Felon Firearm Possession Laws


In Illinois, felons are generally prohibited from possessing firearms, including temporary possession. This includes holding a firearm for a photo or attempting to sell it. Posting such photos on social media could be used as evidence against you. The statute of limitations for felon in possession of a firearm in Illinois is typically three years. If a crime is committed online across state lines, it may fall under federal jurisdiction, potentially involving the FBI. Always consult a local attorney for precise legal advice.

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sorry, was typing lyrics to a song there
No problem, Abra-Abracadabra! I'm here to help with your legal concerns. What can I assist you with today?
oh my name isnt abra-abracadabra. Thats just the lyrics to a song that was stuck in my head and I typed it
No problem at all! Let's start fresh. Can you please tell me your name and the legal issue you need assistance with?
Hello Yestir, pleased to meet you. Could you please specify the legal issue you need assistance with?
yeah well Im in a little bit of a bind I guess
I'm here to help, Yestir. Can you please elaborate on the situation you're facing so I can provide the most relevant legal information?
If im a felon in illinois. can I be around any firearms?
In Illinois, as a convicted felon, you're generally prohibited from possessing firearms. This includes being around them in a way that could be considered possession. However, laws can vary, and certain circumstances could affect this. Always consult with a local attorney.
See I was going through my girlfriends mothers house and I found a bunch of guns in a safe. So, I took them out and held them while she took a picture of me with them. I was holding them to sell
In Georgia, it's generally illegal for a felon to possess firearms, even temporarily. It's crucial to consult with a local attorney to understand the specifics of your situation. Any evidence, like photos, could potentially be used against you in a court of law.
what about in illinois?
In Illinois, it is typically illegal for a felon to possess firearms. This includes temporary possession, like holding a gun for a photo. It's important to consult with a local attorney about your specific situation.
yeah i held a .* rifle while she took the photo. Then I took photo's of * AR rifles and ammo. I was just gonna post them on facebook to try and sell
In both Georgia and Illinois, it's generally illegal for a felon to possess or be around firearms. This includes temporary possession. Posting photos with firearms on social media could potentially be used against you in a court of law. Please consult with a local attorney.
ok would this be considered possession of a firearm by felon?
Yes, this could potentially be regarded as possession of a firearm by a felon. The law generally considers any instance where a felon has direct or indirect control over a firearm as possession. Please consult with a local attorney for advice tailored to your situation.
ok one more question
Of course! Feel free to ask your question. I'm here to provide you with legal information to the best of my abilities.
this photo was taken 4 months ago but was just found out by police this week, can I still be arrested?
Yes, it's possible. The statute of limitations for felon in possession of a firearm is typically longer than 4 months. The photo could be considered as potential evidence. Please consult with a local attorney immediately.
what is the statute of limitations
In Georgia, the statute of limitations for felony charges, including felon in possession of a firearm, is generally four years. However, this can vary depending on specific circumstances. Please consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
In Illinois, the statute of limitations for felon in possession of a firearm is typically three years. However, certain circumstances might alter this. It's highly recommended you consult a local attorney for precise advice.
ok, looks like I'm going to jail for it becauase it was only 4 months ago
I understand this is a stressful situation. I strongly recommend you seek legal counsel immediately. They can provide advice tailored to your situation and guide you through the legal process.
ok thanks
You're welcome, Yestir. Please, consult a local attorney as soon as possible for the best course of action. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Good luck!
Hello Yestir, I'm glad you found the information helpful. Remember, a local attorney can provide the best advice and representation in your situation. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Good luck!
You're welcome, Yestir! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions. Please, consult with a local attorney as soon as possible. Best of luck with your situation!
if a crime is committed online and the victim is states away, whose jurdidiction is it?
In cases of online crimes, jurisdiction can be complex. Generally, it may fall under:
*. The jurisdiction where the victim resides.
*. The jurisdiction where the crime was committed.
*. Federal jurisdiction if it involves crossing state lines.
Please consult with a local attorney for specific advice.
ok so like if the suspect was in Florida and targeted victim was in California, who takes the case?
In cases where the suspect is in one state and the victim in another, the case may fall under the jurisdiction of either state or federal jurisdiction. It often depends on the nature of the crime and the specific circumstances. Consult a local attorney for precise advice.
who would be the federal jurisdiction?
Federal jurisdiction typically refers to cases handled by federal courts, which are courts of the United States government. These can handle cases involving federal laws, interstate crimes, or crimes that occur on federal property. Federal jurisdiction can be applicable when a crime crosses state lines.
would it be the FBI
Yes, the FBI is one of the federal agencies that could potentially be involved in investigating interstate crimes. However, it's important to note that not all cases fall under federal jurisdiction. Consult with a legal professional for specific advice.
ok how would you contact the FBI to see if they would take a case>
You can contact the FBI via their official website, or by calling your local FBI field office. However, it's typically advised to report the matter to your local police department first, who can then liaise with the FBI if necessary.
ok thanks
You're welcome, Yestir! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Remember, it's crucial to consult a local attorney for advice specific to your situation. Good luck!