Employee Dismissal Proof Requirements


Employees in South Africa must prove dismissal and its unfairness. Employers must then prove the fairness of the dismissal. Dismissals for refusal to accept changes to employment terms are not automatically unfair. Severance pay for operational dismissals is at least one week per year of service. Dismissal for disability must be a last resort. Operational requirement dismissals are not automatically unfair. Constructive dismissal occurs if employment terms are unilaterally changed detrimentally. Unfair labour practices include inadequate training and unfair suspensions. Disputes about operational requirement dismissals may go to Labour Court after conciliation.

Full Conversation

True or False: The Viking Foundry Melt Shop melts scrap charge to liquid steel at the required temperature and chemical analysis. On * January *, the owners of the Melt Shop informed its employees that it had upgraded its equipment to comply with sectoral regulations. The employees refused to operate the new machinery. The shop entered into negotiations with the trade union. After extensive negotiations with the trade union failed to achieve an agreement, the employer notified employees of the mechanic upgrades and warned it would take disciplinary action against employees who refused to use the new machines. The employees refused to change to the new work practice. The Melt Shop dismissed the employees for a concerted refusal to comply with a lawful and reasonable work instructions. The dismissals were automatically unfair. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Die Viking Foundry Melt Shop smelt skrootmetaal tot vloeibare staal teen die vereiste temperatuur en chemise samestelling. Op * Januarie * stel die eienaars van die Melt Shop hul werknemers in kennis dat die toerusting opgegradeer is om sektorale regulasies na te kom. Die werknemers weier om die nuwe toerusting te bedryf. Die Melt Shop begin om met die vakbond te onderhandel. Na uitgebreide onderhandelings met die vakbond word ‘n ooreenkoms steeds nie bereik nie en die werkgewer stel die werknemers in kennis van die meganise opgraderings en waarsku dat dissiplinêre optrede geneem sal word teen werknemers wat weier om die nuwe toerusting te gebruik. Die werknemers weier om na die nuwe werkspraktyk oor te skakel. Die Melt Shop ontslaan die werknemers vir ‘n gesamentlike weiering om ‘n redelike en regmatige instruksie na te kom. Question 3Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
b. False / Onwaar
In terms of the South African Labour Relations Act, dismissals are not automatically unfair when employees refuse to accept changes to terms of employment. The employer has a duty to consult and negotiate, but if agreement cannot be reached, the employer may implement the changes after consultation.
True or False: Sanele Mthiyana works at The Viking Foundry Melt Shop. A small foundry that melts scrap charge to liquid steel. On * January *, Sanele incurred a third-degree burn on his arm while performing his duties. After exhausting his sick leave, he was absent from work for almost a year. Sanele’s medical doctors have indicated that it will take approximately three years for Sanele to recover from the injury. The medical doctors have further stated that there is no guarantee that Sanele would be capable of performing his current work duties after recovery. The Viking Foundry Melt Shop – which is currently retrenching staff due to significant structural and economic changes – dismisses Sanele. The company must pay Sanele at least two weeks’ wage for each year that he has worked. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Sanele Mthiyana werk by The Viking Foundry Melt Shop, ‘n klein smeltery wat skrootmetaal smelt to vloeibare staal. Op * Januarie * het Sanele ernstige derdegraadse brandwonde op sy arm opgedoen terwyl hy sy werk verrig het. Nadat hy sy siekverlof uitgeput het was hy afwesig van die werk af vir amper ‘n jaar en ‘n half. Sanele se mediese dokters het aangedui dat dit ongeveer drie haar sal neem vir Sanele om te herstel van sy beserings. Die mediese dokters het verder aangedui dat daar geen waarborg is dat Sanele in staat sal wees om sy huidige werk te doen nadat hy herstel het nie. The Viking Foundry Melt Shop – wat tans besig is om personeel weens bedryfsvereistes te ontslaan weens wesenlike strukturele en ekonomiese veranderinge – ontslaan Sanele. Die maatskappy moet Sanele minstens twee weke se loon betaal vir elke jaar wat hy gewerk het. Question 4Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
b. False / Onwaar
According to Section * of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act in South Africa, the employer must pay an employee who is dismissed for reasons related to operational requirements severance pay equal to at least one week’s remuneration for each completed year of continuous service.
