Employee Damage Liability Rules


In Pennsylvania, employers generally cannot deduct pay for damages caused by an employee unless there is a written agreement. Exceptions may apply depending on the situation. For specific advice, consult a local labor attorney.

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can a business charge an employee for damages at a customer's home
In Pennsylvania, generally:
- Employers cannot deduct pay for damages caused by an employee, unless there's a written agreement.
- Some exceptions may apply, depending on the situation.
Please consult a local labor attorney for specific advice.
Can a business dock pay for an employee damaging a customer's home while on a job?
In Pennsylvania, the general rules are:
- A business cannot dock pay for damages an employee caused, unless a written agreement exists.
- Exceptions may apply under certain circumstances.
Consult a local labor attorney for more detailed advice.
Can a business charge an employee for damages at a customer's home while on the jb?
To clarify, are you asking if the business can make the employee personally pay for the damages, or if they can deduct it from their wages? In Pennsylvania, businesses generally cannot deduct pay for damages caused by an employee unless there's a written agreement. Exceptions may apply. For more specific advice, please consult a local labor attorney.