Found Crime Scene Evidence
Discovering evidence at a crime scene can have legal implications. In Indiana, tampering with evidence is a criminal offense. Always report found evidence to local law enforcement. There are no specific laws about monetary rewards for found evidence. Contact the Gary Police Department at (219) 881-7300 for further assistance.Full Conversation
I discovered evidence from multiple crime scenes in an abandoned building and would like to know if this is illegal and what could come from it.
Hello Alison,
Firstly, it's important that you don't disturb the evidence. Which country are you currently in? This will help provide accurate legal guidance.
Could I get money from this
Hello Alison,
*. Tampering with evidence can be illegal.
*. It's important to report found evidence to local law enforcement.
*. Monetary reward depends on specific laws in your location. Could you please let me know where you're located?
Gary indiana
Hello Alison,
In Indiana:
*. Tampering with evidence is a criminal offense.
*. Always report found evidence to local law enforcement.
*. No specific laws about monetary rewards for found evidence.
Contact Gary Police Department at (*) *-*.