True or False: Sanele Mthiyana works at The Viking Foundry Melt Shop. A small foundry that melts scrap charge to liquid steel. On * January *, Sanele incurred a severe third-degree burn on his arm while performing his duties. After exhausting his sick leave, he was absent from work for almost one and a half years. Sanele’s medical doctors have indicated that it will take approximately three years for Sanele to recover from the injury. The medical doctors have further stated that there is no guarantee that Sanele would be capable of performing his current work duties after recovery. The Viking Foundry Melt Shop may lawfully dismiss Sanele. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Sanele Mthiyana werk by The Viking Foundry Melt Shop, ‘n klein smeltery wat skrootmetaal smelt to vloeibare staal. Op * Januarie * het Sanele ernstige derdegraadse brandwonde op sy arm opgedoen terwyl hy sy werk verrig het. Nadat hy sy siekverlof uitgeput het was hy afwesig van die werk af vir amper ‘n jaar en ‘n half. Sanele se mediese dokters het aangedui dat dit ongeveer drie haar sal neem vir Sanele om te herstel van sy beserings. Die mediese dokters het verder aangedui dat daar geen waarborg is dat Sanele in staat sal wees om sy huidige werk te doen nadat hy herstel het nie. The Viking Foundry Melt Shop mag Sanele regmatiglik ontslaan. Question 5Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
a. False / Onwaar
In terms of Section * of the Employment Equity Act, it is unfair to discriminate directly or indirectly against an employee on the grounds of disability. Dismissal must be a measure of last resort after considering all possible alternatives.
Choose the correct option: Which one of the following scenarios will not potentially be an automatically unfair dismissal? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Watter een van die volgende gevallestudies sal moontlik nie ‘n outomatiese onbillike ontslag wees nie? Question 6Answer a. An employer terminates the employment of an employee in order to reduce staff numbers before selling the business as a going concern. / ‘n Werkgewer beëindig die diens van ‘n werknemer met die doel om personeel te verminder voordat die besigheid as ‘n lopende saak verkoop word. b. An employer terminates the employment of an employee who has reached the normal retirement age in the employer’s business. / ‘n Werkgewer beëindig die diens van ‘n werknemer wat die gewone aftree-ouderdom in die werkgewer se besigheid bereik het. c. An employer terminates the employment of an employee after the employee exposed the employer’s fraudulent practices relating to tenders for State contracts. / ‘n Werkgewer beëindig die diens van ‘n werknemer nadat die werknemer die werkgewer se bedrieglike praktyke in verband met tenders vir staatskontrakte aan die lig gebring het. d. An employer terminates the employment of an employee who has to take additional time off to care for her ill new-born children. / ‘n Werkgewer beëindig die diens van ‘n werknemer wat nodig het om ekstra tyd af te vat om vir haar siek pasgebore kinders te sorg.
a. An employer terminates the employment of an employee in order to reduce staff numbers before selling the business as a going concern. / ‘n Werkgewer beëindig die diens van ‘n werknemer met die doel om personeel te verminder voordat die besigheid as ‘n lopende saak verkoop word.
According to South African Labour Law under Section * of the Labour Relations Act, dismissals related to the employer's operational requirements (e.g., economic, technological, structural or similar needs) are not automatically unfair.
True or False: Ayanda Jones is a seasonal worker. For the past four years, she has collected strawberries at Redberry Farm on a fixed-term contract. On * August *, Redberry farm informs Ayanda that her contract will not be renewed because the farm has found someone with greater expertise. Ayanda claims that she has been unfairly dismissed because she had a reasonable expectation that her contract would be renewed. Redberry Farm bears the onus to prove that Ayanda did not have a reasonable expectation. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Ayanda Jones is ‘n seisoenale werker. Vir die laaste vier jaar het sy aarbeie gepluk by Redberry Plaas op ‘n vaste-termyn kontrak. Op * Augustus * lig Redberry Plaas Ayanda in dat haar kontrak nie hernu sal word nie omdat die plaas iemand met meer ervaring gekry het. Ayanda beweer dat sy onbillik ontslaan is omdat sy ‘n redelike verwagting gehad het dat haar kontrak hernu sou word. Redberry Plaas dra die bewyslas om te bewys dat Ayanda nie ‘n redelike verwagting gehad het nie. Question 7Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
a. True / Waar
According to Section * of the South African Labour Relations Act, a dismissal includes an employer who does not renew a contract of employment on the same or similar terms, where the employee reasonably expected the employer to renew it.
