Plea Agreement Misunderstanding Resolution


Your boyfriends situation involves potential legal malpractice and a misunderstanding of the plea agreement. In Kentucky, proving ineffective assistance of counsel requires demonstrating that the attorneys performance was deficient and that this deficiency resulted in prejudice. Additionally, it must be shown that, but for the attorneys errors, the outcome would have been different. Consulting with a legal aid organization or a new attorney is advisable for personalized advice.

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My boyfriend was xharged with drug charges and had a paid lawyer who liee to him about what he was signing on his plea agreement. He thought it was taking 10 years at * percent with pfo * being dropped. After he got shipped to prison he found out he signed for * flat with pfo inhancement. His lawyer put him back on the docket to get the agreement changed. When they went to court his lawyer acted like my boyfriend was needing his agreement explained to him. Then told my boyfriend to call after court. His lawyer then apologized to him saying he was sorry, he did mis inform him of the agreement and that he should get ahold of legalaid and explain what happened and would sign an affidavit stating so. Whats the chances on a different outcome with the plea agreement.
Hi ****, your boyfriend's situation is complex. It involves potential legal malpractice and a plea agreement misunderstanding. For a more accurate response, could you please share in which jurisdiction (state/country) this happened?
Wayne county, kentucky
It seems your boyfriend may have a case for ineffective assistance of counsel. However, such cases can be challenging in Kentucky. Here's what you need to know:
- The defendant must prove that the attorney's performance was deficient, and this deficiency resulted in prejudice.
- The defendant must also show that there's a reasonable probability that, but for counsel's unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.
You should consult with a legal aid organization or a new attorney for advice.
Okay. Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your boyfriend's case.