Failure To Register Clarification


Kansas law requires drug offenders to register annually during their birth month. Registering any time in April is compliant. Failure to register by April 30th is a violation starting May 1st. Continuous violation for 30 days can lead to additional charges. Consult your attorney for specific advice.

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have , I have a public defender. But I don't trust public defenders so I seek info and opinions from outside sources because my opinion of things could be one sided and keep seeing in favor of myself and I want other inputs to help me think outside the box
Hello Vanessa, I understand your concerns. Could you please provide more details about the legal issue you are facing? Also, could you let me know your location so I can provide information relevant to your region?
When it comes to failure to register as a drug offender, or registering late. I know people say Kansas offender registration violation of failure to register you can get chargedthe 1st day adter your bday monyh , how can i convirncr thr court thst its ambigious and hoe i srr it id correct? Which way is correct? Using my situation and bday month.April is the month I'm assigned to register. I'm still In compliance / not late or in violation all of April? Because that is my assigned time to register, rather I go the 1st or the 30th. i don't violate until May 1st.Right?? So when the act says "a violation is failure to comply with any provision of the act" ,. My violation is I failed to register my bday month. I failed to register by April 30th. It also says, " Any violation ( fail to register by April 30th)that continues for more then 30 days.". To me that means : failing to register by April 30th makes me violate the act.because that's the last day of my assigned time to register. And when I violate and continue to violate it for 30 days .. It says when your violation continues for 30 days. Wouldn't that means the 30 days doesn't start until you violate the act? I don't see how it could be talking about April unless the month I register I automatically start off non compliant and in violation.But that wouldn't make sense because your non compliant when you don't go your bday month.I don't understand how anyone can say that April 1st is the day the 30 days start. What if my month to register was Feb. Or July? That would mean in Feb. i could register March 2nd because it's 30 days, but there would be a conflict because it's not my bday month. And if it's July and I register the 31st. Because it's still my bday month, although it's past 30 days.i think it means register your bday month. And if you don't you become non compliant and in violation for failure to register, and once you violate and continue not to register on the 31st day of being in violation they can charge you.And that's why I'm not guilty.Im not guilty because I registered according to the offender registration act..Unless there is more rules on it somewhere else that I failed to read, it seems like people add things to it to make it fit what everyone thinks it means, like the 30th days starting on the 1st of the month.Why would it start then? When you have till the 30th to do it, rather you go the 30th, 15th or the 1st. I get everyone says that it starts the 1st and by May 1st you didn't register then it counts you bday month as the 30 days. (unless it's a month with 31 days I guess). But the act doesn't say anything like that. It says you have to continue to violate for 30 days. And regardless of how I try and look at it, to me its impossible for me to violate it in the month of April. Especially if I just look at the words of the act and nothing else. And to continue to do something means you already started doing it.Since I can only violate it by not register by April 30th then the 30 days can't start till May 1st.. What state are you in?
Hello Vanessa, thank you for sharing your concerns. To provide you with the most accurate information, could you please confirm your location? Are you in Kansas?
Topeka ks
Hello Vanessa,
Based on your situation in Topeka, Kansas, here's what you need to know:
- Kansas law requires drug offenders to register annually during the entire month of their birth.
- Registering any time during your birth month is considered compliance.
- Failure to register by the end of your birth month is a violation.
- Continuous violation for more than 30 days can lead to additional charges.
Always consult with your attorney for your specific case.
If your birthday month is April, and you register May 3nd can they charge you with a new charge?
Hello Vanessa,
Based on Kansas law:
- If your birth month is April, you are required to register within that month.
- Registering on May 3rd is considered a violation as it's past your birth month.
- This could potentially lead to additional charges.
Please consult with your attorney for personal advice.
But does it say once your in violation for 40 days, your not in violation till May 1st .. is this ambiguous.
Hello Vanessa,
In Kansas, if your birth month is April and you fail to register by April *, you're in violation from May *. If this continues for 40 days, you're in violation for that period. The law isn't ambiguous, but you can seek legal advice for your specific case.
Done people see it as you can be charged may 1st I see it as you would get charged may 31sty
Hello Vanessa,
Based on Kansas law:
- If you fail to register by April 30th, you're in violation starting May 1st.
- If you remain unregistered for 30 days, you could be charged on May 31st.
Please consult your attorney for personalized advice.