Wrongful Termination Legal Guidance


Wrongful termination claims in South Carolina can be based on contract law, tort law, or discrimination law. Bullying may constitute a hostile work environment if based on protected characteristics. For sexual harassment claims, file a complaint under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and consult an employment attorney.

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Hello Wendy, how can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you please tell me more about it and your location as well?
Lancaster SC
Hello Wendy, thank you for sharing your location. Can you please describe the specific legal issue you are facing in Lancaster, SC, so I can provide you with the most relevant information?
Last August I was wrongful fired was bullied for 1 year was disrespecting in front or coworker's
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Wendy. Here are few points regarding your situation:
- In SC, wrongful termination claims can be based on contract law, tort law, or discrimination law.
- Bullying can be considered as a hostile work environment if based on protected characteristics.
- To proceed legally, gather evidence and consider consulting an employment attorney.
Remember, this is just general advice. You should consult a lawyer for more information.
Was fired for sexual absets with my boss I am not into men like that I have proof it's the other way around
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Wendy. If you have proof, you may:
- File a complaint under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits sexual harassment.
- Consult an employment attorney to review your evidence.
- File a complaint with the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission.
Remember, this is general advice and you should consult a lawyer for more detailed information.