Employer Liability For Actions


Employers can be held vicariously liable for employee actions closely related to their work, even outside work hours. The Employment Equity Act protects against workplace discrimination. Contract wording alone doesnt define employment status; actual relationships matter. Adoptive parents get six weeks of paid leave. Leave timing is employer-determined. Volunteers arent covered by employment laws. Employee contracts end with employers death, with claims against the estate. Less than a year of employment requires one weeks notice for termination. Common law doesnt require fairness in contracts. Same-sex adoptive parents get ten days of paid leave. Some jobs are exempt from rest period laws. Fixed-term contracts end automatically. Employers must follow due process for dismissals. Labour inspectors cant issue spot fines. Labour law covers various relationships. Employers can be prosecuted for safety violations. Performance expectations must be met, but dismissal requires a fair process. Insolvency doesnt terminate employment contracts. Severance pay is required for operational dismissals. Leave disputes fall under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. Claims for workplace injuries go to the Compensation Fund. The

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Choose the correct option: Select the legislation that regulates the protection available for employees against discrimination in the workplace. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Hierdie wetgewing reguleer die beskerming beskikbaar vir werknemers teen diskriminasie in die werkplek. Question 2Answer a. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act. / Die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes. b. The Labour Relations Act. / Die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge. c. The Employment Equity Act. / Die Wet op Billike (Gelyke) Diensgeleenthede. d. The Unemployment Insurance Act. / Die Wet op Werkloosheidsversekering
The correct legislation that regulates the protection available for employees against discrimination in the workplace is the Employment Equity Act / Die Wet op Billike (Gelyke) Diensgeleenthede.
rue or False: If a contract between two individuals provides that it will create an independent contracting relationship between them, the individual performing the work will never be regarded as an employee based on the wording of the contract alone and without regard to the true factual relationship between the parties. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Indien ‘n kontrak tussen twee individue bepaal dat dit ‘n onafhanklike kontrakteurs-verhouding tussen hulle sal skep, sal die individu wat die werk doen nooit as ‘n werknemer beskou word nie alleenlik gebaseer op die bewoording van die kontrak en sonder om ag te slaan op die ware feitelike verhouding tussen die partye. Question 3Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is False/Onwaar. In South African law, regardless of the wording of the contract, if the actual relationship between the parties is that of an employer and employee, the individual performing the work could be regarded as an employee.
Choose the correct option: In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, an employee, who is an adoptive parent of a child below the age of two is entitled to the following adoption leave: --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Ingevolge die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes is 'n werknemer wat 'n aanneemouer is van 'n kind jonger as twee jaar, geregtig op die volgende aannemingsverlof: Question 4Answer a. six consecutive weeks unpaid leave / ses opeenvolgende weke onbetaalde verlof b. six consecutive weeks paid leave / ses opeenvolgende weke betaalde verlof c. ten consecutive weeks unpaid leave / tien opeenvolgende weke onbetaalde verlof d. ten consecutive weeks paid leave / tien opeenvolgende weke betaalde verlof
The correct answer is b. six consecutive weeks paid leave / ses opeenvolgende weke betaalde verlof. In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa, an employee who is an adoptive parent of a child below the age of two is entitled to ten weeks of adoption leave.
True or False: If there is no agreement in place between an employer and an employee which regulates the matter, the employee is entitled to take his or her annual leave at any time that suits him or her. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: As daar geen ooreenkoms in plek is tussen ‘n werkgewer en werknemer wat ‘n aangeleenthied reguleer nie, is die werknemer geregtig om sy of haar jaarlikse verlof enige tyd te neem wat hom of haar pas. Question 5Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is False/Onwaar. According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa, the timing of leave should be determined by the employer. However, an employer must consider both the needs of the business and the employee.
