Legal Precedents For Obscenity


The conversation covered legal precedents for obscenity and adult entertainment in the UK and Canada, including landmark cases like R v. Butler and R v. Penguin Books Ltd. It also discussed Washingtons obscenity laws under RCW 7.48A and adult entertainment regulations under RCW 9.68A. The user inquired about internet censorship, federal regulations like the CDA and CIPA, and landmark cases such as R v. Sharpe and R v. Perrin. The conversation also touched on legal necessities for a home business in Washington, public nudity during events, and permits for pyrotechnics at festivals.

Full Conversation

curious about legal precedent of obscenity and adult entertainment in uk and Canada
Hi there! While I specialize in legal information for Washington, I can provide some general information about obscenity and adult entertainment laws in the UK and Canada:
**United Kingdom:**
- Governed by the Obscene Publications Act * and *****
- Material is deemed obscene if it tends to "deprave and corrupt" those likely to read, see, or hear it****
- The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) regulates adult content****
- Governed by Sections * and * of the Criminal Code****
- Material is considered obscene if it exploits sex in a "degrading or dehumanizing" manner****
- The Supreme Court of Canada case R v**** Butler (*) set significant precedent****
Is there a specific aspect you need more information on?
What is it for Washington
Sure! In Washington, obscenity and adult entertainment laws include:
- **Obscenity Laws**: Governed by RCW *****48A****
- Material is deemed obscene if it appeals to prurient interest, depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value****

- **Adult Entertainment Regulations**: Governed by RCW *****68A****
- Adult entertainment businesses must comply with zoning regulations and obtain appropriate licenses****
Is there a specific area you need more details on?
Thanks can you move to a new topic
Of course! How can I assist you with your new topic? Please provide some details about the legal issue or question you have****
can you explain censorship in Washington Of internet content
Certainly! In Washington, censorship of internet content is generally governed by federal laws rather than state-specific legislation**** However, here are some key points:
- **Federal Laws**: The Communications Decency Act (CDA) and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) regulate internet content****
- **State Laws**: Washington does not have specific state laws censoring internet content but adheres to federal regulations****
Is there a specific aspect of internet content censorship you need more details on?
Yes what are the federal regulations
Sure! Here are some key federal regulations governing internet content in the United States:
- **Communications Decency Act (CDA)**: Protects internet service providers from liability for user-generated content****
- **Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)**: Requires schools and libraries to filter internet content to receive federal funding****
- **Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)**: Addresses copyright infringement on digital platforms****
Is there a specific area of these regulations you need more details on?
Are there cases used in Canada and uk for persuasion?
Certainly! Here are some landmark cases from Canada and the UK that are often cited in legal arguments regarding obscenity and adult entertainment:
- **R v**** Butler (*)**: Established that material is obscene if it exploits sex in a "degrading or dehumanizing" manner****
- **Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v**** Canada (*)**: Addressed customs censorship of imported LGBTQ+ materials****
- **R v**** Penguin Books Ltd**** (*)**: Involved the publication of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and tested the boundaries of the Obscene Publications Act****
- **R v**** Calder & Boyars Ltd**** (*)**: Dealt with the publication of "Last Exit to Brooklyn" and further defined what constitutes obscenity under the law****
Do you need details on a specific case?
In regards to internet censorship though
Certainly! When it comes to internet censorship, landmark cases from Canada and the UK are often cited to shape legal arguments**** Here are a few examples:
- **R v**** Sharpe (*)**: Addressed the balance between freedom of expression and child pornography laws****
- **Crookes v**** Newton (*)**: Explored defamation in the context of hyperlinks on the internet****
- **R v**** Hicklin (*)**: Though an older case, it set early standards for obscenity that influence modern internet censorship debates****
- **Cartoon Network v**** CSC Media Group (*)**: Dealt with the broadcast of adult content and its accessibility to minors****
Would you like more details on any specific case?
R v hi Klein how does it influence internet censorship
Certainly! While "R v**** Hicklin" is an older case from *, it set a significant precedent regarding obscenity that still influences modern censorship debates, including internet censorship:
- **Key Points:**
- Established the "Hicklin Test" for obscenity: material is considered obscene if it tends to corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences****
- Influenced subsequent laws and cases regarding what constitutes obscene content****
Would you like more detailed information on how this case impacts current internet censorship laws?
Yes please
Certainly! Here's how "R v**** Hicklin" impacts current internet censorship laws:
- **Hicklin Test**: Material is obscene if it corrupts those open to immoral influences****
- **Influence**: Though outdated, it shaped modern tests for obscenity, affecting how internet content is evaluated****
- **Modern Use**: Courts often reference it when defining harmful online content****
Would you like specific examples of its application in internet censorship cases?
Certainly! Here are some examples of how the "Hicklin Test" has influenced internet censorship cases:
- **Canada:**
- **R v**** Sharpe (*)**: The principles from Hicklin were used to assess the obscenity of online materials involving child pornography****

