Motion Hearing Denied Consequences
If a defendant in Minnesota files a motion for a hearing and it is not granted, the court may have denied the motion, there could be scheduling delays, or the motion might not have been properly filed or served. For a motion to suppress evidence, similar issues apply. In cases involving 3rd degree sexual assault, demands for preservation and disclosure of evidence must be filed correctly to avoid delays or denials. Specific relief sought should be clearly detailed in the motion.Full Conversation
motion to supress evidence
In Minnesota, if a motion to suppress evidence is not granted a hearing:
- The court may have denied the motion.
- There may be a scheduling delay.
- The motion may not have been properly submitted or served.
What kind of evidence are you trying to suppress?
3rd degree sex assault mn demand for preservation and disclosure of evidence and motion for suppression and other relief
In Minnesota, regarding your 3rd degree sexual assault case:
- If you want to preserve and disclose evidence, you must file a motion for that purpose.
- The motion to suppress evidence may be denied or delayed if not filed correctly.
- For other relief, you need to specify what relief you're seeking.
Can you provide more details on the relief you're seeking?
demand preservation and disclosure of evidence abd notion of surpresssion mn
In Minnesota, for your case:
- A demand for preservation and disclosure of evidence needs to be filed in a motion.
- A motion for suppression needs to be filed correctly or it might be denied or delayed.
- For other relief, more details are needed.
What specific relief are you seeking?