Choose the correct option: Bhulwe is a volunteer at a charitable organisation delivering food parcels to people in need. Candice, the manager, expects of Bhulwe to work * hours a day without any rest periods. Bhulwe does not receive any payment for the work done. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Bhulwe is ‘n vrywilliger by 'n liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat kospakkies aan mense in nood aflewer. Candice, die bestuurder, verwag dat Bhulwe * ure per dag werk sonder enige rusperiodes. Bhulwe ontvang geen betaling vir die werk wat gedoen is nie. Question 6Answer a. Bhulwe can rely on the Basic Conditions of Employment Act * of * because his working hours are more than the prescribed number. / Bhulwe kan staatmaak op die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes * van * omdat sy werksure meer is as die voorgeskrewe aantal. b. Bhulwe can rely on the Basic Conditions of Employment Act * of * because the employer does not provide rest periods as required by the Act. / Bhulwe kan op die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes * van * vertrou omdat die werkgewer nie rusperiodes verskaf soos vereis deur die Wet nie. c. Bhulwe can institute a claim against Candice for an unfair labour practice. / Bhulwe kan 'n eis teen Candice instel weens 'n onbillike arbeidspraktyk. d. Bhulwe cannot rely on the Basic Conditions of Employment Act * of *. / Bhulwe kan nie op die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes * van * steun nie.
The correct answer is d. Bhulwe cannot rely on the Basic Conditions of Employment Act * of * / Bhulwe kan nie op die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes * van * steun nie. The Act covers employees, not volunteers. However, it's suggested that Bhulwe discusses her concerns with Candice or the organization's board.
True or False: The death of an employer (who is a natural person) will result in the termination of the employment contract and the employee will have a claim against the deceased estate of the employer for any unpaid remuneration as well as an amount in respect of the payment for the relevant notice period. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Die dood van ‘n werkgewer (wat ‘n natuurlike persoon is) sal tot gevolg he dat die dienskontrak beëindig en die werknemer sal ‘n eis teen die bestorwe boedel van die werkgewer he vir enige onbetaalde vergoeding sowel as ‘n bedrag ten opsigte van betaling vir die betrokke kennistydperk. Question 7Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is True/Waar. In South Africa, under the law of contract, the death of a party can result in the termination of the contract. The employee will have a claim against the deceased's estate for any unpaid remuneration and notice period payment.
True or False: An employee who wishes to terminate his employment contract and who has worked for the employer for 10 months and * weeks must provide the employer with at least * weeks’ notice. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: ‘n Werknemer wat sy dienskontrak wil beëindig en wat vir * maande en * weke gewerk het, moet ten minste * weke kennis gee aan die werkgewer. Question 8Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is False/Onwaar. According to South Africa's Basic Conditions of Employment Act, if an employee has been employed for less than a year, they should give at least one week's notice when terminating their contract.
Choose the incorrect option: X is negotiating the terms of his employment with his prospective employer A. X is of the opinion that the common law contract law requirements are still applicable to the employment contract despite labour legislation regulating employment. The common law contract law requirements include: --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: X is besig om met sy voornemende werkgewer A oor sy diensvoorwaardes te onderhandel. X is van die opinie dat die gemeenregtelike vereistes van die kontraktereg steeds van toepassing is ongeag dat arbeidswetgewing nou indiensname reguleer. Die gemeenregtelike vereistes van die kontraktereg sluit in: Question 9Answer a. Legal capacity / Handelsbevoegdheid. b. Consensus / Wilsooreenstemming (consensus). c. Fairness. / Billikheid. d. Possibility of performance. / Moontlikheid van prestasi
The incorrect option is c. Fairness / Billikheid. In the context of common law contract requirements, fairness is not a formal requirement. The key requirements include legal capacity, consensus, and possibility of performance.
