Facing Multiple Dws Charges

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i am facing * dws in nj
Hello Eulalio Perez,
In New Jersey, driving while suspended (DWS) can have harsh consequences.
- First offense: fine of $*
- Second offense: fine of $*, and possible jail time
- Third offense: fine of $*,*, and mandatory jail time
Could you clarify if these are your first offenses?
i only have * convinction but facing * more
Hello Eulalio Perez,
Since this would be your second and third offense, you could face:
- For the second offense: A fine of $* and potential jail time.
- For the third offense: A fine of $*,* and mandatory jail time.
Please consult a legal professional in your area for personalized advice.
My motion for discovery was denied * times and my discovery was sent without my knowlege
Hello Eulalio Perez,
It seems you're having issues with the discovery process. In NJ, you have the right to discovery in criminal cases. However, there are exceptions. Could you provide more details about why your motion was denied?
I put in * motions for discovery or dismal and all * were denied then the prosecution sent my discovry 7 months later
Hello Eulalio Perez,
In New Jersey, discovery must be provided within 14 days of arraignment. If it's not provided within 30 days, you can request dismissal. However, this is discretionary and your motion may be denied if the court believes the prosecution has a valid reason for the delay.
I have proof of a withhold of information on courts behalf proving this fact
Hello Eulalio Perez,
This is a serious accusation. If you believe there has been a violation, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the Judicial Conduct Board of New Jersey or consulting with a lawyer.
And i had a public defender who put in a plea agreement without my knowledge while representing me without showing discovry
Hello Eulalio Perez,
That sounds concerning. You should have been informed about any plea agreements. In New Jersey, you can file a complaint against your public defender with the Office of Attorney Ethics if you believe they acted improperly.
He then put in a motion to review discovry futher while still not showing my discovry
Hello Eulalio Perez,
This seems like an issue of legal malpractice. In addition to filing a complaint with the Office of Attorney Ethics, you might also consider consulting a legal malpractice attorney. They can advise you on further steps.