Filing Complaint Against Police


To file a complaint against a police officer in Florida, submit a written complaint to the officers police department or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). For relief from a wrongful conviction due to police misconduct, consider pursuing post-conviction relief or filing a civil rights lawsuit. Consult a legal professional for guidance. Pro bono legal services are available through organizations like Florida Pro Bono Matters and The Florida Bar Foundation.

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I have a police who arrested me that went to prison in florida where i was convicted how do i file on him and what do i claim for his faulty police work
To file a complaint against a police officer in Florida, you may:
- Submit a written complaint to the officer's police department.
- File a complaint with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).
For claiming damages due to faulty police work, consider consulting with a legal professional. They can guide you based on the specifics of your case.
My question is what in the court will give me relief from conviction that his faulty poloice work caused by planting evidence and lie on documents
You may want to pursue post-conviction relief, such as filing a motion to overturn the conviction based on new evidence or police misconduct. You might also consider filing a civil rights lawsuit. It's advised to consult with a legal professional for your specific case.
Can you tell who in florida could help me as lawyers pro bono
Sure, there are several organizations in Florida that provide pro bono legal services. Two prominent ones are:
- Florida Pro Bono Matters: Website:
- The Florida Bar Foundation: Website:
Please reach out to them for assistance with your case.