Choose the correct option: Mark and Sean are in a same-sex civil union and are in the process of adopting a baby. They have decided that after the adoption, Sean will be the primary caregiver for the baby and will, therefore, remain at home with the baby for the first few months after the adoption. Mark and Sean do not work for the same employer. On the basis of these facts, which one of the following options is correct in terms of the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Mark en Sean is in ‘n selfde-geslag burgerlike verbintenis en is in die proses om ‘n baba aan te neem. Hulle het besluit dat na die aanneming, sal Sean die primêre versorger van die baba wees en gevolglik sal hy by die huis saam met die baba vir die eerste paar maande na die aanneming. Mark en Sean werk nie vir dieselfde werkgewer nie. Gebaseer op hierdie feite, watter een van die volgende opsies is korrek in terme van die bepalings van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes? Question 10Answer a. Both Mark and Sean will be entitled to either ten consecutive days paid parental leave, or ten consecutive weeks’ paid adoption leave from the date of the adoption. / Beide Mark en Sean sal geregtig wees op óf tien opeenvolgende dae betaalde ouerskap-verlof, óf tien opeenvolgende weke betaalde aannemingsverlof vanaf die datum van die aanneming. b. Mark will be entitled to ten consecutive days unpaid parental leave from the date of the adoption and Sean will be entitled to ten consecutive weeks’ unpaid adoption leave from the date of the adoption. / Mark sal geregtig wees op tien opeenvolgende dae onbetaalde ouerskap-verlof vanaf die datum van die aanneming en Sean sal geregtig wees op tien opeenvolgende weke onbetaalde aannemingsverlof vanaf die datum van die aanneming. c. Both Mark and Sean will be entitled to ten consecutive days unpaid parental leave from the date of the adoption. / Beide Mark en Sean sal geregtig wees op tien opeenvolgende dae onbetaalde ouerskap-verlof vanaf die dag van die aanneming. d. Both Mark and Sean will be entitled to ten consecutive weeks’ paid adoption leave from the date of the adoption. / Beide Mark en Sean sal geregtig wees op tien weke betaalde aannemingsverlof vanaf die datum van die aanneming.
The correct answer is a. Both Mark and Sean will be entitled to either ten consecutive days paid parental leave, or ten consecutive weeks’ paid adoption leave from the date of the adoption / Beide Mark en Sean sal geregtig wees op óf tien opeenvolgende dae betaalde ouerskap-verlof, óf tien opeenvolgende weke betaalde aannemingsverlof vanaf die datum van die aanneming. This is according to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa.
Choose the incorrect option: The following legally prescribed minimum terms and conditions of employment are found in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act * of *: --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: Die volgende wettig voorgeskrewe minimum diensvoorwaardes word in die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes * van * gevind: Question 11Answer a. the meal intervals of D, a nurse / die etenspouses van D, ‘n verpleegster b. the rest periods of A, a member of the South African Secret Service / die rusperiodes van A, 'n lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse geheime diens c. the hours of work of B, an administrative assistant / die werksure van B, 'n administratiewe assistent d. the annual leave of C, an accountant / die jaarlikse verlof van C, ‘n rekenmeester
The incorrect option is b. the rest periods of A, a member of the South African Secret Service / die rusperiodes van A, 'n lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse geheime diens. According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, certain categories of work, such as members of the South African Secret Service, are exempted from some provisions including rest periods.
Choose the correct option: In the case of fixed-term contracts: --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: In die geval van vastetermyndienskontrakte: Question 12Answer a. The employer must give one month’s notice to the employee that the contract will terminate. / Moet die werkgewer aan die werknemer een maand kennis gee dat die kontrak beëindig gaan word. b. The employer does not have to do anything at the end of the term as the contract terminates automatically. / Hoef die werkgewer niks aan die einde van die termyn te doen nie aangesien die kontrak outomaties beëindig word. c. The employer may only terminate the contract at the end of the term for reasons related to misconduct, incapacity or operational requirements. / Mag die werkgewer slegs die kontrak aan die einde van die termyn beëindig weens redes wat verband hou met wangedrag, ongeskiktheid of bedryfsvereistes. d. At the end of the term, the employer must provide a fair reason for termination of the employment contract. / Moet die werkgewer aan die einde van die termyn 'n billike rede verskaf vir beëindiging van die dienskontrak
The correct option is b. The employer does not have to do anything at the end of the term as the contract terminates automatically / Hoef die werkgewer niks aan die einde van die termyn te doen nie aangesien die kontrak outomaties beëindig word. This is according to the South African Labour Laws.
