Revenge Porn Legal Steps


Revenge porn is illegal in Ontario. Report incidents to local law enforcement, collect evidence through witness statements and notes, and seek legal advice. Save any related messages.

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Peterborough, Ontario
Hi ****, thanks for providing your location. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing so I can provide more accurate information?
My ex girlfriend is showing naked pictures of me to other people
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. This could potentially be a case of "revenge porn," which is illegal in Ontario. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Contact Local Law Enforcement:** Report the incident to the police.
- **Protect Your Privacy:** Collect evidence and avoid engaging with the individual.
- **Seek Legal Advice:** A lawyer can guide you further.
Would you like information on the nearest police station or legal resources?
How would I collect evidence if she is showing them in person
Hi ****, collecting evidence in person can be challenging but here are some steps you can take:
- **Document Witnesses:** Ask any witnesses to write a statement describing what they saw.
- **Take Notes:** Record dates, times, and locations where the incidents occurred.
- **Secure Messages:** Save any messages or communications related to the sharing of photos.
Would you like information on the nearest police station or legal resources?