Stolen Ipad Legal Steps


If your iPad is stolen in New York, report the theft to the police and provide evidence like witnesses or surveillance footage. Theft laws in New York are covered under Penal Law Article 155, with penalties varying based on the value of the stolen property. For items exceeding $1,000, it is considered grand larceny, a felony. You can also sue the thief in civil court for damages. Collect all evidence and consult with a lawyer for the best course of action.

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Someone stole my I pad while I was drinking it didn't have a lock on it how can I go about it if I know who stole the I pad
Hello Briana, I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
*. You can report the theft to your local police station.
*. Provide any evidence you might have, like witnesses or surveillance footage.
*. Depending on your location, there may be specific laws regarding theft.
Could you please tell me where you are located so I can provide more precise information?
New York State
Hello Briana, in New York State:
- Theft is covered under Penal Law Article *.
- Penalties vary based on the value of the stolen goods.
- For stolen property exceeding $*,*, it's considered grand larceny, a felony.
- With evidence, you may proceed with a civil suit for damages.
Can I sue the person who stole it
Yes, Briana. In New York, you can sue the thief in a civil court for damages. This is separate from any criminal charges they may face. Collect all evidence and consult with a lawyer for the best course of action.