Choose the incorrect option: Damian is an employee of Marian and works at an art gallery. On the opening night of a new exhibition, a guest, (Zavion) picks up one of the glass art pieces and drops it. Damian cannot believe that the magnificent art piece is destroyed, so he walks up to Zavion and hits him in the face. --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: Damian is 'n werknemer van Marian en werk in 'n kunsgalery. Op die openingsaand van 'n nuwe uitstalling, tel 'n gas (Zavion) een van die glaskunsstukke op en laat dit val. Damian kan nie glo dat die manjifieke kunsstuk vernietig is nie, daarom stap hy na Zavion en slaan hom in die gesig. Question 13Answer a. Damian is guilty of misconduct. / Damian is skuldig aan wangedrag. b. Marian can institute disciplinary proceedings against Damian. / Marian kan dissiplinêre verrigtinge teen Damian instel. c. The guest, (Zavion) can hold Marian vicariously liable for the conduct of Damian. / Die gas (Zavion) kan Marian middelik aanspreeklik hou vir die gedrag van Damian. d. Marian is justified to summarily dismiss Damian and tell him to immediately leave the premises. / Marian is geregverdig om Damian summier te ontslaan en te sê dat hy die perseel onmiddellik moet verlaat.
The incorrect option is d. Marian is justified to summarily dismiss Damian and tell him to immediately leave the premises / Marian is geregverdig om Damian summier te ontslaan en te sê dat hy die perseel onmiddellik moet verlaat. In South Africa, even in cases of serious misconduct, employers still need to follow due process before dismissing an employee.
Choose the correct option: A labour inspector in terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act does not have the power to – --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: ‘n Arbeidsinspekteur in terme van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes het nie die mag om - Question 14Answer a. Issue a spot fine not exceeding R * * to a non-complying employer. / ‘n Boete by ‘n werksplek, wat nie R5 * oorskry nie, uit te reik aan ‘n werkgewer wat nie die Wet nakom nie. b. Issue a compliance order against an employer who is contravening the Act. / ‘n Voldoeningsbevel teen ‘n werkgewer uit te reik wat die Wet oortree nie. c. Conduct inspections at the workplace. / Inspeksies uitvoer in die werkplek.
The correct answer is a. Issue a spot fine not exceeding R * * to a non-complying employer. / ‘n Boete by ‘n werksplek, wat nie R5 * oorskry nie, uit te reik aan ‘n werkgewer wat nie die Wet nakom nie. According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa, a Labour Inspector does not have the power to issue spot fines.
Choose the incorrect option: In the labour law context, there are various relationships. The following is an example of such a relationship regulated under labour law: --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: In die arbeidsreg konteks bestaan daar verskeie verhoudinge. Die volgende is ‘n voorbeeld van so ‘n verhouding wat gereguleer word onder die arbeidsreg: Question 15Answer a. The relationship that deals with the “collective” relationship between one or more employer(s) and one or more trade union(s) as embodied in collective bargaining agreements. / Die verhouding wat handel oor die “kollektiewe” verhouding tussen een of meer werkgewer(s) en een of meer vakbond(e) soos omvat in kollektiewe bedingingsooreenkomste. b. “Labour relations” that refers to the relationships between independent contractors and trade unions as regulated by the Labour Relations Act. / “Arbeidsverhoudinge” wat verwys na die verhoudinge tussen onafhanklike kontrakteurs en vakbonde soos gereguleer deur die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge. c. The relationship that exists between employers, employees and the state and is regulated by Labour Law. / Die verhouding wat bestaan tussen werkgewers, werknemers en die staat en deur Arbeidswetgewing gereguleer word. d. The relationship between an individual employer and an individual employee regulated by an individual employment contract. / Die verhouding tussen 'n individuele werkgewer en 'n individuele werknemer wat gereguleer word deur die individuele dienskontrak.
