House Arrest In Pennsylvania


House arrest in Pennsylvania is considered a form of punishment rather than a restorative sanction. Prior record scores for DUIs are determined by the number and severity of prior convictions. Even a first DUI counts towards your prior record score, and summary offenses may also influence your score depending on their nature.

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Is house arrest a type of restorative sanction in pa
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania, house arrest, also known as home confinement, is considered a form of punishment rather than a restorative sanction. However, it can have some restorative effects such as allowing the offender to maintain employment and family relationships.
How are prior record scores determined agent there are only * duis on my record
In Pennsylvania, the prior record score is based on the number of prior convictions. Each DUI will count towards your record. However, the score also takes into account the severity of the crime.
Does the first DUI count if the only thing other thing on my record is summary offenses?
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania, even your first DUI counts towards your prior record score. Summary offenses may also influence your score depending on their nature.