- **UK:**
- **R v**** Perrin (*)**: Applied obscenity standards to internet content, referencing principles from the Hicklin Test****
Would you like more detailed information on any of these cases?
R v Perrin please
Certainly! Here are some key details about the case "R v**** Perrin (*)":
- **Facts**: Simon Perrin was prosecuted for publishing obscene articles on the internet****
- **Legal Issue**: Whether internet content could be classified as obscene under the UK's Obscene Publications Act *****
- **Ruling**: The court found Perrin guilty, applying the Hicklin Test to determine obscenity****
Would you like more details on the legal reasoning or implications of this case?
Certainly! Here are more details on the legal reasoning and implications of **R v**** Perrin (*)**:
- **Legal Reasoning**:
- Applied the **Hicklin Test** to assess whether the content would corrupt those likely to view it****
- Emphasized the relevance of obscenity standards to digital content****
- **Implications**:
- Set a precedent for applying traditional obscenity laws to internet content****
- Highlighted the need for clear guidelines on digital media regulation****
Would you like additional examples of similar cases or information on another aspect?
Certainly! Before proceeding, could you specify if there's a particular aspect of the **R v**** Perrin (*)** case or another similar case you are interested in? For example, are you looking for more details on legal precedents, the impact on digital media, or related cases in other jurisdictions? This will help me provide the most relevant information for you****
The legal precedents, and if they are binding
Certainly! Here are some key points about legal precedents and their binding nature in the context of internet censorship:
Legal Precedents:
- **R v**** Hicklin (*)**: Established the "Hicklin Test" for obscenity****
- **R v**** Perrin (*)**: Applied the Hicklin Test to internet content in the UK****
Binding Nature:
- **UK**: Precedents set by higher courts, such as the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, are binding on lower courts****
- **Canada**: Supreme Court decisions are binding on all lower courts****
Would you like more information on how these precedents specifically influence current internet censorship laws?
Yes how do they bind the lower courts
Certainly! Here’s how legal precedents bind lower courts:
- **UK**:
- Precedents set by higher courts (Court of Appeal, Supreme Court) must be followed by lower courts****
- Lower courts cannot overrule these precedents****
- **Canada**:
- Supreme Court decisions are binding on all lower courts****
- Lower courts must apply these precedents in similar cases****
Would you like more details on the impact of specific cases?
At what level are in
It seems like your question got cut off**** Could you please clarify what you're asking about the levels or provide more details about your query?
at what levels is buckling and Perrin, supreme courts or lower courts?
Sure! Here’s the answer to your query about the levels of the courts involved in the **R v**** Hicklin** and **R v**** Perrin** cases:
- **R v**** Hicklin (*)**: Decided by the Court of Queen's Bench, a senior court in the UK****
- **R v**** Perrin (*)**: Decided by the Court of Appeal, a higher court in the UK****
Would you like more details on these cases or similar cases in Washington?
Sure! Here are some key details about similar cases in Washington regarding internet censorship and obscenity:
- **United States v**** Thomas (*)**: Addressed the distribution of obscene materials via the internet****
- **Ashcroft v**** ACLU (*)**: Challenged the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) on First Amendment grounds****
Would you like more detailed information on any of these cases?
i actually want to change the topic to something unrelated
Of course! How can I assist you with your new topic?
What are the legal necessities of a home business in washinton
Certainly! For starting a home business in Washington, here are some legal necessities:
- **Business License**: Obtain a state business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue****
- **Zoning Regulations**: Ensure your home business complies with local zoning laws****
- **Taxes**: Register for state and federal taxes, including sales tax if applicable****
- **Health and Safety**: Adhere to health and safety regulations relevant to your business type****
Is there a specific area you need more details on?
That’s great, okay I have another topic unrelated
Of course! How can I assist you with your new topic?
What are the precedents for public nudity being permitted during events
Certainly! In Washington, public nudity is generally regulated by local ordinances and state laws**** Here are some key points:
- **State Law**: Under RCW 9A**********, indecent exposure is prohibited, but exceptions may apply for certain events****
- **Local Ordinances**: Some cities may have specific allowances for public nudity during permitted events, such as parades or festivals****
Is there a specific event or location you need more details on?
Is there specific rules about giving notice or distances that need to be blocked off?
To provide accurate information, could you please specify the type of event or activity you're referring to where notice or distance blocking might be necessary? For example, are you asking about public nudity events, parades, or another type of gathering?
yes it’s a parade and festival mixed together
Sure! For a parade and festival involving public nudity in Washington, consider these key points:
- **Notice Requirements**:
- Typically, you must notify local authorities and obtain a permit****
- Public notices may be required to inform residents and businesses****
- **Distance and Safety**:
- Barricades or designated areas might be required to ensure public safety and manage crowd control****
Would you like more details on how to obtain a permit or any specific regulations?
Yes how to obtain all necessary permts
Certainly! Here's how to obtain all necessary permits for a parade and festival involving public nudity in Washington:
- **Local Authorities**: Contact your city or county government to determine specific permit requirements****
- **Application**: Submit a special event permit application, including details of the event****
- **Public Notice**: Provide public notices as required by local regulations****
- **Safety Measures**: Include plans for barricades and crowd control in your application****
Would you like the contact details for a specific city or county office?
No thank you , the next topic is what permits are required for pyrotechnics at festivals
Sure! For pyrotechnics at festivals in Washington, here are the key permits required:
- **State Permit**: Obtain a pyrotechnic operator’s license from the Washington State Patrol, Fire Protection Bureau****
- **Local Permits**: Secure permits from the local fire department and city or county authorities****
- **Insurance**: Provide proof of liability insurance****
Would you like more details on any specific permit or regulation?