Kentucky Dui Legal Codes


The conversation explains the meaning of the Kentucky legal code OPER MV U/INFL ALC/SUBS (189A.010(1E) - 1ST, which stands for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or substances, first offense. Penalties can be harsher if both alcohol and substances are found in the system. Refusing a breath, blood, or urine test can lead to immediate license suspension under the implied consent law. Law enforcement may obtain a warrant to draw blood if a breathalyzer is refused. Refusing the blood test can result in severe penalties. Consult a lawyer for personalized advice.

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I saw this code on the court docket. What does it mean? OPER MV U/INFL ALC/SUBS (189A.*(1E) - 1ST
Hello Lauren,
"OPER MV U/INFL ALC/SUBS (189A.*(1E) - 1ST" is a Kentucky legal code. It stands for:
- Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol/Substance
- Under Section 189A.*(1E) of Kentucky Law
- It's the first offense.
Please consult a lawyer for more details.
Are the penalties harsher if their is substances in blood as well as alcohol?
Yes, in Kentucky, the penalties can be more severe if both alcohol and substances are found in the system. This can lead to increased fines, longer jail sentences, and lengthier license suspensions. Consult a lawyer for more specific advice.
Would if they refused the test?
In Kentucky, refusing to take a breath, blood, or urine test can lead to immediate license suspension under the "implied consent" law. Penalties may include:
- *-120 days license suspension for a first offense
- *-18 months suspension for subsequent refusal
Please talk to a lawyer for personalized advice.
can they draw blood at the station if they refuse the breathlyzer
In Kentucky, if you refuse a breathalyzer, law enforcement may obtain a warrant to draw blood. This is subject to certain conditions and requires a judge's approval. Consult a lawyer to understand your rights and obligations.
Can you refuse the blood test at the station
In Kentucky, you can technically refuse, but it could lead to severe penalties such as license suspension, fines, or even jail time under the "implied consent" law. Please consult a lawyer for advice tailored to your situation.
ok thank you
You're welcome, Lauren! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Remember to consult with a lawyer for advice tailored to your specific situation.