Time left *:*:* Question * Not yet answered Marked out of *.* Flag question Question text Choose the correct option: It has come to the attention of KMJ Consulting Ltd that one of their employees, Andrew, has an alcohol dependency problem. KMJ became aware of the issue when Andrew started arriving for work under the influence of alcohol a few times a week. On the basis of these facts, which one of the following options is correct? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Dit het onder KMJ Consulting Bpk se aandag gekom dat een van hulle werknemers, Andrew, ‘n alkohol-afhanklikheid probleem het nadat hy begin het om oor die laaste ses maande ‘n paar keer ‘n week onder die invloed van drank by die werk op te daag. Gebaseer op hierdie feite, watter een van die volgende opsies is korrek? Question 8Answer a. KMJ Consulting Ltd may dismiss Andrew on the basis of their operational requirements. / KMJ Consulting Bpk mag Andrew ontslaan op grond van hulle bedryfsvereistes. b. KMJ Consulting Ltd may not dismiss Andrew on the basis of his alcohol dependency as he is not in a high-risk position. / KMJ Consulting Bpk mag Andrew nie ontslaan op grond van sy alkohol-afhanklikheidsprobleem nie, aangesien hy nie ‘n hoë risiko pos beklee nie. c. KMJ Consulting Ltd will need to make use of an incapacity process to assist Andrew with his alcohol dependency problem. / KMJ Consulting Bpk sal gebruik moet maak van ‘n ongeskiktheidsproses om Andrew by te staan met sy alkohol-afhanklikheidsprobleem. d. KMJ Consulting Ltd may dismiss Andrew for misconduct as he has reported for work on more than one occasion whilst under the influence of alcohol. / KMJ Consulting Bpk mag Andrew ontslaan vir wangedrag aangesien hy op meer as een geleentheid onder die invloed van drank aangemeld het vir werk.
d. KMJ Consulting Ltd may dismiss Andrew for misconduct as he has reported for work on more than one occasion whilst under the influence of alcohol. / KMJ Consulting Bpk mag Andrew ontslaan vir wangedrag aangesien hy op meer as een geleentheid onder die invloed van drank aangemeld het vir werk.
According to the South African Labour Relations Act, reporting to work under the influence of alcohol can be considered misconduct, which may justify dismissal.
True or False: Thuli Zungu is an auto mechanic. She holds a station and a resale license. Moreover, she sets her own prices and work hours. On * August * Thuli entered into a contract with Zeina Logistics (Pty) Ltd to routinely check and replace the engines and cabin air filters of all their trucks. However, on * August *, Zeina Logistics (Pyt) terminated its contract with Thuli without notice. Thuli has been dismissed. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Thuli Zungu is ‘n motorwerktuigkundige. Sy het ‘n stasie en ‘n herverkoop lisensie. Daarmee saam bepaal sy ook haar eie pryse en werksure. Op * Augustus * sluit Thuli ‘n kontrak met Zeina Logistics (Edms) Bpk om op ‘n gereeld basis die enjins en kajuit-lugfiltreerders van al hulle trokke na te gaan en te vervang. Op * Augustus * beëindig Zeina Logistics (Edms) Bpk egter hul kontrak met Thule sonder kennisgewing. Thuli is ontslaan. Question 9Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
a. False / Onwaar
Based on the information provided, Thuli Zungu seems to be an independent contractor rather than an employee. Thus, the termination of her contract with Zeina Logistics (Pty) Ltd does not amount to a dismissal in the employment law context.
