Ssa False Statement Charges

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Hello ****, it seems there might have been a miscommunication. Could you please elaborate on the specific legal issue you need help with?
i can
Hello ****, it seems there's a bit of confusion. Could you please clarify what legal assistance you need?
The issue at hand is SSA charging an individual with a false statement when SSA recipient was already collecting benefits
Hello ****, it seems you're dealing with a situation involving Social Security Administration (SSA). Could you please provide more details about the false statement that you're being accused of? This would help me provide more specific information regarding your situation.
Yes, I was accused and convicted of making a false statement in May * to SSA reguarding my long-time boyfriend Michael, who's already recieveing benefits since June2016. who has medical documentation to show he's permanently disabled. In May of * during Michael's SSA appointment I made the statement to ssa saying he's permanently disabled. I see and interact with almost him daily he is indeed disabled. Some days being better than others. Most days he can not get out of bed. Doctors say and documented he's reached max level of medical improvement. Doctors stoped writing him pain medication to which was one of the only was he was able to function without an assisted walking device that alone required many years to overcome . SSA has already subjected Michael to one overpayment of $*,* June of * that was paid in full. During that SSA Appointment Michael and I both were unaware and not given consent of law enforcement eavesdropping in on his appointment2020 his benefits stoped and SSA claimed there was another overpayment now saying overpayment was $*,*. In June of * special agents unannounced show up at Michael's home to interriogate him. Moving forward May of * Him and are both charged. My statement was not material to any descion for benefits being issued. He was already recieveing benefits. 5 months after the May * SSA appoinment in November and December Michael was sent a letters being denied anymore benefits . Benefits came to a complete stop Febuary *.
Hello ****, thanks for sharing your situation. It sounds like you're dealing with a complex case involving SSA benefits and allegations of false statements. Here are some general points regarding these issues in Ohio:
- False statements to SSA can be considered fraud.
- Overpayment issues can lead to benefit denial.
- SSA can appoint special agents to investigate.
You should consult an attorney for specific advice. Would you like help finding a local attorney?
There is really nothing complex medical documentation verify he is disabled also how is my ststement material ?
Hello ****, the materiality of a statement in legal terms refers to its significance or relevance to the issue at hand. If your statement influenced SSA's decision on benefits, it could be deemed material. If you believe you didn't make any false statement, you should seek legal representation.
he was recieving bebefits already prior to any statements made
Hello ****, even if benefits were already being received, any false statements made to the SSA can lead to legal issues. If you truly believe that no false statement was made, I strongly recommend consulting with an attorney to help resolve this matter.
Are special agents allowed to evasdrop on SSA client appionments without their consent or knowlledge in ohio?
Hello ****, in general:
- Wiretapping or eavesdropping without consent is typically illegal.
- However, exceptions may apply if law enforcement has a valid warrant.
Please consult with an attorney for advice specific to your situation.
Is surveillance admissible from * to now?
Hello ****, admissibility of surveillance evidence can depend on various factors like:
- How the evidence was obtained
- If it infringes on reasonable expectations of privacy
- If it's relevant to the case
Given your situation, it's recommended to consult an attorney for specifics.
connect me to the best criminal lawyer i may speak to free in ohio
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have the ability to connect you directly with a lawyer. However, I can suggest you to visit the Ohio State Bar Association's website where you can find a directory of lawyers in your area. You can also contact Legal Aid in Ohio for free or reduced-cost legal services.
cite recent supreme court rullings in favor of aquittal for wire fraud being to vauge and unfair criminaliuzation in ohio
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I can't provide specific court rulings. However, vague or overly broad wire fraud charges can potentially be challenged. It's crucial to consult with an attorney who can provide personalized advice based on your situation.
What is the proper procedure for federal fraud investigation in ohio?
Here are some general steps for a federal fraud investigation in Ohio:
- Initial Review: The process begins with a complaint or discovery of suspicious activity.
- Investigation: Federal agencies, such as the FBI or IRS, conduct investigations.
- Charges filed: If sufficient evidence is found, the U.S. Attorney's Office files charges.
- Court proceedings: The accused has the right to a trial by jury.
Please consult a lawyer for specifics.
Ohio's Federal procedure fraud investigations to barred time to file claim?
In Ohio, the statute of limitations for federal fraud cases is typically 5 years from the date the fraud was discovered. However, complexities may extend this period. Always consult an attorney for personalized advice.
complexities that may extend past time?
Hello ****, some complexities that may extend the statute of limitations include:
- Discovery Rule: The clock starts when the fraud is discovered.
- Fraudulent Concealment: If the defendant actively hid the fraud.
- Continuing Violations: Ongoing fraudulent actions.
Consult an attorney for details.
ongoing fraudlent actions specified?
Hello ****, ongoing fraudulent actions refer to continuing fraudulent behavior over a period of time, rather than a single isolated incident. Each individual fraudulent act could potentially reset the statute of limitations. It's important to consult with an attorney for specifics.