The incorrect option is b. “Labour relations” that refers to the relationships between independent contractors and trade unions as regulated by the Labour Relations Act. / “Arbeidsverhoudinge” wat verwys na die verhoudinge tussen onafhanklike kontrakteurs en vakbonde soos gereguleer deur die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge. Independent contractors are generally not considered to have the same rights as employees under the Labour Relations Act in South Africa.
Choose the correct option: The Occupational Health and Safety Act stipulates, amongst other things, that employers may be prosecuted if they do not comply with the provisions of the Act. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Die Wet op Beroepsveiligheid en Gesondheid bepaal onder meer dat werkgewers vervolg mag word indien hulle nie aan die bepalings van die Wet voldoen nie. Question 16Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is True/Waar. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in South Africa, employers may face legal actions if they fail to comply with the provisions of the Act.
True or False: An employee who, at the time of the creation of the contract, creates an impression of skill and expertise to perform a job at a certain level, will be held bound to that impression and an employer will be able to dismiss an employee for failure to meet the standard. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: ‘n Werknemer wat, ten tyde van kontraksluiting, ‘n indruk van kennis en vaardigheid geskep het om werk teen ‘n sekere vlak te kan doen, sal gebonde gehou word aan daardie indruk en ‘n werkgewer sal die werknemer kan ontslaan vir ‘n versuim om daardie standaard na te kom. Question 17Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is False/Onwaar. While performance expectations may be set during the contract creation, dismissal for underperformance is a complex process. In South Africa, it requires a fair process, including performance assessments, feedback, and opportunity for improvement before an employee can be dismissed.
Choose the correct option: As soon as an employee is declared insolvent by the High Court, the Insolvency Act stipulates that that the employee's contract of employment is automatically terminated. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Sodra ‘n werknemer as insolvent verklaar word deur die Hoë Hof, bepaal die Insolvensiewet dat daardie werknemer se dienskontrak outomaties beëindig word. Question 18Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is False/Onwaar. In South Africa, the declaration of insolvency does not automatically terminate an employee's contract of employment. The Insolvency Act does not provide for this termination. A contract of employment can only be terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act.
Choose the correct option: Logan is part of a group of employees that will be dismissed due to operational requirements at the end of September *. Logan had been employed by the company since * March *. On the basis of these facts, which one of the following statements is correct? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Logan is deel van ‘n groep werknemers wat afgedank gaan word op grond van bedryfsvereistes aan die einde van September *. Logan was in diens van die werkgewer sedert * Maart *. Gebaseer op hierdie feite, watter een van die volgende stellings is korrek? Question 20Answer a. Logan will only be entitled to severance pay if he refuses an offer of alternative employment. / Logan sal slegs geregtig wees op ‘n skeidingsloon indien hy ‘n aanbod van alternatiewe werk weier. b. Logan will be entitled to severance pay of an amount that equals three weeks’ remuneration. / Logan sal geregtig wees op ‘n skeidingsloon van ‘n bedrag wat gelykstaande is aan drie weke se vergoeding. c. Logan will be entitled to severance pay of an amount that equals two weeks’ remuneration. / Logan sal geregtig wees op ‘n skeidingsloon van ‘n bedrag wat gelykstaande is aan twee weke se vergoeding. d. Logan will not be entitled to severance pay at all. / Logan sal glad nie geregtig wees op ‘n skeidingsloon nie.
The correct answer is b. Logan will be entitled to severance pay of an amount that equals three weeks’ remuneration / Logan sal geregtig wees op ‘n skeidingsloon van ‘n bedrag wat gelykstaande is aan drie weke se vergoeding. According to South African law, if an employee is dismissed because of the employer's operational requirements, the employer must pay severance pay equal to at least one week’s remuneration for each completed year of continuous service.
