Miranda Rights Violation Concerns


Miranda Rights must be read before questioning if youre in custody. If not, statements may be challenged. Texas law enforcement needs a warrant, probable cause, or consent for arrest. Consult a local attorney for advice.

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At the station but not before
In Texas, law enforcement is typically required to read the Miranda Rights before questioning if you're in custody. If they didn't and used your statements as evidence, you could potentially challenge this. You should consult with a local attorney for advice.
Ok thanks
You're welcome, Taj Lee. If you need more guidance or have other legal questions in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your situation.
Upon arrest when my door was kicked in by task force, before this, doesnt some type of contact need to be established if this wasn't a violent matter
In Texas, law enforcement typically doesn't have to establish contact before an arrest, even if it's non-violent. They need a warrant, probable cause, or your consent. However, the force used should be reasonable. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.