Historic Abuse Allegation Options


An old employer accused you of historic abuse from 15 years ago. In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is generally two years. Your options include consulting a lawyer, considering a defamation claim if the accusation is false, and gathering evidence. Avoid communication with the organization without your lawyer present and document all interactions. Mediation or settlement might be possible to avoid trial. If you cannot afford a lawyer, explore legal aid services in California. Seek legal representation to navigate this complex situation.

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An old employer had reached out about an accusation made against me of historic abuse from about 15 years ago
I understand this is a stressful situation. **** ****, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is generally two years. However, please consult with a lawyer for personalized advice.
what are my options
Your options might include:
*. Consult with a lawyer to understand potential legal implications.
*. If false, you might consider a defamation claim.
*. Gather evidence and witnesses from the time period, if possible.
Remember, these are general suggestions. Always consult a lawyer.
A lawyer I spoke with said to avoid the organization
I understand your concern. Could you please elaborate on why the lawyer advised you to avoid the organization? This will help me provide more targeted information.
He said that they are looking to absolve themselves of any liability
It seems the lawyer believes the organization may try to shift blame onto you. Here are some steps you can take:
*. Gather evidence to prove your innocence.
*. Avoid communication without your lawyer present.
*. Keep all communication with the organization documented.
Remember, always consult your lawyer before taking any action.
Is it possible this does not go to trial
Yes, it is possible to avoid trial through negotiation, mediation, or settlement. However, this depends on the specifics of the case and the parties involved. Always consult with your lawyer before making any decisions.
Do ymcas in **** tend to go to mediation or trial
It varies case by case whether organizations like the YMCA in **** choose mediation or trial. Factors can include the nature of the case, potential public exposure, and costs. It's advisable to discuss this with your lawyer for your specific situation.
It's hard to generalize as it depends on the specifics of the case. However, many organizations, including YMCAs, may prefer mediation to avoid the costs and publicity of a trial. Always consult your lawyer for advice tailored to your situation.
How can I know if they are thinking about going to trial
That information is typically not made public unless the organization or their representative chooses to share it. Your lawyer may be able to gain insights based on their communication with the organization's legal team. Always consult with your lawyer for the best approach.
If I have no lawyer and am alone
I understand this is a challenging time for you. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may want to explore legal aid services in ****. They often provide free or low-cost consultation and representation in court. Would you like more information about this?
Sure, some legal aid services in **** include:
*. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles: www.lafla.org
*. Bay Area Legal Aid: www.baylegal.org
*. Legal Aid Society of San Diego: www.lassd.org
Please contact them directly for assistance.
Is it likely based on history or stats that this could just go away
It's hard to say without knowing specifics of your case. The outcome can depend on many factors including the nature of allegations, evidence, and actions of both parties. It's highly recommended to seek legal representation to guide you through this process.