Choose the correct option: A dispute regarding an employee’s entitlement to twenty-one (*) consecutive days leave per year is an example of: --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: 'n Dispuut oor die werknemer se reg op een-en-twintig (*) agtereenvolgende dae verlof per jaar is 'n voorbeeld van: Question 21Answer a. A dispute about which employees may go on strike. / ‘n Geskil waaroor werknemers mag staak. b. A dispute of interest. / ‘n Belange-geskil. c. A dispute or right. / ‘n Regte-geskil. d. A dispute regarding the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. / ‘n Geskil rakende die bepalings van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes.
The correct answer is d. A dispute regarding the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act / ‘n Geskil rakende die bepalings van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes. This Act provides for the minimum conditions of employment that employers must adhere to, including leave entitlements.
Choose the correct option: In terms of the Compensation for Occupational Disease Act * of *, an employee can institute a claim against the employer for injuries or illnesses incurred during working hours and at the workplace. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Ingevolge die Wet op die Vergoeding vir Beroepsbeserings en Siektes * van * kan 'n werknemer 'n eis teen die werkgewer instel vir beserings of siektes wat tydens werksure en by die werkplek opgedoen is. Question 23Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is False/Onwaar. Under the Compensation for Occupational Diseases Act * of *, an employee can institute a claim against the Compensation Fund and not directly against the employer for injuries or illnesses incurred during working hours and at the workplace.
rue or False: The difficulty with the control test used on its own in determining if an employment relationship exists is that it cannot effectively be used in circumstances where the worker is an expert in their field and the employer has insufficient knowledge of that field to be able to direct the work by the expert-worker. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Die probleem daarmee om die kontrole toets op sy eie te gebruik om te bepaal of ‘n diensverhouding bestaan is dat dit nie effektief aangewend kan word in omstandighede waar die werker ‘n kenner is op hul gebied nie en die werkgewer onvoldoende kennis van daardie gebied het en dus nie die werk van die kenner-werker kan bepaal nie. Question 24Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is True/Waar. In some cases, the control test may not provide a clear answer, especially when the worker is an expert in their field. The employer may not have the necessary knowledge to direct the work of the expert, making it difficult to establish the presence of a traditional employer-employee relationship.
Choose the correct option: The sole purpose of the Unemployment Insurance Fund is to provide for payment to persons who have become unemployed. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Die uitsluitlike doel van die Werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds is om voorsiening te maak vir betaling aan persone wat werkloos geword het. Question 25Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is False/Onwaar. While the Unemployment Insurance Fund does provide benefits to those who have become unemployed, it also provides benefits to individuals who are unable to work due to illness, maternity leave, or adoption leave, and it provides benefits to the dependents of a deceased contributor.
Choose the correct option: When determining if the employee earns less than the earnings threshold amount, which of the following payments are not excluded when an employee’s remuneration is calculated? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Watter een van die volgende word nie uitgesluit nie wanneer bepaal word of die werknemer minder verdien as die vergoedingsdrempel? Question 26Answer a. Commission earned on sales made. / Kommissie verdien op verkope gemaak. b. Subsistence and transport allowances. / Verblyf- en reistoelae. c. Achievement awards payable to the employee in a particular year. / Prestasietoekennings betaalbaar aan die werknemer in ‘n spesifieke jaar. d. Overtime payments. / Oortyd betalings.
The correct option is a. Commission earned on sales made / Kommissie verdien op verkope gemaak. In the calculation of an employee's remuneration to determine if they earn less than the earnings threshold amount, commission earned on sales made is not excluded.
True or False: When an employee wants to refer a dispute regarding a unilateral change to their terms and conditions of employment, the dispute should be referred directly to the Labour Court. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Wanneer ‘n werknemer ‘n geskil wil verwys aangaande die eensydige wysiging van hulle terme en voorwaardes van diens, moet die geskil direk na die Arbeidshof verwys word. Question 27Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is False/Onwaar. In South Africa, when an employee wants to refer a dispute regarding a unilateral change to their terms and conditions of employment, the dispute should first be referred to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) before it can be referred to the Labour Court.
