Remove Public High School Records


You can request to amend your high school records under FERPA if you believe they were mishandled. California AB 711 supports transgender students rights in school sports. You can also seek information from the PTA about your records. Consulting a legal professional is advisable to ensure your rights are protected.

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I have records from high school that are publicly accessible, which I don't want to be available. During high school, I transitioned, and while my new legal name and sex were updated in the records, I ended up competing on the female team. This wasn't directly forced, but due to manipulation and a lack of a supportive environment, I felt pressured into it. As a minor, I wasn't fully aware of my rights and wish I had known that I didn’t have to accept the school’s decisions. According to FERPA, if a school mishandles records, students can contest and request an amendment, potentially leading to a legal hearing if denied. While the athletic records were technically recorded accurately, the broader administrative errors render the records incorrect from the start. I've been trying to obtain my records to see if there’s any documentation showing that I explicitly allowed my athletic records to be publicly disclosed, but many records were lost during the school's transition from paper to electronic files or destroyed due to retention policies. As a last resort, I’m considering asking the PTA if they have any information on where my records were disclosed since they may have managed the athletics. I'm unsure whether to directly explain my concerns to the registrar. I haven't done so yet because I fear they might tamper with the records if they know my intention. Should I just formally request to amend the records now, citing the mishandling of my transition, or wait until I hear back about the PTA's information?
Hello ****,
Your situation involves complex issues related to education law, privacy, and transgender rights. Here's some general information:
- FERPA grants you the right to request to amend your education records.
- California AB * permits transgender students to participate in school sports and physical education consistent with their gender identity.
Consider seeking advice from a legal professional to discuss the specifics of your situation.
That's not what I was asking I don't know if you read the entire thing but what I'm asking is whether I should wait until I see what the PT has in terms of what directories information they gave in to whom they gave it to which might result in me getting the information in or me not getting that information they also are in charge of athletic forms so I would like to see if they have any forms with me signing explicitly saying that I allowed for that information to be administered because under my interpretation of FERPA you need explicit signatures or you need a signature in order for your information to be given out however because During registration, the school mentioned that if I didn’t want my directory information shared, I needed to submit a written request. I didn't do that, so they assumed consent. I've been trying to obtain records to see if I explicitly allowed my athletic records to be publicly disclosed, but I've had no luck. This is why I am asking if I should just send in the formal request to amend my record since the likelihood of finding any records or consents is unlikely
I understand your concern, ****. In general, you can:
- Request to amend your records now, as per FERPA guidelines.
- Continue trying to gather more information from the PT, if you believe it's beneficial.
Remember, this is general advice. Consulting a legal professional may provide more clarity.
Hello ****,
You can indeed reach out to the PTA for any potential information. However, even without explicit consent on file, you can still request to amend your records according to FERPA. It's recommended to also seek advice from a legal professional.
Do you know the whole reason I was asking to get the files is because my time during high school was not the best and I fear that they would have tampered with the records if they knew why or what I was asking for which is why I'm trying to get the information before I request to amend the record
I understand your concerns, ****. Your rights under FERPA include inspecting and reviewing your educational records before amending. Requesting records doesn't require explaining why. Consult a legal professional to ensure your rights are upheld.