Filing Missing Person Report
Anyone can file a missing person report in Kansas, regardless of their relationship to the person. You need to provide the persons name, description, and last known location to local law enforcement. If you suspect a cover-up in a murder case, you can request a formal investigation by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and contact a lawyer to help subpoena the police department for the autopsy report. Providing any evidence you have is crucial.Full Conversation
Is it legal for someone who is not blood related to a person to file a missing person report on said person?
Hello ****, yes, it's generally legal for anyone who has a legitimate concern for the person's welfare to file a missing person report, even if they're not related by blood. However, laws may vary depending on your location. Can you provide your location for more specific guidance?
In Kansas:
- Anyone can file a missing person report, regardless of their relationship to the person.
- You must provide the person's name, description, and last known location.
- Contact your local law enforcement agency to file the report.
What if I know someone was murdered and I feel like my entire police department is covering it up? As I’ve been asked to subpoena the police department for my mother’s autopsy report?
In Kansas:
- You can request a formal investigation by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
- You can also contact a lawyer to help subpoena the police department for the autopsy report.
- Remember, it's crucial to provide any evidence you have.