Probation Violation Court Records


Judici.Com typically shows case status, history, scheduled court events, and court orders. However, it may not always display if a states attorney plans to argue for a probation violation. For specific details, contact Hancock County Circuit Court directly. Signing a notice to appear acknowledges receipt and court date awareness, while not signing does not negate the obligation to appear. Recanting a false statement involves writing a formal statement, explaining the duress, and submitting it to the police and prosecutors office. Consulting an attorney is advisable.

Full Conversation

Thank you for providing the details.
In Illinois, whether a state's attorney plans to argue for a probation violation might not always be visible on Typically, shows:
- Case status and history.
- Scheduled court events.
- Court orders and filings.
For specific details, it is best to contact the courthouse directly.

Hancock County Circuit Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Main St, Carthage, IL *
Is the information available anywhere online?
Yes, the information can be found online on However, details like whether the state's attorney plans to argue for a probation violation may not always be listed. For specific inquiries, contacting the courthouse directly is advisable.

Hancock County Circuit Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Main St, Carthage, IL *
Why is there an option to sign or refuse to sign a notice to appear form?
In Illinois, the option to sign or refuse to sign a notice to appear form is provided to ensure:
- Acknowledgment: Signing indicates the individual acknowledges receipt of the notice and understands the court date.
- Rights: Refusing to sign does not negate the obligation to appear but preserves the individual's right to not self-incriminate or admit to any allegations.
Would you like more information on this topic?
So signing a notice to appear is giving up your right to not self incriminate or admit to allegations?
No, signing a notice to appear is not an admission of guilt or self-incrimination. It simply acknowledges receipt of the notice and the obligation to appear in court. You retain all your legal rights, including the right to not self-incriminate.
Is there anything else you need clarification on?
So not signing this form does what?
Not signing a notice to appear form in Illinois does not negate your obligation to appear in court. It simply means you haven't acknowledged receipt of the notice. However, you are still legally required to attend the court date specified. Ignoring the notice can result in additional legal consequences.
Is there anything else you would like to know?
So if there is no difference in your rights why is there an option to sign or not to sign? How can doing either of these help or hurt you?
Signing or not signing a notice to appear form in Illinois has specific implications:
- **Signing:**
- Acknowledges receipt of the notice.
- Confirms you are aware of the court date.

- **Not Signing:**
- You still must appear in court.
- No acknowledgment of receipt.
Would you like more information on the potential consequences of missing a court date?
I lied to police about a domestic dispute happening. They recieved a fraudulent report of a domestic disturbance came to our home and asked if my partner was inside and they needed her to come out. They wouldn’t tell me why. I was working on our garage door when they arrived and my gf was inside reading she hadn’t been awake long. When she came out they said Steve brown who is my cousin who lives a few towns away that I have not seen in a few months had reported a domestic disturbance. My partner and I had no domestic dispute and assured them of that but they would not accept our answer and refused to allow me to get my phone to make a call to my cousin proving he hadn’t called and that the call was fraudulent. We still kept telling them nothing had happened. They then read my gf her right before separating us and questioning her…my rights were not read to me. They kept saying one or both parties go to jail on any domestic disturbance call. They said tammy was going to jail and so would I if I did not tell them something. So I made up a story about a small spat over bills. That was a lie I made up to prevent going to jail. I would like to recant this statement and explain why I did this and why I want to recant because my
Thank you for sharing your situation. To provide you with the most accurate information, could you please let me know which state you are located in? This will help me better understand the relevant laws and procedures.
partner went to jail because of my lie. I believe the police were wrong in how they handled this beings they had no witness to any of this and nothing like that was happening on their arrival. I would like guidance on how to write something recanting my statement can u tell me exactly what to write?
Thank you for sharing your situation. To provide the most accurate guidance, could you please let me know which state you are located in? This will help me better understand the relevant laws and procedures.
In illinois
Thank you for sharing the details of your situation. Here are some general steps you can take to recant your statement:
*. **Write a Formal Statement**:
- Clearly state that you wish to recant your previous statement.
- Explain why the original statement was made under duress or false pretenses.
- Provide any supporting evidence or details.
*. **Submit the Statement**:
- Submit the recantation to the police department involved and the prosecutor's office.
*. **Seek Legal Advice**:
- Consider consulting an attorney for personalized legal advice.
Would you like specific wording for your recantation statement?
~Illinois State Bar Association
Phone: (*) *-*
Can u show me
Certainly! Here’s a template you can use for your recantation statement:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Police Department/Prosecutor's Office Name]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
**Subject: Recantation of Previous Statement**
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing to formally recant the statement I made to [Police Department] on [date of original statement] regarding a domestic dispute involving my partner, [Partner's Name].
I wish to clarify that my original statement was made under duress and was not truthful. At the time, I felt pressured to provide information that was not accurate due to the fear of facing legal consequences. In reality, there was no domestic disturbance, and my partner and I did not engage in any altercation as I had previously described.
I deeply regret the misinformation provided and the consequences it has caused. I am prepared to cooperate fully with any investigations or legal proceedings to correct this matter.
Thank you for your understanding.
[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
Please note: It is important to consult with an attorney to ensure this statement aligns
Can u add in this the coercion and pressure the police used by threatening me w jail saying “someone one or both of u are going to jail” even tho we repeatedly told them we was fine and they would give us no opportunity to prove that who ever called was using a fraudulent name or to prove that my cousin did not make this call? Its like they didn’t care they just wanted an arrest
Certainly! Here’s an updated version of the recantation statement including the details about police coercion and pressure:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Police Department/Prosecutor's Office Name]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
**Subject: Recantation of Previous Statement**
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing to formally recant the statement I made to [Police Department] on [date of original statement] regarding a domestic dispute involving my partner, [Partner's Name].
I wish to clarify that my original statement was made under duress and was not truthful. At the time, the police repeatedly threatened that "someone, one or both of you, are going to jail" despite our assurances that no domestic disturbance had occurred. We were not given an opportunity to prove that the call was fraudulent or that my cousin did not make the call. Feeling coerced and pressured, I fabricated a story about a small spat over bills to avoid jail.
In reality, there was no domestic disturbance, and my partner and I did not engage in any altercation as I had previously described.
I deeply regret the misinformation provided and the consequences it has caused.
What do u mean “aligns”
Certainly! By "aligns," I mean that your recantation statement should be consistent with the legal standards and procedures applicable in your jurisdiction. Consulting with an attorney ensures your statement is legally sound and appropriate.
Would you like me to help refine the statement further?
Certainly! Here’s the refined version of your recantation statement:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Police Department/Prosecutor's Office Name]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
**Subject: Recantation of Previous Statement**
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing to formally recant the statement I made to [Police Department] on [date of original statement] regarding a domestic dispute involving my partner, [Partner's Name].
I wish to clarify that my original statement was made under duress and was not truthful. At the time, the police repeatedly threatened that "someone, one or both of you, are going to jail" despite our assurances that no domestic disturbance had occurred. We were not given an opportunity to prove that the call was fraudulent or that my cousin did not make the call. Feeling coerced and pressured, I fabricated a story about a small spat over bills to avoid jail.
In reality, there was no domestic disturbance, and my partner and I did not engage in any altercation as I had previously described.
I deeply regret the misinformation provided and the consequences it has caused. I am prepared to cooperate fully with any investigations