Choose the correct option: Barry is a senior manager at the South African offices of a large multi-national manufacturing company. Barry’s working hours are irregular and at least once a week Barry has to work more than twelve hours a day due to meetings with other managers at the company’s head office in America, taking place after *:* SA time. Barry also frequently has to work on weekends. On the basis of these facts, which one of the following statements is correct? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Barry is ‘n senior bestuurder wat werk by ‘n groot multinasionale vervaardigings- maatskappy se kantore in Suid-Afrika. Barry se werksure is ongereeld en ten minste een keer ‘n week moet Barry meer as twaalf ure in ‘n dag werk weens vergaderings met ander bestuurders by die maatskappy se hoofkantoor in Amerika, wat na *:* Suid-Afrikaanse tyd plaasvind. Barry moet ook gereeld oor naweke werk. Gebaseer op hierdie feite, watter een van die volgende stellings is korrek? Question 28Answer a. Barry is not protected by the working time provisions in the legislation. / Barry word nie beskerm deur die werksure bepalings in die wetgewing nie. b. In order to allow Barry to continue working such irregular hours, Barry’s employers should conclude an agreement with him to average his working hours over a period of time. / Om Barry te kan toelaat om sulke ongereëlde ure te werk, moet Barry se werkgewers ‘n ooreenkoms met hom sluit om ‘n gemiddelde van sy werksure te bepaal oor ‘n tydsperiode. c. Barry’s employer should not allow him to work on weekends as he is entitled to a weekly rest period of at least * hours. / Barry se werkgewer mag hom nie toelaat om op naweke te werk nie aangesien hy geregtig is op ‘n weeklikse rusperiode van ten minste * uur. d. Barry will, by law, be entitled be paid overtime for any hours in excess of nine hours day, that he is required to work. / Barry sal volgens wet geregtig daarop wees om oortyd betaal te word vir enige ure wat die nege ure ‘n dag wat hy per dag moet werk, oorskry.
The correct answer is b. In order to allow Barry to continue working such irregular hours, Barry’s employers should conclude an agreement with him to average his working hours over a period of time / Om Barry te kan toelaat om sulke ongereëlde ure te werk, moet Barry se werkgewers ‘n ooreenkoms met hom sluit om ‘n gemiddelde van sy werksure te bepaal oor ‘n tydsperiode. This is in line with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa.
Choose the correct option: In the case of fixed-term contracts, the employer must give the employee a fair reason and notice before the employment contract expires at the end of the term. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: In die geval van vastetermynkontrakte moet die werkgewer vir die werknemer ‘n billike rede en kennis gee voordat die dienskontrak sal verval aan die einde van die termyn. Question 29Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
The statement is False/Onwaar. In the case of fixed-term contracts, the employer does not have to give a fair reason and notice before the employment contract expires at the end of the term. Such contracts terminate automatically at the end of the term.
Choose the correct option: A collective agreement between employers and unions is considered a source of law in the employment context. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: ‘n Kollektiewe ooreenkoms tussen werkgewers en vakbonde word beskou as ‘n bron van die reg in die werkskonteks. Question 30Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
The statement is True/Waar. In the employment context, a collective agreement between employers and unions is considered a source of law in South Africa. This type of agreement is legally binding and can modify the terms of individual employment contracts.
Question *.* Which of the following is not a source of labour law in South Africa? a. The Constitution b. The Employment Equity Act * of * c. The common law d. The contract of employment e. Collective agreements
The correct answer is b. The Employment Equity Act * of * is not a source of labour law in South Africa. The Employment Equity Act in South Africa is Act * of *, not * of *.
Which of the following relationships are regulated by labour law? a. The employer/employee relationship b. Relationships between employers and the trade unions which represent their employees c. The relationship between the State and employers d. All of the above
The correct answer is d. All of the above. Labour law regulates:
- The employer/employee relationship
- Relationships between employers and the trade unions which represent their employees
- The relationship between the State and employers
True or False: An employment contract, like any other contract is subject to rules originating in common law. As a result, the principle of freedom of contract must be applied absolutely within the realm of employment contracts.
