Department (EDD) can inspect tax records under Unemployment Insurance Code §1088 for both regular UI and PUA claims. They examine wages, employment status, reasons for job separation, and benefit eligibility. The EDD may request tax returns to verify information, confirm reported income, and prevent fraudulent claims. This process ensures claimants meet eligibility requirements and helps prevent false claims.

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what act or law prevents the edd into looking into your tax records? and what exactly can they look at bye law?
The Employment Development Department (EDD) in California has the authority to inspect your tax records under the California Unemployment Insurance Code §*. They can examine:
- Wages and earnings
- Employment status
- Reasons for separation from employment
- Eligibility for benefits
This is for unemployment insurance purposes.
for a pua claim or a regular ui claim?
The California Unemployment Insurance Code §* applies to both regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claims. Both involve evaluating your wages, employment status, reasons for job separation, and benefit eligibility.
if they can see all that then why are they asking me for proof of my tax returns?
The EDD may request tax returns to verify the information you've provided or to establish your eligibility for benefits. It's a standard part of their process to ensure accuracy and prevent fraudulent claims.
how is it preventing fraudelent claims?
Requesting tax returns helps to:
- Verify the claimant's identity
- Confirm their reported income
- Ensure they meet the eligibility requirements
- Prevent people from making false claims or receiving benefits they're not entitled to.