Da Charges From School Report


A District Attorney in California can file charges based on a police report from a school. An arrest is not always necessary for charges to be filed. Admissions of guilt can be used as evidence, leading to charges even without an arrest. Consulting a local attorney is advisable for personalized legal advice.

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Thank you for providing your location. In California:
- The District Attorney reviews the evidence.
- If it's enough, they'll file charges.
- This applies whether the report comes from a school or elsewhere.
For more details, you may want to consult a local attorney.
Does an arrest have to be made
In California, an arrest does not necessarily have to be made for charges to be filed. The District Attorney can file charges based on evidence from the police report. However, an arrest often happens if there's probable cause.
If I admit to the crime and an arrest doesn't happen can I still be charged
Yes, in California, even if an arrest doesn't happen, you can still be charged if you admit to the crime. The admission can be used as evidence against you. It's advisable to seek legal counsel.