True or False: If an employer refuses to re-employ a former employee in terms of an agreement, this constitutes a dismissal. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Indien ‘n werkgewer weier om ‘n voormalige werknemer herindiens te neem in terme van ‘n ooreenkoms, sal dit neerkom op ‘n ontslag. Question 10Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
b. False / Onwaar
According to Section * of the South African Labour Relations Act, dismissal does not include an employer's failure to renew a contract of employment at the expiry of the term. However, each case must be evaluated individually.
Choose the incorrect option: Lea is an employee of Neo and works for his event company. They organize a high-end socialite function. Lea is on duty and socialises with the guests as requested by Neo. She does not usually drink any alcohol and becomes intoxicated after two drinks at the function. During a conversation with some of the guests she makes negative comments about the outfit of one of the other guests, a well-known actress, who threatens to sue Neo and Lea for defamation. --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: Lea is 'n werknemer van Neo en werk vir sy geleentheidsonderneming (“event company”). Hulle organiseer 'n hoë-klas sosiale funksie. Lea is aan diens en kuier saam met die gaste soos versoek deur Neo. Sy drink gewoonlik geen alkohol nie en is sy besope na twee drankies by die funksie. Tydens ‘n gesprek met van die gaste lewer sy negatiewe kommentaar oor die uitrusting van een van die ander gaste, ‘n welbekende aktrise, wat nou dreig om Neo en Lea vir laster te dagvaar. Question 11Answer a. Lea was grossly negligent in becoming intoxicated while on duty. / Lea was wesenlik nalatig om besope te raak terwyl sy aan diens was. b. Disciplinary steps against Lea will be based on misconduct. / Dissiplinêre stappe teen Lea sal gebaseer wees op wangedrag. c. Neo cannot take disciplinary steps against Lea because she was under the influence of alcohol when she made the negative comments. / Neo kan nie dissiplinêre stappe teen Lea neem nie omdat sy onder die invloed van drank was toe sy die negatiewe kommentaar gelewer het. d. Lea was allowed to socialise with the guests since it forms part of her job. / Lea is toegelaat om met die gaste gesellig te verkeer, want dit vorm deel van haar werk.
c. Neo cannot take disciplinary steps against Lea because she was under the influence of alcohol when she made the negative comments. / Neo kan nie dissiplinêre stappe teen Lea neem nie omdat sy onder die invloed van drank was toe sy die negatiewe kommentaar gelewer het.
Being under the influence of alcohol does not exempt an employee from disciplinary action if they engage in misconduct.
Choose the incorrect option: Reinstatement and re-employment as remedies to unfair dismissal will not be ordered if: --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: Herindiensstelling en herindiensname, as remedies vir onbillike ontslag, sal nie toegestaan word, indien: Question 12Answer a. the dismissal due to alleged misconduct, was substantively unfair, but procedurally fair. / die ontslag weens beweerde wangedrag, substantief onbillik, maar prosedureel billik was. b. it is not reasonably practicable for the employer to re-instate or re-employee the employee. / dit nie redelik prakties is vir die werkgewer om die werknemer herindiens te stel of herindiens te neem nie. c. a continued relationship will be intolerable. / ‘n voorgesette verhouding ondraagbaar sal wees. d. the employee does not wish to be re-instated or re-employed. / die werknemer nie herindiens-gestel of herindiens-geneem wil word nie.
a. the dismissal due to alleged misconduct, was substantively unfair, but procedurally fair. / die ontslag weens beweerde wangedrag, substantief onbillik, maar prosedureel billik was.
According to Section * of the South African Labour Relations Act, even if a dismissal is procedurally fair but substantively unfair, the Labour Court or Arbitrator has the power to order the employer to reinstate or re-employ the employee.