The statement is False/Onwaar. While an employment contract is subject to rules originating in common law, the principle of freedom of contract is not absolute within the realm of employment contracts. There are statutory provisions, such as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act, which impose certain conditions and rights that cannot be contracted out of.
Question *.* Which of the following are not essentialia in an employment contract? a. The provision of benefits (e.g. provident fund and subsidised medical aid) by the employer b. The employee making their services available to the employer c. The payment of the employee by the employer d. All of the above
The correct answer is a. The provision of benefits (e.g. provident fund and subsidised medical aid) by the employer. An employment contract can exist without the provision of benefits. The essential elements are the employee making their services available to the employer and the payment of the employee by the employer.
Question * (* marks) IT Crowd (Pty) Ltd (“IT Crowd) concludes a contract with Woolworths (Pty) Ltd. (“Woolworths”). Per the contract IT Crowd will provide the services of * employees to update the Woolworths website. Alex, Bianca and Carlos are duly appointed and are to work on the website at the Woolworths head office from * September * until * November *. They are to work under the supervision of the Chief Information Officer of Woolworths. On * September * Alex is notified that she has been dismissed, effective immediately. Question *.* Identify the role of each of the following parties (i) IT Crowd Pty (Ltd) (ii) Woolworths Ltd (iii) Alex, Bianca and Carlos
(i) IT Crowd Pty (Ltd) is the employer. They have entered into a contract with Woolworths to provide services through their employees.
(ii) Woolworths Ltd is the client. They have contracted IT Crowd for services and provide the work environment for the employees.
(iii) Alex, Bianca, and Carlos are employees of IT Crowd Pty (Ltd) providing services under the contract.
State and explain who will be held responsible if it is found that Alex’s dismissal was unfair. Assume for purposes of this question that the services provided by IT Crowd qualify as temporary employment services
The party held responsible for Alex's unfair dismissal would be IT Crowd Pty (Ltd), her employer. This is based on the Labour Relations Act, which holds the employer accountable for any unfair dismissal. Even though Alex was working at Woolworths under the supervision of the Chief Information Officer, her contractual employer is IT Crowd.
Question * (* marks) Shuri owns Mega Warehouse, which sells do-it-yourself, home improvement products and building materials. Tony is an employee at Mega Warehouse. He assisted a customer who wished to buy a *-litre tin of lilac paint. The desired paint was stored on the highest shelf of the warehouse’s industrial shelving. Ordinarily, employees are required to use a forklift to retrieve items. However, since the store was busy, the forklift was already in use. As a result, Tony decided to retrieve the paint on his own by stacking storage boxes on top of each other. Tony was confident because he had successfully done this in the past. On the day in question, Tony climbed up the boxes and reached for the tin with one hand. However, one of the boxes underneath him gave way, which caused the tin of paint to slip out of his hand. The tin hit another customer, Zane. Zane was knocked to the floor and the fall resulted in him breaking his arm. Question *.* On what basis could Zane hold Shuri liable for his injuries?
Zane could potentially hold Shuri liable for his injuries based on the principle of vicarious liability. This principle in South African law holds employers liable for the negligent acts of their employees committed during the course of their employment. This is assuming that Tony was acting within the scope of his duties when the accident occurred.
Briefly explain what Zane would need to prove to successfully institute a claim against Shuri for his broken arm.
To successfully institute a claim against Shuri for his broken arm, Zane would need to prove that:
- Tony was an employee of Shuri and was acting within the scope of his duties at the time of the incident.
- Tony's actions were negligent, meaning that he failed to exercise the care expected of a reasonable person under the same circumstances.
- There's a causal connection between Tony's negligent actions and Zane's injury.
- Zane suffered damages (the broken arm) as a result of this negligence.