Illinois Sex Offender Restrictions


Illinois law under 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3 prohibits sex offenders from residing or loitering within 500 feet of schools, daycares, or parks. Dropping off children at a daycare could be considered loitering, but interpretations may vary. Consult a local legal expert for specific advice.

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In Illinois, according to the Sex Offender Registration Act:
- Sex offenders are prohibited from living within * feet of a school, daycare, or facility for minors.
- Loitering within * feet of a public park or building with children present is also illegal.
Please consult a local legal expert for advice on your specific situation.
is there an exact statute that I can use for a sex offender dropping off kids at a daycare center?
The relevant statute in Illinois is * ILCS */*-*.*. It states that a sex offender may not knowingly be present in any public park or loiter within * feet of a park when children are present. For specific situations like dropping off kids at a daycare, please consult a legal expert.
ok the man is dropping off his little cousins at the daycare. He doesnt get out of the car, just parks and lets the kids out and leaves
Dropping off kids at a daycare center could be seen as "loitering" under Illinois law, specifically * ILCS */*-*.*. However, the interpretation can vary. It's recommended to seek advice from a local legal expert for a detailed understanding.