True or False: Zola Kunene works as a digital content creator at Versi Creatives (Pty) Ltd. She primarily creates online content for the company’s clients. On several occasions, Zola has seen the directors of the company purchase Instagram followers using various online services. On * June *, Zola called Kay FM to report Versi Creatives for what she referred to as “unethical social media practices”. When the company learns of Zola’s actions, it instigates a disciplinary process and suspends Zola for one month so that she cannot interfere with the investigation. Zola’s suspension amounts to an unfair labour practice. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Zola Kunene werk as ‘n digitale inhoudskepper by Versi Creatives (Edms) Bpk. Sy skep primer aanlyn inhoud vir die maatskappy se kliënte. Op verskeie geleenthede het Zola gesien hoe die direkteure van die maatskappy Instagram-volgers koop deur middel van verskeie aanlyn dienste. Op * Junie * bel Zola Kay FM om Versi Creatives se optrede bekend te maak omdat sy dit beskou as “onetiese sosiale media praktyke”. Toe die maatskappy uitvind van Zola se optrede begin hulle ‘n dissiplinêre proses teen haar en skors Zola vir ‘n maand sodat sy nie met die ondersoek kan inmeng nie. Zola se skorsing kom neer op ‘n onbillike arbeidspraktyk. Question 13Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
b. True / Waar
According to Section *(*)(b) of the South African Labour Relations Act, unfair labour practice includes unfair conduct by the employer relating to the suspension of an employee or any other disciplinary action short of dismissal in respect of an employee. However, each case must be evaluated individually.
Choose the correct option: On * May *, JXSC Mine (Pty) Ltd replaced all its machines used to break up large-sized rocks. JXSC Mine subsequently demotes several female workers because they do not have the expertise to operate the new machines. The relevant employees think that the mine's actions constitute an unfair labour practice. The employees may: --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Op * Mei * het JXSC Myn (Pty) Ltd al hulle toerusting wat gebruik word om groot rotse kleiner te breek vervang. JXSC Myn het daarna verskeie vroulike werkers ontslaan omdat hulle nie die kennis het om die nuwe toerusting te gebruik nie. Die relevante werknemers dink dat die myn se optrede ‘n onbillike arbeidspraktyk is. Die werknemers mag… Question 14Answer a. Refer the matter to the CCMA or a council with jurisdiction within 90 days of the occurrence of the alleged action. / die saak na die KVBA (CCMA) of ‘n raad met jurisdiksie verwys binne * dae nadat die beweerde optrede plaasgevind het. b. Refer the matter to the Labour Court within 90 days of the occurrence of the alleged action. / die saak na die Arbeidshof verwys binne * dae nadat die beweerde optrede plaasgevind het. c. Refer the matter to any council with jurisdiction within 30 days of the dismissal. / die saak na enige raad met jurisdiksie verwys binne * dae na die ontslag. d. Refer the matter to the CCMA or a council with jurisdiction within 30 days of the occurrence of the alleged action. / die saak na die KVBA (CCMA) of ‘n raad met jurisdiksie verwys binne * dae nadat die beweerde optrede plaasgevind het.
a. Refer the matter to the CCMA or a council with jurisdiction within 90 days of the occurrence of the alleged action. / die saak na die KVBA (CCMA) of ‘n raad met jurisdiksie verwys binne * dae nadat die beweerde optrede plaasgevind het.
According to Section * of the South African Labour Relations Act, employees must refer any dispute about unfair labour practices to the CCMA or a council with jurisdiction within 90 days of the date of the act or omission that caused the dispute.
True or False: John obtained his BAcc degree at Stellenbosch University. He then commenced work at Fast Accountants as a junior accountant and has worked for the company for ten years. During his ten years of employment, John has been not been promoted. The company has indicated that John was not promoted because he constantly produces unsatisfactorily. John argues that the reason he is unable to perform his duties satisfactorily is that the company did not provide him with adequate training. The company’s failure to provide John with adequate training amounts to an unfair labour practice. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: John het sy BRek graad by Stellenbosch Universiteit voltooi. Hy het daarna by Fast Accountants begin werk as ‘n junior rekenmeester en het vir * jaar by die maatskappy gewerk. Gedurende sy * jaar van diens was John nog nooit bevorder nie. Die maatskappy het aangedui dat John nie bevorder word nie omdat hy gedurig sy werk op ‘n onbevredigende wyse voltooi. John argumenteer dat die rede hoekom hy nie sy werk bevredigend kan doen nie is omdat die maatskappy hom nie voldoende opleiding verskaf het nie. Die maatskappy se versuim om John voldoende opleiding te gee kom neer op ‘n onbillike arbeidspraktyk. Question 15Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
a. True / Waar
According to Section *(*) of the South African Labour Relations Act, unfair labour practice includes unfair conduct by the employer relating to the provision of training or skills development. Each case must be evaluated individually.
True or False: Disputes in respect of dismissal on the ground of operational requirements are referred to the CCMA for arbitration. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Geskille in verband met ontslag op grond van bedryfsvereistes word na die KVBA (CCMA) verwys vir arbitrasie. Question 16Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
b. False / Onwaar
According to Section *(*) of the South African Labour Relations Act, disputes about dismissals for operational requirements may initially be referred for conciliation. If that fails, a further process of consultation under Section 189A(*) may be followed, or the matter may be referred to the Labour Court.
True or False: Disputes in respect of dismissal on the ground of operational requirements are referred to the CCMA for arbitration. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Geskille in verband met ontslag op grond van bedryfsvereistes word na die KVBA (CCMA) verwys vir arbitrasie. Question 16Answer a. True / Waar b. False / Onwaar
b. False / Onwaar
According to Section *(*) of the South African Labour Relations Act, disputes about dismissals for operational requirements may initially be referred for conciliation. If that fails, a further process of consultation under Section 189A(*) may be followed, or the matter may be referred to the Labour Court.
Choose the correct option: Cathy works for Brickworks (Pty) Ltd, a building company, as debtors’ clerk. The owner of Brickworks sells the business to Construction Kings (Pty) Ltd as a going concern and the business with all its employees are transferred to Construction Kings. Following the transfer and sale of the business, Cathy is told by Construction Kings that she will now only be entitled to * working days’ annual leave, instead of the * working days’ annual leave she was entitled to before the transfer, and that Construction Kings will only contribute *% of her remuneration to her pension fund, instead of the *% contributed by Brickworks. The changes were not discussed with Cathy. Cathy resigns. --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Cathy werk vir Brickworks (Edms) Bpk, 'n bouonderneming, as ‘n debiteureklerk. Die eienaar van Brickworks verkoop die onderneming as 'n lopende saak aan Construction Kings (Edms) Bpk. Die onderneming, met al sy werknemers, word aan Construction Kings oorgedra. Na die oordrag en verkoop van sake word Cathy deur Construction Kings meegedeel dat sy nou net op * werksdae jaarlikse verlof geregtig sal wees, in plaas van die * werksdae jaarlikse verlof waarop sy voor die oordrag geregtig was en dat Construction Kings slegs *% van haar vergoeding tot haar pensioenfonds sal bydra, in plaas van die *% wat deur Brickworks bygedra was. Die veranderinge is nie met Cathy bespreek nie. Cathy bedank. Question 17Answer a. Cathy’s resignation will amount to an unfair dismissal, due to her less favourable working conditions following the transfer. / Cathy se bedanking sal neerkom op 'n onbillike ontslag, as gevolg van haar minder gunstige werksomstandighede na die oordrag. b. Cathy’s resignation will amount to a constructive dismissal, because continued employment with Construction Kings was intolerable. / Cathy se bedanking sal neerkom op 'n konstruktiewe ontslag, omdat voortgesette diens by Construction Kings ondraaglik was. c. Cathy’s resignation will amount to a fair dismissal because Construction Kings did not need to follow a fair procedure by informing Cathy of the change in her terms and conditions of employment. / Cathy se bedanking sal neerkom op 'n billike ontslag omdat Construction Kings nie nodig gehad het om ‘n billike prosedure te volg deur Cathy in kennis te stel van die verandering in haar diensvoorwaardes nie. d. Cathy’s resignation will not amount to a dismissal, because Construction Kings have a discretion to provide their employees with terms and conditions of employment of their choosing. / Cathy se bedanking sal nie op ontslag neerkom nie, omdat Construction Kings 'n diskresie het om diensvoorwaardes van hul keuse aan hul werknemers te voorsien.
b. Cathy’s resignation will amount to a constructive dismissal, because continued employment with Construction Kings was intolerable. / Cathy se bedanking sal neerkom op 'n konstruktiewe ontslag, omdat voortgesette diens by Construction Kings ondraaglik was.
Under South African law, if an employer unilaterally changes the terms of employment to the detriment of the employee and the employee resigns as a result, it may be considered a constructive dismissal.
True or False: Section 189A of the LRA provides that employees of an employer who employs more than * employees may only refer the dispute in respect of a dismissal based on operational requirements to the Labour Court. --------------------------------------- Waar of Onwaar: Artikel 189A van die WAV bepaal dat werknemers van ‘n werkgewer wat meer as * werknemers in diens het slegs ‘n dispuut wat verband hou met ‘n ontslag weens bedryfsvereistes na die Arbeidshof kan verwys. Question 18Answer a. False / Onwaar b. True / Waar
b. False / Onwaar
Section 189A of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) provides for a specific procedure that must be followed for large-scale retrenchments (where the employer employs * or more employees). However, employees can refer disputes to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) or a Bargaining Council, and not just to the Labour Court.
Choose the incorrect option: Jenny Woods is selling her beauty salon to Edge Unisex Cape Town. The LRA: --------------------------------------- Kies die verkeerde opsie: Jenny Woods verkoop haar skoonheidsalon aan Edge Unisex Kaapstad. Die WAV: Question 19Answer a. Permits Edge Unisex to dismiss employees based on a transfer of business in terms of section * or 197A. / Laat toe dat Edge Unisex werknemers ontslaan gebaseer op die oordrag van ‘n besigheid in terme van artikel * of 197A. b. Prohibits Edge Unisex from dismissing the previous employees after the transfer. / Verbied Edge Unisex om die bestaande werknemers na die oordrag te ontslaan. c. Prohibits Jenny from dismissing her employees to transfer the business as a more attractive proposition. / Verbied Jenny om haar werknemers te ontslaan om die oordrag van die besigheid ‘n meer aanloklike opsie te maak. d. Permits Jenny and Edge Unisex to dismiss employees on the grounds of operational requirements. / Laat toe dat Jenny en Edge Unisex werknemers ontslaan op grond van bedryfsvereistes.
a. Permits Edge Unisex to dismiss employees based on a transfer of business in terms of section * or 197A. / Laat toe dat Edge Unisex werknemers ontslaan gebaseer op die oordrag van ‘n besigheid in terme van artikel * of 197A.
According to South African Labour Relations Act Section *, in a transfer of a business, the new employer is automatically substituted in the place of the old employer in respect of all contracts of employment in existence immediately before the date of transfer. Thus, they can't dismiss employees on the grounds of the transfer.
Choose the correct option: Which of the following is not an unfair labour practice identified in section * of the Labour Relations Act * of *? --------------------------------------- Kies die korrekte opsie: Watter van die volgende is nie 'n onbillike arbeidspraktyk wat in artikel * van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge * van * geïdentifiseer word nie? Question 20Answer a. unfair conduct by an employer in relation to the training of an employee / onbillike optrede deur 'n werkgewer in verband met die opleiding van 'n werknemers. b. unfair conduct by the employer relating to the provision of employment benefits / onbillike optrede deur die werkgewer met betrekking tot die voorsiening van diensvoordele c. unfair conduct by the employer in relation to a change in the location of the business premises where the employees tender their services / onbillike optrede deur die werkgewer met betrekking tot 'n verandering in die ligging van die besigheidsperseel waar die werknemers hul dienste aanbied. d. unfair conduct which relates to an occupational detriment in respect of an employee who has made a protected disclosure. / onbillike optrede wat verband hou met 'n werksnadeel ten opsigte van 'n werknemer wat 'n beskermde openbaarmaking gemaak het.
c. unfair conduct by the employer in relation to a change in the location of the business premises where the employees tender their services / onbillike optrede deur die werkgewer met betrekking tot 'n verandering in die ligging van die besigheidsperseel waar die werknemers hul dienste aanbied.
Section * of the Labour Relations Act does not specifically list this as an unfair labour practice.